Try as he might, Tony Abbott was unable to look pleased yesterday when Australia awoke to the news it had secured a seat on the United Nations Security Council for the next two years.

”It was an expensive win and I think it probably owes as much to Kevin Rudd as to Julia Gillard but, nevertheless, a win’s a win,” the Opposition Leader begrudgingly told breakfast television.

Oppositions will always deny it but they welcome bad news and the Coalition was hoping Australia was going to lose to Luxembourg and Finland.

From the day in early 2008 when then prime minister Kevin Rudd announced the Security Council bid, the Coalition opposed it. Abbott went to the last election promising to scrap the bid and save the money.

In a speech to the Lowy Institute on April 23, 2010, Abbott recalled why the Howard government cabinet rejected a suggestion by then minister for foreign affairs Alexander Downer, in 2004, to mount a bid.

”The massive diplomatic effort required would have diverted attention away from core foreign policy interests to more peripheral areas in order to secure votes,” Mr Abbott said.

Like it or not, Australia is on the council for 2013 and 2014 and, despite the warnings, our foreign policy architecture remains intact.

If Mr Abbott wins the next election, most of the Security Council tenure will be under his leadership.

The opposition looks churlish and, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard said, should show some generosity of spirit.

As Mr Downer said: ”It’s good for Australia to be there. I’m glad we won it.”