Your Guide to the Operational Launch of the NWO in 2016 [+ Update 4.511 – Did you notice what Putin did after 9/11? (expanded)]

Around we go one more time on the merry-go-round from hell…

The G20 globalists, which consist of the central bankers from both the East and the West, are working very closely together to put the New World Order in place this year. And should they be undeterred in their efforts, this is what you’ll see in late December…

> A “reformed” and strengthened United Nations with Vladimir Putin being either its Secretary-General-elect or its influential “godfather and global goodwill ambassador.”

> A “reformed” IMF / World Bank (which are the financial organs of the UN), with a Chinaman – most likely Zhou Xiaochuan – at the IMF’s helm.

> An IMF SDR with both the Chinese yuan added to its currency basket and gold added to its valuation, and it will start taking on the role of a global reserve currency (on its way to becoming the global consumer currency).

That is what the New World Order will look like. And under normal circumstances, it would take many months or even years of negotiations to get the UN from where it is now to that point. But it’s not hard to imagine circumstances that could shorten the process, such as if…

> the world were overtaken by a crisis of unprecedented magnitude, and urgent action were needed to “restore order and confidence,” and…

> a detailed plan to “restore order and confidence” were already prepared and ready to be implemented.

Rest assured that the globalists intend to provide us with both the crisis and the recovery plan, and they will attempt to do so between now and the end of the year, with…

> August (through mid-September) being the month of terror, in which a Global 9/11 may be staged,

> September being the month of earth-shaking crisis, which will be economic/financial and possibly military and religious too, and

> October through December being the months of “frantic effort to restore order and confidence” by putting the New World Order structure in place.

Over the next few days, I’ll take you beyond the East vs. West dialectic smokescreen the globalists have thrown up, and I’ll show you their real plans. This includes a look at the three decision points they face in August and September…

1) Do we use ISIS to perform a “Global 9/11” in August or early September, yes or no?

2) Do we launch a short World War 3 in early September, yes or no?

3) Do we put on a religious/prophetic magic show in late September, yes or no?

And we’ll explore how these decisions can result in either a “war path” or “peace path” to the NWO.

As always, my purpose in writing about this is to create sufficient awareness to stymie their efforts. No globalist magician likes to perform a show in front of an audience of hecklers who know exactly which tricks they’ll perform and exactly how those tricks work.

Let’s not go gently into that New Dawn.

[Update 1 – 11 August 2016]

Will the globalists opt for a Global 9/11, yes or no?

Given that we’re already in August and the Olympics are in full swing, the most urgent question facing us is whether or not the globalists will go through with the big ISIS attack they’ve been telegraphing…
…From Business Insider. Here’s a key passage…

>>> Harry also claimed that while he was in ISIS-held territory, he “frequently heard people talking about attacks in the West” and that “pretty much every European jihadist was approached with the same questions he had been asked,” according to the magazine.

ISIS reportedly wants “something that happens everywhere at the same time,” Harry said. <<<

So why would ISIS want such a thing, you ask? Because their group is run by the globalist intelligence agencies, and those agencies are using ISIS as a tool to artificially fulfill religious prophecies. The globalists want the religious majority of the world’s population to see the NWO transition time as the prophesied “End Times” battle between good and evil, with evil (represented by the Western “Satanic” imperialists) being defeated by good (represented by the BRICS freedom fighters). And a Global 911 attack would mobilize the world’s militaries for the big fight.

Globalist prophecy propaganda also tells us why this attack must happen in August or early-September of this year. As was pointed out in Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016, Christian prophecy associates a 7-year term with the “Antichrist” who will “come to deceive us” before “Christ’s Second Coming.” And as it turns out, the globalists positioned Obama to be in all the right places at all the right times to fulfill that Antichrist role. His seven year term in the role began in September of 2009, which means it must end in September of 2016. So a Global 9/11 in August or early-September would set in motion the September confrontation between the “Antichrist” Obama and the “Christ” Putin. And Putin is scripted to defeat Obama in one of two ways…

1) by ending the war that Obama starts, or

2) by preventing the war that Obama attempts to start.

