Zionist Jews Murder Marilyn Monroe – Claims of Suicide a Lie

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Marilyn Monroe Was Murdered – Claims of Suicide a Lie. Zionist Jews Responsible and Fully Implicated

Just why did terminally rabid, extremist Zionist Jews seek to have Marilyn Monroe murdered? Was she about to go public about their vile nature? Was she about to break from them?

Even so, it does explain much. Ms. Monroe was used, sexually, by endless Zionist agents. Then, is this not abuse of power, precisely what these same criminal minds are accusing Bill Cosby of?

Let us begin by saying by no means did actress Marilyn Monroe kill herself. Rather, she was murdered, and there can be no doubt about it. Notice that even the autopsy report is vague, citing ‘probable suicide.’ It was no suicide. She was brutally murdered. Moreover, the two people found on-site at the time of the murder are the key suspects.

It happened at a time when Ms. Monroe was making moves to work with Mexican movie makers. Was there to be a full and total change in her career?

The fact that she was killed is confirmed by the first policeman on the scene, Detective Jack Clemmons. Notes the detective police were called in, not right away, not as soon as he death occurred but, rather, four and one half hours later, which is fully an indication of foul play:

Marilyn was stretched out, face down, in a (??) position; obviously, she had been placed in that position. 

And I was shown the nightstand by her bed, about 8 or 10 empty bottles that had contained medicines, all of them barbiturates.

NOTE: It’s hard-core. The lead detective said she was murdered. There is no wiggle-room,  here, no conspiracy. Clemmons speaks in absolute terms. This is a hard fact, and no one can demonstrate otherwise.

A staged image is found, here, provided to the media as a means of ‘proof:’

Our caption: there is a mark on Ms. Monroe’s back. There could have been a struggle; her hair is disheveled.

Who is going to do this, that is point to the bottles in that way? Regardless, all the bottles were empty. How could every single bottle be empty? Those bottles represented dozens upon dozens of potentially killer sedatives, barbiturates, which can kill through respiratory failure.

In a zoom-in the proof is evident. Clearly, this is staging by the Zionists. Who else has the power to do so and to set the global stage for faking the suicide of this woman, particularly considering the fact that at that time she was a global icon?


Sure, she did, right. She swallowed them all. She killed herself, just as when she was starting to re-boot her career. Even so, Greenson was the necessary component. Someone had to make those prescriptions available. Someone had to prepare the stage for the use of those deadly drugs. Who better than an arch-Zionist psychiatrist, who had likely participated in other murders by drugs, whether intentional or accidental?


How would Greenson have known just what occurred on that night? Was he also a forensic pathologist? Any review of the imagery proves Clemmons correct; there is no water-glass or bottle available to have swallowed down all those very dry, caustic pills.

Greenson was not the only person he suspected on-site. Where was in contrast the emergency personnel? Why weren’t they called? It makes no sense that no life-saving elements were brought in on the scene in a attempt to revive and/or transport her. Too, he truly was suspicious regarding the housekeeper, who had just been let go by Ms. Monroe, who found her behavior highly distressing:


Ms. Monroe was by herself. She was surrounded by Jewish hostile ones and their collaborators. She stood no chance, even though she suspected something was awry.


So, it is a fact, as stated by the detective under oath, the actress was murdered through a wretched, brutal act of intrigue. The murderer or at least murder cohort was Zionist mole Greenson himself. Hear him, listen to this hideous criminal element, here. Hear him as he attempts to worm his way out of the high crime he has committed, in this case by heaping it on the Kennedy’s:

The maid/housekeeper did it – as a cover-up mole


The housekeeper, too, is a collaborator and may have played a more direct role than was previously realized.  It is reported that she washed the sheets at 3:00 a.m. This could only be a consequence of a cover-up and means she is a collaborator. The LAPD botched this. She should have been brought down, like Greenson, on charges. Both are cohorts in the murder of Ms. Monroe.


She thus had plenty of time to work with Greenson and other Zionist agents to set up the scene before calling detectives. The same was done in the murder of Ennis Cosby. It shows you, though, how powerful are the Zionists, that they could obviously be guilty of a crime, even the murder of an international icon, and endure not even the slightest consequence, not even being brought in for questioning, let alone being held under actual arrest. This is a dire circumstances. It means that these criminal agents, these thugs and mobsters, feel they can do as they will and there will be no repercussions to the least.

Considering the evidence at-hand against Greenson, who would consider the Bobby Kennedy claims plausible? There is no hard evidence. Here is what a former FBI chief had to say about the claims of a Bobby Kennedy role:

Blakey and Billings were quoting Asst FBI Director William Sullivan who wrote [this] in his book:

“Although Hoover was desperately trying to catch Bobby…red handed at anything, he never
did……Kennedy was almost a Puritan. We used to watch him at parties, where he would order
one glass of Scotch and still be sipping from the same glass two hours later. The stories about
Bobby and Marilyn Monroe were just stories.The original story was invented by a so-called
journalist, a right-wing zealot who had a history of spinning wild yarns. It spread like wildfire,
of course, and J Edgar Hoover was right there, gleefully fanning the flames”………..
page 427 paperback…”Fatal Hour”

What is known for certain is that two people were on-site at the time of the murder, the housekeeper and Ralph Greenson. Moreover, here it is, one of the agents of the murder, arch-Zionist mole Greenson himself. Who better to do so than a medical man in which the woman held trust?

Greenson is not the only agent of Jewry directly involved. Consider the purported physician at-large for Ms. Monroe, Hyman Engleberg:


…that is a few hours before she was officially pronounced as dead. Now, see what Engleberg says:


He has to protest for the world, saying he didn’t give her the deadly agent and that, by the way, no “doctor in the United States gave it to her.” Now, how would he know that?

The drug is caustic and is particularly poisonous when mixed with sedatives. It goes well into a liquid base and could be given by enemy. Ms. Monroe was given an enema as part of the murder plot.


This is purely the consequence of barbiturate and, perhaps, chloryl hydrate intoxication of the colon wall. The enema, gruesomely, was likely forced in after she was neutralized.

Now, see what this lying, thieving, criminal mind says next:

How in the world could he make this claim? Clearly, then, he is a fabricator, giving false witness for one sole reason: to protect and guard his own role in the murderous act. There it is, two M.D.s who are involved with the murder of the actress, the housekeeper being a key cohort.

Yet another Zionist agent, publicist Pam Newcomb, is believed to have played a role. More research needs to be done into this.

Make no mistake about it, just as they did to Ennis Cosby and unknown others, just as they sought to do with Michael Jackson, it is Zionist Jews who are fully responsible for this, who are the murderers of Marilyn Monroe, God rest her soul.




Source Article from http://nodisinfo.com/marilyn-monroe-was-murdered-claims-of-suicide-a-lie/

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