Zio-whore Hillary & Her Seven Sleazy Zionist Top Campaign Donors
By Dr. David Duke
Guess who the top seven individuals who have given a million dollars or more to Hillary Clinton’s superpacs are ? They are all Jewish racists! So understand this clearly. The top moneybags behind the favorite to become the next President of the United States are all Jews. And, they are not just Jews, but Jews are very active in organizations unashamedly fight for Jewish interests. Jews are only 2 percent of America, yet they dominate the controlling money for both Democrats and Republicans. That is certainly the perfect illustration of the word: Oligarchy.
All of them have been ardent supporters of Jewish activist organizations and the Jewish Supremacist State of Israel as well as being supportive of the “Jewish Agenda” in European-populated nations and across the world.
Everyone of The Sleazy Seven ardently support open borders for our nations which will destroy our European heritage, while at the same time are devoted to “a Jewish State of Israel devoted to the dominance and preservation of the Jewish people.” Here is the list, courtesy insidegov.com, which are mostly household names. Remember that Sheldon Adelson is just one of the better know of the Jewish billionaires funding the Republicans. Remember, he who pays the piper calls the tune, and the tune sounds a lot like Hava Nagila.
As the Jewish NY Times, leading pundit, the very Jewish David Brooks, boasts, there has been a “Jewish takeover” of America.
That is pretty obvious when the most media- celebrated political leader in America is a Zio political prostitute who has sold herself to the Jewish racists. Those who still harbor the illusion that republicans are any different, must also understand that Republicans prostitute themselves to to Jewish power just as much as hillary, with the possible exception of Donald Trump. Trump said to the Jewish donors: “You won’t support me because I won’t take your money, you can’t control me me with your money and you won’t support anyone you can’t control.”
HIllary Clinton’s Top Seven Contributors – 100 Percent Kosher!
Political Prostitute for the Zionist Rulers
1. Steven Spielberg
Contribution: $1,000,000
PAC(s) Donated To: Priorities USA Action
Occupation: Co-founder Dreamworks Animation
2. Jeffrey Katzenberg
Contribution: $1,000,000
PAC(s) Donated To: Priorities USA Action
Occupation: CEO, Dreamworks Animation
3. Herbert M. Sandler
Contribution: $1,000,000PAC(s) Donated To: Priorities USA Action
Occupation: Retired
4. Haim Saban – Media Mogul
Contribution: $1,000,000
PAC(s) Donated To: Priorities USA Action
Occupation: CEO, Saban Entertainment
5. Cheryl Saban – Haim’s wife
Contribution: $1,000,000
PAC(s) Donated To: Priorities USA Action
Occupation: Not Employed
6. Donald Sussman – Media Mogul and Financier
Contribution: $1,000,000
PAC(s) Donated To: Priorities USA Action
Occupation: Investment Advisor, Paloma Partners Management
7. Top Contributor — George Soros
Contribution: $2,000,000
PAC(s) Donated To: American Bridge 21st Century, Priorities USA Action
Occupation: CEO, Soros Fund Management
Except for Trump, the Republican politicos also sell themselves for the Jewish Power rulers! The number one Rep. campaign contributor of either party:
1. Sheldon Adelson
This Disgusting Jewish Racist, Israeli citizen, Israel Firster, Casino Gangster — the Biggest Republican contributor:
The real Elite of America is no longer White.
It is Jewish!
David Brooks and the Jewish NY Times even boasts of this fact, while they and the Zio media constantly Lie about “White privilege.”
If whites really are the elite and privileged why would the European White people who represent 70% of the highest ranked students in America — now only be 20 % of the students in the Ivy League, the greatest source of the American elite, while Jews who are 2 percent are over 25 percent of the Ivy League!
About 70 percent of the population allowed to be only 20 percent of the leading universities in America — is not true diversity. It is nothing less than massive racial discrimination against White people. (source Ron Unz, Myth of American Meritocracy — find more references on www.davidduke.com)
Better-Qualified White people are massively discriminated against in government, in education and in business.
White people and White values are hated, ridiculed and reviled by the Jewish dominated Media. It even celebrates Black violence against White people. Here’s the Weinstein Bros. film in which the Black hero says, “Kill White people and get paid for it. What’s not to like.”
Whites people as a group, a race, are accused of constantly harming and even physically attacking Black people. Yet, the truth is that Whites are the overwhelming victims of cross-race violence, not the perpetrators of it.
In only the last 10 years: minimum 3,000,000 White victims of Black violence
The truth is that Whites are not massively killing or hurting Blacks or other races. Brutal Black violence against Whites are 27 times more frequent than White violence
against Blacks. In the last 10 years there have been a bare minimum of THREE MILLION White victims of Black violence. And the lying Jewish media hatefully tells us that Whites are attacking and killing Blacks when Whites are the overwhelming victims of Black brutality. (Source Justice Dept. Nat. Crime Survey 2010) This while the Jewish dominated media is packed with non-stop stories of allegedly unjust police shooting of a very small number of Black violent criminals. For which White people are collectively indicted as a race. This while hundreds of thousands of completely innocent White men, women, children are violently, attacked, murdered or raped each and every year!
In 2010 alone, 37,500 White women and girls raped or sexually assaulted by Black males.
According to U.S. Justice Department National Crime Survey, in 2010 more than 36,000 White women and girls were victims of sexual rape or assault by Black men. In contrast the number of rapes of Black women by White men are so tiny in number they are statistically “O.”
In the last 40 years Over 1,000,000 White women and girls raped or sexually assaulted by Black males.
According to the crime data compiled by the Dept. of Justice, in the last 40 years a minimum of over one million white women have been raped or sexually assaulted by Black males! And the media makes a big deal about “shopping while black” or blacks being sopped for traffic checks more often. Of course, how could we be so racist as to think White girls being raped or sexually assaulted is as awful about blacks being watched too much while shopping.
The Jewish media and politics is orchestrating White Genocide (the purposeful destruction of the once 90% White population to being reduced to a reviled and increasingly violently robbed, attacked, raped and murdered soon to be a helpless minority.
Some whites say that the American media and government establishment is not racist!
In fact, they are dead wrong.
The American Media and Political Establishment is truly racist.
It is racist against white people.
White people are victims of racial hatred and defilement by the Jewish media, racial discrimination in jobs and promotions, scholarships and college admission.
But, we are waking up and…
We’re not going to take it any more!
(all data cited is fully academically documented by Dr. David Duke at DavidDuke.com and also verified at the Department of Justice website: The National Crime survey. Similar figures are available for years other than 2010)
Source Article from http://davidduke.com/hillarys-sleezy-seven-top-donors-hillarys-superpacs-jewish/
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