As for the exact date of Global 9/11, it could happen any day between today and mid-September, but given the globalists’ obsession with symbolism, numerology, astrology and prophecy, certain dates stand out as notable candidates…

1) August 14, for reasons outlined in Your Guide to the Rio Olympics and Global 9/11.

2) August 21, due to the Nostradamus quatrain about the “Games of Slaughter” – the “Jeux d’Hecatombe.” In ancient Greece, a Hecatombe was a ritual slaughter performed for Zeus at the end of the Olympic Games. Given that August 21 is the end of the Rio Olympics and is a Sunday when the Christian sheep will be packed in their churches for slaughter, it is the second most likely day.

3) August 22 and September 11, because those dates are “Master Numbers” (11 and 22), and the globalists love doing nasty things on such dates (9/11 was on an 11th; Kennedy’s assassination was on a 22nd).

And by the way, don’t be surprised if Global 9/11 includes one or more low-yield nuclear explosions. The “Syrian rebels” already set one off in Homs, Syria a while back. I covered it in my old blog, and I came to the conclusion that it was nuclear due to the blast characteristics and the US embassy shutdowns that followed in the hours after the video hit the internet.

All this being said, if the globalists opt for “no” on Global 9/11, it might indicate that they’re leaning towards the “peace path.” But we can’t know for sure without answering the other two questions.

[Update 2 – 12 August 2016]

Will the globalists stage a world war and a magic show in September, yes or no?

If World War 3 starts, look to the sky on the 3rd day after Putin is killed…
…and observe the coolest, and most expensive, magic show you’ve ever seen.

The two globalist decision points concerning World War 3 and a religious/prophetic magic show are so intertwined that they must be addressed together. This is because the main purpose in staging a war is to simulate the “End Times” battle that so many religious people have been programmed to expect.

If the globalists opt to start the battle, they will stop it by using the magic show, and that magic show will feature Vladimir Putin as the “hero who saves the day.” He would then be proclaimed the “savior/messiah.” And after observing the trillion dollar messiah show, the gullible religious types are expected to embrace him.

That being said, the globalists need a precipitating event to get the war started, and there are at least two of them that are planned…

1) Global 9/11, which would gather contingents from most of the world’s militaries in Syria and Iraq to put down “ISIS” for good, and

2) The Russian/Chinese announcement of their new gold standard on September 4th or 5th, which would trigger a Western financial crisis that could be used as a pretext for Washington to “lash out in desperation.”

Either or both of these events could lead to the war path…

Precipitating Event(s) >>> War in the 3 Sandboxes >>> “Supernatural” Magic Show to Stop the War

In case you are a new reader, I wrote about the 3 sandboxes last December in Dear Zero Hedge readers: The Zionists are not your ultimate enemy; they are mere foils, decoys and scapegoats (+ The 3 sandboxes of World War 3). Here is the section about the sandboxes…

>>> The 3 sandboxes of World War 3

If you’re confused by the back and forth motions between war and peace in the globalist war zones, don’t be. World War 3 is being carefully stage-managed so it won’t climax until next September (when the nuclear button gets pushed). Till then, you’ll see increasingly serious confrontations interspersed with peace initiatives to keep the conflict moderated.

In the months ahead, the confrontations will be limited to the 3 sandboxes the globalists have built to play war in: 1) Ukraine, 2) Syria and the Levant, and 3) the South China Sea. With conflict zones in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it will qualify as a world war. And it will break out of the sandboxes only when we approach the climax.

If you’re a new reader, don’t fret about the nuclear button getting pushed. When you see the missiles rise into the sky, you’ll see something else in the sky with them. Follow the “End Times” Programming link to discover what that is. <<<

As for the details of the magic show, you’ll find them in Obama the “Antichrist” and “Divine Intervention” in September 2016.

