‘Zionists aid S. Sudan against Khartoum’

Press TV has conducted an interview with Abdullahi Al Azreg, Ambassador of Sudan, to further discuss the issue.

The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Welcome back to the show. Let’s begin with what we were talking about last time, in a sense: the independence of a new country, South Sudan. Looking on it from three months on, what sort of success has it been?

Al Azreg: Thank you. Before the secession of South Sudan, some experts were talking about the failed state. Unfortunately, their predictions came true.

What is happening now in Southern Sudan is only metaphorically a state because the chaos and lawlessness is everywhere – a leadership of a country embezzling 17 million dollars in six years time. Out of this money, nothing has been done for the public or for the people.

The money went mainly to the leadership, the leaders in the SPLM and SPLA. They took the money. They siphoned the money and they are using it for their own personal benefits. They didn’t do anything with regard to the needs of the people, no infrastructure projects, no schools, no hospitals, nothing; quite an unfortunate situation.

I’m not saying this because there is a problem with my country and the so-called state of South Sudan…Some neutral people are saying this.

Hilde Johnson, the [Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan] has written to [Silvercare] telling him to tell his ministers to return the money that was originally allocated for rehabilitation and relief in Southern Sudan.

Press TV: I understand that even the Americans are annoyed because some of this money is coming from American aid, although Obama is signing over more money. But as for South Sudan they are saying, ‘no, we are too busy fighting Sudanese troops to kill our people, that’s why we’re losing our money’.

Al Azreg: The government of Sudan, we made the referendum very easy and the whole world believes this. So many people, including Western governments, helped us for what we have done with regard of helping the Southern Sudanese to cast their votes with regard to this referendum.

We are the first country to recognize the new state. We said we are ready to make the border between us a soft border through which we exchange trade and cooperation. We have done marvelous things.

[Omar] Al-Bashir, our president, visited Cuba in January last year, and he announced that he wants a friendly, good relationship with the South. We have done our best.

But the Juba government is not actually working for the benefit of the people of South Sudan. They are waging a proxy war to execute the projects of the Zionist movement or the extreme ultra-right organizations in the West.

Press TV: Where are they getting the weapons from?

Al Azreg: They are getting the weapons mainly from Israel and part of their money which was allocated for projects, part of it also they use it for buying arms. Their main source is the Israeli government.

They are the only government that announced that they will open their embassy in Jerusalem rather than in Tel Aviv. They have a very good relation with these people to the extent that they became their puppets, actually, in terms of executing their designs against Sudan and other Muslim and Arab countries.

Press TV: Do you think President Obama understands the situation as you’re describing it? Certainly, George Clooney who has been on everyone’s screens, as regards international television, he very much, part of the “Save Darfur” movement so forth, having dinner with President Obama, I don’t know, three times in a month or something. What do you feel about the influences on President Obama and US foreign policy?

Al Azreg: When somebody like Clooney meets Obama, for sure he will influence him negatively, but he is not representing the truth – Clooney. Clooney is trying to put a humanitarian face to his fame.

He is actually representing the Zionist movement, the Zionist agenda rather than the Western value because the Zionist agenda does not necessarily represent the core of the Western values.

Western values don’t allow settlements like the ones that happening in Palestine. Western values don’t allow the demolition of houses and killing of people. Thousands of children and women have been killed in Gaza.

Press TV: Well, then one could criticize President Bashir then for allowing, in effect, an Israeli proxy state in such a central strategic part of Africa.

Al Azreg: Clooney did not denounce what the Israelis are doing. He’s just representing the Zionist movement and trying to put a human face to his fame. Actually, the “Save the Darfur” coalition was originally established by two American Zionist organizations and he is part of this coalition.

They are trying to pressurize us to allow some NGOs to work in Sudan. We have banned a lot of bad NGOs from working in Sudan because they are the one who usually prolongs the conflict or the war. They have done it in Darfur and they have done it before in Southern Sudan.

Press TV: Give us an incite into the Sudanese cabinet. Do you find it odd that you have to end up discussing a Hollywood actor and the Zionist influence on Hollywood, in a sense, which is well known? We don’t have many Hollywood actors talking against Israel because many would say, privately, they wouldn’t get work in Hollywood. Do you find it odd? I mean, how do you view it say in a cartoon when they talk about this erupt in the international news agenda?

