Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2017
Zbigniew Brzezinski died. He wasn’t Jewish.
David Rockefeller just died in March.
This whole generation of global power figures is dying off.
The funny part is, they’re not being replaced with anyone. I mean “funny” as in “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” funny, not as in peculiar funny.
It isn’t really peculiar. The fact of the matter is, the decadence of the boomer generation went from your dad’s home equity loan all the way up to the “masters of the universe’s” Middle East policy.
The reason you hear so much about George Soros is that he’s the last guy from the the functional pre-boomer generation who is still around to do anything masters of the universey.
As far as Zbig – he gets a bad rap in conspiracy circles, but he wasn’t nearly as bad as the Jews. He was actually thinking pragmatically, and attempting to solidify a stable unipolar world, with practicality as both the method and the goal.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the most influential US political thinkers at the height of the Cold War, has died aged 89, according to his daughter. The advocate of US hegemony, Brzezinski, authored numerous proposals to bring down the Soviet Union.
“My father passed away peacefully tonight,” his daughter and MSNBC anchor Mika Brzezinski wrote. There was no word of the cause of death.
Arming the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to bleed the Soviets, transforming Iran into an anti-Western republic, and the brokering of the Camp David Accords – are among the best known outcomes of his strategies.
All of which were part of an actual plan that made sense.
I don’t agree with the plan. But there was a plan.
Brzezinski inadvertently helped create Al-Qaeda, when he convinced President Carter that running a secret CIA program to launch a proxy-war against the USSR-backed Afghan government was going to “induce a Soviet military intervention.”
“We didn’t push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would,” he said in a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur.
“The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: ‘We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.’”
“That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it?” he told the interviewer.
“What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
Yeah, see.
You can at least respect that.
He actually went to Afghanistan and helped train mujahadeen. You don’t see William Kristol out training ISIS.
Drawing Russia into an Islamic clusterfuck was a brilliant move, and actually did play a significant role in weakening the USSR.
Now, with boomer Jewish neocons running things, we draw ourselves into Islamic clusterfucks that we create, ostensibly to protect Israel, while in reality a strategy of pouring all resources into endless chaos while destroying America in the process can only lead to the eventuality of Israel inevitably being destroyed.
Less than four years later, those “agitated Moslems” would destroy the World Trade Center and damage the Pentagon, setting off the endless “war on terror” that continues to this day.
Well, bringing the terrorists to America wasn’t his idea.
Brzezinski was born in Warsaw, Poland, in 1928, according to official biography. Other sources speculate that he was actually born in a Polish Consulate in the Ukrainian town of Kharkov, which at the time was part of the USSR, but his parents registered him as having been born in Poland and not the Soviet Union.
He graduated from Harvard with a PhD in political science with a thesis on the formation of a totalitarian system in the USSR – and became author of a global strategy on anti-Communism and the concept of a new form of American hegemony.
“The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power,” Brzezinski wrote in his 1998 book The Grand Chessboard.
Yeah. That lasted about 3 years.
Then we decided to piss it all away on… whatever because of… whatever.
However, in one of his latest articles in the American Interest journal the Polish-born diplomat asserted the US is “no longer the globally imperial power” and “can only be effective in dealing with the current Middle Eastern violence if it forges a coalition that involves, in varying degrees, also Russia and China.”
I think he was sort of pissed about it.
The Middle East could have been stabilized – even with Israel, especially if they’d kept 1967 borders – relatively easily, if men like Zbig were running the show. Instead, the worst kind of boomer Jews were put in charge, and they chose a strategy of complete insanity.
The scariest thing about what is happening in the world is that there is no real plan.
There are almost no competent actors left, who have any agenda at all. It is all just operating on autopilot, and the autopilot system is being poked at by people who are insane.
Of competent global actors, I can, at time of writing, think of only these men:
- Vladimir Putin
- Tayip Recep Erdgoan
- Bibi Netanyahu
- George Soros
- Julian Assange
…aaaaaand – I’m stumped.
Donald Trump may or may not be on that list right now, it’s hard to tell. Campaign Trump certainly was. But honestly, at this point, I have a difficult time believing Trump has any idea what is even going on. My opinion on that changes a lot.
But literally, everyone else in the world who has any kind of power is just running some program that they did not design themselves for very short-sighted reasons – both good and bad, from our perspective, but all short-sighted and lacking in any serious agency.
All of the Jews – who are, as we well know, holding most of the positions of power on the planet – have no real plan beyond “let’s Jew over these goyim and let’s do it quickly!”
This lack of real conscious actors on the world stage is some consequence of the modern world, which I am not really smart enough to comment on in-depth.
Well, if I wanted to be honest instead of modest, I might actually be one of the most qualified people to comment on it in-depth, but it would take me four months of not working on this website to put it together, something which isn’t possible.
But the concept is fascinating: a world where events are determined by conflicting autopilot programs, most of which do not even represent the long-term interests of the people running them.
If someone wants to write a book about this, I’ll talk to them on the phone for a few hours.
Zbig could have written it, but he was just too old by the time it became clear what was happening, so he just said “welp.”
It’s pretty high-level reading, but I do recommend both Between Two Ages and The Grand Chessboard.
For lighter reading, you can check out his Wikiquotes.
Interestingly, he wholly predicted the coming of a mass man who was completely incapable of processing information, and instead needed it fed to them by mass media.
For whatever reason, he did not predict that a similar phenomenon would happen to the ruling elite.
In his defense, no one predicted that, that I’m aware of.
Well. Jacques Ellul did. Zbig actually quotes him in Between Two Ages, though only in relation to the mass man.
He said it earlier than most (Between Two Ages was published in 1970), but the understanding that technological society would lead to a completely unthinking populace was not a hard prediction to make.
This idea of an unthinking elite though. This is much more interesting, and it just wasn’t something that people thought through.
Ah well.
Someday I’ll have the time to say more about such things.
Right now, I’ll just say
RIP Zbig.
You may not have been a good man, but you were a great man.
Your daughter is a slut though.
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