But what if the globalists get pee shy and decide to cancel the war and the magic show in order to take a more low-key approach to launching the NWO? When they orchestrated the sudden reversal of Erdogan’s trajectory, they opened the door for this. Under this alternative “peace path,” Erdogan would cut off his support and seal his borders to ISIS, thus allowing the Russians and Syrians to roll over them. Putin would then be portrayed as a “geopolitical master” for turning the Turks and conquering ISIS.

And just like the war path has precipitating events, the peace path has 3 of its own…

1) The Russian/Syrian defeat of ISIS,

2) The Russian/Chinese announcement of their new gold standard on September 4th or 5th, and

3) The release of America’s deepest, darkest secrets by globalist agents Assange and Snowden.

These moves would result in a Western financial and political super-crisis, and that crisis would be portrayed as paralyzing the West’s efforts to start World War 3. The war would be over before it begins, and the triumphant hero Putin would step up to restore global political order while his partner Xi steps up to restore global economic order.

With the peace path thus set before us, we must ask ourselves, “What would happen to the religious/prophetic aspect of the Transition – without a war and magic show, what would happen to all the Antichrist / Christ stuff?”

Most likely, the globalists would pare down their 3-step prophecy fulfillment plan to a 2-step plan. This is their 3-step plan…

Step 1) Obama is portrayed as the Antichrist, but later turns out to be just a decoy.
Step 2) Putin is portrayed as the Christ, but later turns out to be the “real Antichrist.”
Step 3) The globalist-selected “real Christ” shows up.

…and this is what the pared-down plan would look like…

Step 1) 3.5 years into the NWO, things would turn ugly, and Putin would take actions that shock people and make them say, “Holy sh*t, Putin might be the fu*king Antichrist!”
Step 2) At Putin’s 7-year mark, the globalist-selected “real Christ” shows up.

In this 2-step plan, we’d get only one magic show instead of two, and that would be kinduva bummer. But it would mean that we’ve pushed them back, and if we can push them back now, we can push them back 7 years from now.

So which path will they take: the war path or the peace path? Since about a week ago, I’m thinking they might go the peace path, but I’m no mind-reader. I can see the fork in the road they face, but I cannot predict which way they’ll choose to go. And this is why I forewarn you of both.

And speaking of Putin being the Antichrist who runs the UN-centered NWO, he has been paying a lot of attention to strengthening the UN’s military and police forces. I’ll get into that in the next update.

[Update 3 – 15 August 2016]

Putin’s Drive to Militarize the UN

Once the UN-centered New World Order is put in place, the globalists have scripted a honeymoon period during which things will look much better than they do now. But once we hit the 3.5 year mark, Putin and the UN will start doing some ominous things with the upgraded military and police powers the UN will then possess.

It should come as no surprise, then, that less than a month after Putin was handed the Russian Presidency by Yeltsin, he was hosting the UN Secretary-General and talking about strengthening the “authority and influence of the UN”…

A few months later, he attended the UN Millennium Summit and started getting specific about increasing the UN’s power…
…from The People’s Daily. Here is an excerpt…

“During the meeting, they discussed conflict resolution, rapid reaction capability for peacekeepers, post-conflict reconstruction and the U.N. reform.

Putin expressed interest in reviving the U.N. Military Staff Committee which coordinates military activity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in support of international peace and security, but which has never been effective.”

Now if we look into the UN Military Staff Committee, we see this…

“The Military Staff Committee (MSC) is the United Nations Security Council subsidiary body whose role, as defined by the United Nations Charter, is to plan UN military operations and assist in the regulation of armaments.

The greatest purpose of the MSC, arising from Article 45 of the UN Charter, was intended to be providing command staff for a set of air-force contingents. These contingents, provided by the Permanent 5 members (P5) of the Security Council (the People’s Republic of China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to be held at ready for the discretionary use of the United Nations.” – From Wikipedia

Clearly, Putin wants the “reformed” UN he will lead to have military teeth. But his (and his globalist handlers’) plans go beyond mere military power, as is shown by this Russian statement at the UN
…Here are some key passages [with my comments added in brackets]…

