Zionist Jews Murder People on 911 by Detonating Explosive Charges
There can be no doubt about it regarding 911 rather than the Muslims it was the Jews who are responsible for the mass murder of innocents. These Jews, who were in control of the WTC, made no attempt to rescue the people. Rather, through their actions the people were trapped. Silverstein and his collaborators had ordered that the exit doors to the roof were seized shut, which violates all codes for building safety.
That was done by plot. The Zionists did not want people to escape. Rather, they wanted a death toll, one that was as large as possible. A great death toll would lead to national indignation and would facilitate the desired response: a monstrous invasion by the US mercenary-based military into the Middle East as well as Afghanistan and more.
Make no mistake about it the plot was to all along blame the Islaamic people for this act, and this is a continuous plot against them. Why should they accept it? They should resist it fiercely:
Yet, it was rabid, extremists arch-Zionists Jews who did this, who committed this vile terror act. Muslims/Islaamic people had nothing to do with it.
The degree of the destructive damage can be clearly seen in the initial detonation of one of the towers. Clever Zionist demolition moles made it appear as a centralized bombing, as if struck by a plane, which, of course, never occurred.
Notice what is seen. It appears to be a woman on the left edge looking down:
Who knows what kind of horror those people endured when those cutter charges were first set: the explosive fire, the dust, the bomb fragments, the flying matter, steel, concrete, and glass, and the acrid smell. What choice did they have? There was nowhere to go. At every moment the Zionist demolition moles were detonating charges, blasting the infrastructure, but also human flesh, to smithereens.
Here is yet another woman, obviously clinging as best as she can while she assesses her potentials and hopes, which were obviously nil. With images such as this the indignation against Islaam was high, in fact, exceptionally so. It was so much the case that this drove people to join the military in droves, all in order to attack and destroy Muslim nations. It was also sufficiently high to result in global vigilante attacks, were many dozens of people were killed and/or severely wounded.
Certain criminal minds go about saying that the buildings were empty, that there were no people in them to any degree. This is yet another Zionist plot to diminish the nature of this crime.
Isn’t it obvious, then, that this is a plot? Why else would people who had nothing to do with it suffer extreme blame such as the falsely blamed 19 non-existent hijacker and also the various overseas Muslim elements, such as Usama bin Laden and the Taliban. Someone had to be blamed. These Zionist criminals made sure it wasn’t them.
Once again, it was Apartheid-promoting world Jewry that did this, that slaughtered in a most ruthless way these people. See there desperation as they attempt to find a way to escape.
One man keeps waving a white flag, pointed out in red. Of course, they would go to the windows. Where else could they go after Jewry destroyed the exits?
It appears that with such a dire circumstance these brave, tormented souls took to the extreme which including holding on to the outside of the building. Perhaps, some of them were attempting to scale the building downward as their only means of escape.
Sequential screenshots give the evidence of the degree of the arch-Jewish crime:
There are a number of people trapped at those higher floors. The detonator charges had long ago taken out the staircases and also the elevators. The billowing, black smoke is from the setting of those charges. The arrow points to an area where many of the charges are firing. See what happens next:
Another charge is set. The other arrows point to the degree of the billowing post-explosive smoke at that moment.
It is clear and obvious that these men are holding on to the outside flashing of the building. They can’t go deep inside, since that is where the detonator charges are exploding, which were placed next to the steel beams and other stabilizing elements.
One man is clearly sitting on an outwardly jutting element, perhaps one that he rigged to get away from the bombs. Also, this was the means for the people to let the world know of their existence, to hope for rescue and help.
The explosions were occurring all around them. There were few if any Jews, here, certainly no Israelis. They had been long ago warned off, told not to come anywhere near the buildings. The speech that week which never occurred for Ariel Sharon was yet another ruse to give Jewry the excuse for its absence.
The directional nature of the blasts and increasing smoke is marked. What happens next is the firing of additional charges, as demonstrated by brightness amongst the cloud:
Clearly, that white spot represents another detonation. There are people holding on for dear life some floors below. The fire also increases in the previously seen explosive site. Between those two areas of charge the people lose their grip and fall to the ground, being slaughtered instantly.
As the martyred people fall to the ground, killed for mere arch-Zionist machinations, it can be seen that the smoke billows and becomes blackened to an increased degree.
Many of the people who had fallen had punched through the canopy below. What a most horrific, unimaginable death it was.
In addition to the dead there were plenty of injured, man hurt from falling debris, including shards of glass.
Criminal Zionist elements responsible for this are legion. A few of them are pictured, as follows:
Chertoff and McKaskey played crucial roles, since they heading the ‘in’justice department, they saw to the release of the so-called Dancing Israels, the ones who were found with gunpowder residue on their clothing and in their vans.
The Israeli spies played the crucial role of, acting as illicit, foreign agents, planting and also detonating the charges. Foxman played a key role as a cover-up mole and as a hostile agent, attacking any and all people who deviated from the status quo:
Zionist spies did this at every level, even generating the CGI cartoons:
Source Article from http://nodisinfo.com/jews-murder-people-on-911-by-detonating-explosive-charges/
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