Al Azreg: They are loving it.

Press TV: How are the figures so different, though – the UN figures and the Sudan government’s figures?

Al Azreg: Actually, the figures are huge. But usually, there are some quarters who like to play with figures.

Press TV: Well, the UN’s figures for Darfur, obviously taking the whole time scale into account, and every Reuters or Associated Press wire, what ever happens in your country, it will always say the UN says 300,000 were killed in Darfur, the Sudanese government says 10,000. Why the mismatch?

Al Azreg: There is an organization here called Waging Peace. They tried to run an advertisement in the British newspaper here, and the British advertising authority ruled out against publishing that advertisement and said, ‘this is a campaign and the figures that 300, 400, so on and so forth, people killed are just propaganda’, and they refused to allow this Waging Peace organization to publish that advertisement because it is [unprofessional], nothing is substantiated.

[Mahmood] Mandani, who is a great American professor…

Press TV: We’re hoping to get him on the show later…

Al Azreg: I hope so. Ok, he said extensively about how these people are playing with numbers to confuse people and to garner support from people.

When I tell you that 300 people are killed, it would be very humane. But these organizations are doing these things for their own benefits. So many organizations are demons rather than angels. I’m not saying this. Some observers, respectful people have said it.

[Graham] Hancock, who is a well-known American journalist, wrote a book, Lords of Poverty, and he posited how these people are playing with numbers, how they are manipulating the humanitarian situation to their own personal benefits.

Press TV: With respect, very few people in the general media, and journalists, generally, seem to be reading those books or being persuaded by it. It has to be said.

Let’s change to energy policy because your president did say, and it’s connected with what you were saying, about perceptions and how different groups can use news to create a poor investment climate for Sudan. What are you doing to make the investment climate better and to counter that propaganda? -Because if I was another Chinese company, I know they’ve put 20 billion dollars in reading the news, why should I put money into Sudan? It’s in constant war!

Al Azreg: Sudan is endowed with huge resources. We have everything from uranium up to gas and petroleum. All minerals are there. And his is one of the reasons why we are attacked and one of the reasons why we are targeted.

If we are very poor, we don’t have anything, nobody would say anything about us. You know, some quarters have this hegemony policy; they would like to control your resources.

You know what happened in Iraq? -Because Iraq is rich, and this is why Iraq has been attacked. It’s not attacked for humanitarian purposes or to bring democracy or respect human rights.

Likewise, Sudan is endowed with a lot of resources and we are depending on neutral people who ready to not be influenced by this black propaganda which is mainly Zionist propaganda.

Press TV: Ok, well, what about poverty then? -Because as the economic growth continues with China, obviously, having such a great stake in your country, why is there so much poverty in Sudan still?

Al Azreg: Of course there is poverty but it’s exaggerated. Listen, during the last 15 years, and you can go google what I’m telling you, we were one of the country’s that has had a very high rate of growth. We have reached a 10 percent rate of growth in some years and our average is 7 percent rate of growth…

Press TV: You’re better than Britain, I’ll give you that.

Al Azreg: We are better than so many countries but still the financial resources are bigger, and the war is also taking some of these resources out of the main utilities…this is why there’s some poverty.

You can compare us to many other countries and you can find our services are far better than so many countries.

Press TV: Is there an affect of US sanctions? I know that there’s an affect – it was going to be the biggest sugar factory in Africa and one of the ministers saying US sanctions is having an impact. Is it having an impact?

Al Azreg: It has some impact but we are opening new doors. We have very good relations with the Eastern countries, the oriental countries – China, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, the Arab countries.

So, in today’s world you cannot close all doors.

Press TV: So, viewers shouldn’t believe that everyday, I mean if one was to google news that Sudan on the main wire agencies, it would be Sudanese air strikes on North Darfur; it would be Sudan killing people in South Kordofan; it would be basically this is the wrong view being held by wire agencies.

Al Azreg: But where are the pictures? Gaddafi blocked the internet and the telephones. Ok, never this! We would see the pictures of everything that was going on in Tripoli, Benghazi or whatever.

These people are just talking about bombardment and nobody gave us a single picture. The propaganda machine was so big; it was enough for some people to think that this is bombardment. We don’t kill our people.

Press TV: Thank you, ambassador, for coming on our show and giving a very different perspective on your country.


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