>>> Russia places a high emphasis on the role that peacekeeping [UN intervention in the internal affairs of nation-states] plays in maintaining international peace and security…

we attach great importance to the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission, which operates at a cross-juncture of the activities of the Security Council, the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council as well as international financial institutions[the UN “Peacebuilding” Commission is designed to move in after the UN military rolls into an area and alter the political and economic order of the invaded area to suit the globalists; it is essentially a colonizing force]

The importance of the UN civil police is increasing. We follow with great interest the implementation of the Summit’s decision to establish a Standing police capacity

It is fundamentally important that all these activities be carried out in accordance with… rational division of labour with the regional organizations. In this connection I would like to stress our conviction that relevant capacities of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Organisation of the Collective Security Treaty and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation might be in high demand. [in other words, they want the UN to use peacekeepers that the Russians and Chinese have trained] I note with satisfaction, that our efforts in strengthening the UN peacekeeping capacity are bearing fruits…

The Peacekeepers’ Training Centre of the Advanced Police Training Academy of the Russian Ministry of Interior organized between the 2nd and 30th of November, 2006 a course “The Civilian Policeman in the UN Missions” for thirty eight representatives of law enforcement institutions from ten African states.

In accordance with the decision of the Russian Government the Ministry of the Interior is planning on training up to 80 people a year till 2010. The next course of training African peacekeepers in Russia is scheduled for the period from March 1st to April 2nd of this year… [so Russia has been recruiting and training agents to embed in UN civil police forces that come from nations they don’t control]

In conclusion I would like to touch upon one more issue. We believe that the improvement of the thorough consideration of all military aspects of specific peacekeeping operations by the UN Security Council would promote greater efficiency of all aspects of UN peacekeeping. The Charter body – the Military Staff Committee (MSC) that is called upon to ensure an appropriate level of military expertise for the UN Security Council decisions, which have a military aspect, might provide a contribution to this. That is why the President of Russia V. Putin set forth the idea of the MSC’s revitalisation at the Millennium Summit. <<<

“Peacekeeping” is an Orwellian doublespeak word for “warmaking.” It involves the UN invasion of a nation-state in order to produce an internal outcome the UN desires. And according to the globalist / Putin plan for a stronger UN, it will involve…

1) more effective application of UN military force, followed by

2) UN civil police to weed out “troublemakers” and pacify the population, and

3) UN “Peacebuilding” agents to remake the affected area’s political and economic structure in accordance with globalist guidelines.

With this 3-step colonization protocol set before us, it’s not hard to imagine where they’re going with it. During the first 3.5 years of the NWO, they might use it only in areas where there are humanitarian crises. This will allow them to practice and fine-tune their approach. But after the 3.5 year mark, they’ll start using the protocol in areas that contain…

> large pockets of resistance to the UN (because “the UN is the source of world peace, so if you’re against the UN, you are a threat to world peace”), and

> large pockets of religious “extremists” (those who cling to traditional religious ideas over the UN’s “It’s All Good” One World Religion).

In both cases, the globalists will use false-flag shootings and bombings to simulate conflict and justify UN intervention.

All this being said, I promised that I’d take you beyond the globalists’ dialectic smokescreen, so that’s where we’re going in the next update. It will be a crash course in understanding who the “globalists” are, what they’re doing, and why they’re doing it.

[Update 4.4 – 16-20 August 2016]

“What’s Really Going On” 101: A crash course in globalist strategy

I’ve decided that the clearest way to pass on this information is by using a question and answer format, so let’s begin at the beginning…


Part of the deception currently being foisted upon humanity is a false definition of who the globalists are. The controlled mainstream and alternative press have convinced many that the globalists somehow exist only in the West, and “if the Western globalists are defeated, globalism is defeated.” This is childish nonsense.

Here is the real definition of the globalists, as is offered in Understanding the NWO Strategy

>>> Lurking behind the “Democratic Facade” (the so-called “democratic” governments that the public sees as the guiding hands in our world), are the Occulted Powers (OPs). The OPs are a criminal conglomerate of the local royal families throughout the world who are intermarried and/or interoperating with the global network of Jewish bankster families. Under this worldwide royal/Jew “elite,” there are a variety of secret societies (such as the Freemasons) and criminal gangs (such as the Triads) who recruit useful “commoners” into their conspiracy and run societies at the street level.

As with any large gang of criminals, there is some degree of competition amongst the families as they compete for power, position and wealth within the syndicate, but they are all united in furthering their collective control and exploitation of the human race. They are the ones who have been pushing for ever more centralized control of humanity; they are the “globalists.” <<<

As to how the Occulted Powers came to take on their current form, here is the most concise historical narrative I’ve encountered…
…From Wikipedia. This is the opening section from the page it offers on the subject…

>>> In the early modern period, a court Jew, court factor or Sheckler (German: Hofjude, Hoffaktor) was a Jewish banker who handled the finances of, or lent money to, European royalty and nobility. In return for their services, court Jews gained social privileges, including in some cases being granted noble status. Court Jews were needed because prohibitions against usury applied to Christians, but did not apply to Jews.

Examples of what would be later called court Jews emerged in the High Middle Ages when the royalty, the nobility, and the church borrowed money from money changers or employed them as financiers. Among the most notable of these were Aaron of Lincoln and Vivelin of Strasbourg. Jewish financiers could use their family connections to provide their sponsors with finance, food, arms, ammunition, gold, and precious metals.

The rise of the absolute monarchies in Central Europe brought many Jews, mostly of Ashkenazi origin, into the position of negotiating loans for the various courts. They could amass personal fortunes and gain political and social influence. However, the court Jew had social connections and influence in the Christian world mainly through the Christian nobility and church. Due to the precarious position of Jews, some nobles could ignore their debts. If the sponsoring noble died, his Jewish financier could face exile or execution. The most famous example of this occurred in Württemberg when, after the death of his sponsor Charles Alexander in 1737, Joseph Süß Oppenheimer was put on trial and finally executed. In an effort to avoid such fate, some court bankers in the late 18th centurysuch as Samuel Bleichröder, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, or Aron Elias Seligmann—successfully detached their businesses from these courts and established what eventually developed into full-fledged banks. <<<

And as we know, these “full-fledged banks” then went on to create central banks, which spread everywhere (all G20 nations have them, including the supposed BRICS “freedom fighters”).

So in the Occulted Powers / Globalists, we have a merger in which…

> the local royals – such as the House of Windsor in the UK — who control the various “democratic” governments, militaries, and police forces

…have joined with…

> the worldwide network of Jewish bankster families – such as the Rothschilds in the UK – who control the money.

Over time, the Jewish banksters (a.k.a. the Jewish “elite”) got the best of the royals and became the senior partners in the arrangement. This is because the global network of banksters had the power to crash the economies of any non-cooperative royals, as well as finance both internal and external enemies to unseat and replace them. In fact, that is exactly what happened to Russia’s Romanov royals: the Jewish elite financed and ran the communist revolution, then killed off the non-cooperative royals and shut down the Russian Orthodox Church. They then merged with the remaining royals and the Church and relaunched a Judaized version of both. Vladimir Putin is a great example of this…

> He is apparently the product of Jewish breeding with the Russian Putyatin “noble” family (see Vladimir (Ras)Putin’s Jewish, Communist, and Bloodline Connections).


> He is greeted and blessed by visiting rabbis in the manner prescribed only for Jewish kings (see Israel’s Chief Sephardic Rabbi confirms Putin is a Jew).

All this being said, the elite Jews are the element of the globalists who are driving the drama we’re seeing in the world right now. And to correct those who might try to paint me as some sort of Jew-hating “anti-Semite,” I’d like to point out that I’m actually on the side of the ordinary Jew. I know what the elite Jews have scheduled for the ordinary Jews in a little over 7 years. It isn’t pretty, and my aim is to stop it (see Operation God-King: The globalist/Lubavitch plot to slaughter the Jews and install a Kabbalized Christ as Global King).

Now you know who the globalists really are.


One might think that their goal is the establishment of the New World Order, but the NWO retains some “democratic” characteristics and is merely an intermediate step to their ultimate goal. So what, then, is their ultimate goal? It is absolute, undemocratic global rule through a figurehead Jewish god-king…

But their god-king will not be named “Shlomo Goldmanstein”; he’ll be named “Jesus Christ.” And he will come after Vladimir Putin runs the NWO into the ground in order to convince people that humans can’t rule themselves.


For two reasons…

1) Jews have a bad reputation and aren’t terribly popular in much of the world. So if they installed an openly Jewish god-king, there would be widespread, endless rebellion.

2) “Jesus Christ,” on the other hand, has a great reputation and is popular worldwide. So if they install a “Jesus Christ” instead of a “Shlomo Goldmanstein” as god-king, he will face a much smoother road to acceptance…
…A painting of Jesus driving the money changers out of the temple.

Because of these reasons, the Jews have been working for centuries to take over the Christian church and slowly Judaize it…

> The Roman Catholic Church was infiltrated by Marrano Jews through the Jesuit order, and with help from the Jewish money men outside the Church, they rose to positions of power and slowly took control. Now a Jew-hugging Jesuit is Pope, and their dominion over the Church is complete. I suspect that the massive upswing in child molestation revelations in recent years was about purging or silencing the last remaining resisters within the Church hierarchy. The fact that the revelations were so widely circulated by Jew-controlled media and Hollywood would seem to confirm this. They use similar tactics on politicians.

> The largest component of the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, was effectively shut down by the Jews’ communist front after the Russian revolution. It was later relaunched using KGB-selected clergy. And who controlled the KGB? The same people who financed and ran the Communist Party, and you know who that is.

> Many components of the Protestant churches were also infiltrated by crypto-Jews who moved to take control of the 3 Ms: money, message (doctrine), and media. One such case is documented in Meet Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Illuminati handler of China’s leaders, and the two Jews who allegedly attempted the takeover went for control of the church’s money and doctrine. The Jews’ success in these efforts is reflected any time you tune in to a Christian TV network like Trinity Broadcasting Network or Daystar: you will see an endless parade of rabbis and Jewish-born “Christians” talking about blood moons, shemitahs, prophecies, and other such contrived nonsense. They are programming the Christians to accept their prophecy fulfillment efforts.


The primary reason the globalists are building the UN-centered New World Order is to provide a prophetic segue into their Crypto-Jewish “Kingdom of Christ.” The NWO will play the role of the “Beast” system that Christians have been programmed to expect prior to Jesus’ return. Just have a look at what the Jehova’s Witnesses say on the subject…

Looking at the description they offer of the Beast, it sounds an awful lot like the UN, doesn’t it? So the UN and its leader, Vladimir Putin, will “battle God’s armies commanded by Jesus Christ at Armageddon [a little over 7 years from now], but this war will result in the nations [and the UN] being destroyed.”

Further suggestion that the UN’s NWO is the prophetic Beast system is offered in the article’s final paragraph…

“Likewise, the seven heads of the beast of Revelation 13:1 represent seven governments: the primary political powers that have dominated through history and have taken the lead in oppressing God’s people—Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and Anglo-America. If we conclude that the ten horns represent all sovereign states, small and large, then the diadem, or crown, on each horn shows that each nation rules concurrently with the primary political power of the time.”

As you can see, the last political power they mention as “oppressing God’s people” is the supposed Anglo-American empire. And what have the globalists scripted to take over after the fall of the American empire? The UN of course; both Russia and China (as well as the Pope) point to a stronger, reformed UN as the solution to our current woes.

The NWO’s role as the “Beast” from Revelation is also confirmed when the paragraph says “each nation rules concurrently with the primary political power of the time.” That is exactly how the “multilateral / multipolar” NWO is designed to operate: with the UN as the center of global authority and the “free and sovereign” nations as its constituents.

So this and all the other prophetic propaganda I’ve covered point to the UN’s NWO as being the Beast, and to Vladimir Putin as being the Antichrist who leads it. And things will go so wrong in the second half of the NWO’s 7-year life span that people will be convinced they can’t lead themselves and that Christ must instead do it. And who will control the Christ figurehead who shows up to do the job? Yep, the Occulted Powers. They will then undemocratically rule over the whole borderless Earth as “god.”

As for getting “beyond the East vs. West dialectic smokescreen the globalists have thrown up,” which relates to their launch of the NWO, here goes…

The globalists are not so stupid as to come straight at us with their NWO lest they trigger resistance in the global population. So instead, they are using the standard battlefield tactic of sending a distractionary force to engage us in front while they sneak around behind us with the real attack.

The distractionary force – the decoy – is the supposed Western unilateral / unipolar NWO. They are pretending to come straight at us with it, and they have alt-media figures like Alex Jones breathlessly warning us about its approach. So while we are fearfully looking West at the “evil, Satanist unipower” seemingly coming towards us, their real attack is coming from the East in the guise of Putin’s “benevolent, godly” multilateral / multipolar NWO, which is the type of NWO the globalists wanted all along.

To fully understand how they are doing this, it is critically important that you read Understanding the NWO Strategy.

And to understand why Putin’s NWO is the NWO the globalists were planning all along, it is critically important that you read The Rockefeller Plan for the BRICS NWO, in their own words.

Finally, to understand how the globalists are using the G20 to bring in the NWO, it is critically important that you read George Soros and the China-Fronted NWO.

[Update 4.511 – 20-21 August 2016]


When I went to church as a young Christian boy, we used to sing a song called “Jesus Loves Me.” And since Putin is the first of the two coming fake Jesuses, I’ve decided that the song’s lyrics should change…

“Putin loves me this I know
For alt-media tell me so
Foolish rubes to him belong
They are weak but he is strong

Yes Putin loves me
Oh yes, Putin loves me
Yes Putin loves me for alt-media tell me so”

But to answer the question posed in this section, Putin is a globalist tool through-and-through. Unfortunately, though, many quasi-awake people have accepted the heroic picture of him painted by globalist controlled / influenced alt-media sources without bothering to investigate him themselves. So if you are one of those who haven’t bothered to research Putin, let me get you up to speed on the man by posing a few sub-questions and providing links to the entries that answer them…

> Have you ever wondered how Vladimir Putin rose to power in Russia? Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah will take you on a concise tour starting from his days as a KGB officer spying on Leningrad State University students to his oligarch-assisted elevation to the Russian Presidency less than 10 years later. The entry covers…

1) How the KGB got Putin started in politics in Leningrad, where he quickly became the city’s KGB/FSB mob boss,

2) How Putin was placed into the Russian Presidency by the uber-corrupt Boris Yeltsin, and

3) How Putin, Yeltsin, and the FSB Mafia planned and executed the Russian apartment bombings in order to elevate Putin to the Presidency of Russia and redirect the anger of the Russian populace.

++++++++++New Material++++++++++

> Did you notice what Putin did after 9/11? Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order offers a detailed look at how Putin supported the globalists’ 9/11 agenda and how he has promoted the globalists’ UN as the solution to the problems the globalists are creating (they are deliberately creating problems so they can offer the UN as the solution to them).

An important addendum to the “let’s cut the crap” article was offered in another entry. It shows Putin telling a ridiculous and obvious lie about 9/11. Here it is…


In my last entry on Vladimir Putin, Let’s cut the crap: Vladimir Putin is helping usher in the globalist New World Order, I pointed out his cooperation with the globalists’ 9/11 operation and his promotion of the globalists’ United Nations as the solution to all the problems the globalists are purposefully creating for us. But there was one piece of evidence I almost forgot, and I rediscovered it in a Non-Aligned Media write-up on Putin by Brandon Martinez. It was this article from RT (which has been scrubbed from their site, but remains in the Internet Archive)…

There are four important things to be noted about this article (an excerpt of which can be found in the next graphic down)…

1) It shows Putin once again giving his unequivocal support to the 9/11 Official Story, and doing so nearly 10 years after the attacks. By the time this article was published in 2011, just about every regular jagoff with an internet connection (like me) had figured out the attacks were an inside job, and this makes Putin’s remarks all the more ridiculous and damning.

Also damning is the fact that RT removed the article from its site and redirected traffic to an article about a blonde female aerial acrobat. Why would they remove the piece, you ask? To protect Putin’s rep as a truth-teller and to clear the way for him to bring forward 9/11 truth at the appropriate time (according to the globalists’ schedule).

2) The article is from RT, which is a propaganda outlet owned by the Russian government. And this means no excuse can be made that Putin’s remarks were misinterpreted, taken out of context, spun, or meant in jest.

3) Alex Jones’ Infowars reported on the article too, and they haven’t scrubbed it from their site…

This means that Alex Jones knows about Putin’s support of the Official Story. Given that Alex is “Mr. 9/11-was-an-inside-job”…
…why is he still promoting Putin as a truth-teller and opponent of the globalists?…

I can tell you why: Alex Jones’ job is to sell the dialectic conflict. That’s why…

> He is promoting 9/11 truth to make the “evil, Western” globalists look bad
> He is promoting Putin as the solution to “evil, Western” globalists.

4) “Putin added that he could not imagine how ‘any of the current or former US leaders could have such an idea.’” – This has to be Putin’s most absurd statement ever.

So the former intelligence professional Vladimir Putin cannot imagine how George W. Bush, the son of the 11th Director of Central Intelligence…
…could have an idea for a false-flag operation?

Are you fu*king kidding me???

Putin’s absurd statement is made infinitely more ludicrous by the fact that both the PNAC and Operation Northwoods documents were available in the public domain prior to 9/11. Since these documents provide some VERY interesting insights into what’s going on today, this is where I’ll pick up tomorrow.


[More sub-questions and links will be added to this update over the course of the day. Each one will be marked as Update 4.51, 4.52, 4.53, etc.]

More to come, and love always…

(P.S. – 14 August 2016) – It’s now one hour past sunset in Rio, so Tisha B’Av has ended there without a terror attack. On a hunch, I decided to check for any news of Turkish cooperation with Russia against ISIS and found this…
…from (note how the headline says “Vladimir Putin” teams up with Turkey, not “Russia” teams up with Turkey; they had to mention the name of the “hero”)

To see such a story in a Western rag tells me that the odds of us seeing the peace path are increasing. So the next things to watch for are giant releases from Assange and Snowden, as well as the Russian/Chinese gold announcement on September 4-5. And not long after the announcement, the second set of Twin Towers will fall (figuratively, not literally)…
…From Wikipedia

(P.S. – 18 August 2016) – Speaking of the peace path, on the same day that articles about Putin and Erdogan teaming up against ISIS began appearing, August 11, a new “prophecy” was circulated on End Times news sites. It states that…

“Megillat Setorim describes the Messiah as conquering the world without firing even a single bullet

Not in Megillat Setorim, but in other places, Rabbi Natan writes that he understood from his teacher Rebbe Nachman that the War of Gog and Magog would not be a physical war, but a spiritual and cultural war.”

So now we have a new prophecy that points to the peace path and suggests that the Gog / Magog War is the (contrived) conflict we’ve been observing between the Global North (the West) and the Global South (the BRICS). If the globalists have indeed switched to the peace path, the growing crescendo of war warnings coming out of the Ukraine and the South China Sea are meant to convey the supposed gravity of the situation from which Putin will save us.

On an interesting side note, a One World Religion festival will be taking place in Jerusalem during the critical days of September. It starts on September 4 (the first day of the G20 Summit in China) and ends on September 23. The festival’s artistic director offers this interesting quote…

“It is nothing short of a miracle that between four walls, we will inaugurate a temporary home for the three religions that share Jerusalem and for all those who wish to dwell under the wings of the Almighty.”

As I’ve mentioned in previous entries, the permanent home for this “Spiritual UN” religion will be the Third Temple that will be completed in about 3.5 years on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. It will then stand as the “abomination that brings desolation,” which will start the NWO going downhill fast.

Source Article from

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