Young Conservative who sparked outrage after going to party dressed as blood-stained Madeleine McCann is back working for the Tories

Charles Walford

Last updated at 5:18 PM on 1st February 2012

A Young Conservative who provoked outrage when he dressed-up as a blood-stained Madeleine McCann for a fancy dress party is back working for the Tories in Europe, it has emerged.

Matthew Lewis had apparently been expelled from the Party in 2009 by officials who were appalled by a series of entries about ‘my bad taste party outfit’ on his Facebook page.

But a biography next to a photo of a smiling Lewis on the Young Conservative Europe Group website states that he is in his second term as its chairman.

'Offensive': Matthew Lewis, far left, at an event with David Cameron - the young Tory wrote his Madeleine McCann costume would include a blonde wig, 'pink pyjamas, a teddy bear and a vial of fake blood'

‘Offensive’: Matthew Lewis, far left, at an event with David Cameron – the young Tory wrote his Madeleine McCann costume would include a blonde wig, ‘pink pyjamas, a teddy bear and a vial of fake blood’

Matt Lewis's profile on the YCEG website says he is in his second term as chairman - bu makes no mention of his suspension from the Party

Matt Lewis’s profile on the YCEG website says he is in his second term as chairman – but makes no mention of his suspension from the Party

The Law and Politics graduate in fact served only a one-year suspension from the Party and was quietly re-instated last year.

Lewis – then 23 – wrote on his wall he needed pink pyjamas, a blonde wig, a teddy bear and a vile of fake blood to transform into the missing infant for a New Year’s Eve party.

He also parodied the ITV programme Stars in Their Eyes by boasting: ‘Tonight Matthew, I’m going to be Maddie McCann.’

Another party guest allegedly dressed as Baby P, the toddler who died at the hands of his mother, Tracey Connelly, and her boyfriend, Steven Barker.

The fancy dress stunt outraged Deputy Prime Minister Caroline Spelman MP who, as Tory Party chairman at the time, said there was ‘no place for this sort of person in the Party’.

She had said: ‘This offensive behaviour is not only shocking but intolerable and completely unacceptable.’

A spokesman for the McCanns said at the time they were stunned at the insensitivity and lack of taste shown by the young man and called on him to apologise publicly and in private to them.

Matt Lewis facebook

of Matt Lewis joined in the joke about the missing five-year-old, with
one responding: ‘Is this a cunning (Baldrick style) plan to obtain the
reward money?’

But the Conservatives have now denied
that Lewis was ever expelled from the party ranks but said he was
suspended over his behaviour.

A Conservative spokesman said: ‘Matthew Lewis was suspended from the Party in January 2009 and apologised profusely for his behaviour.

‘The suspension ceased to be effective on June 1st 2010.’

Madeleine McCann

Madeleine McCann went missing from an apartment in Portugal in 2007

Lewis, a graduate of Keele University, was forced to apologise publically and privately to the Kate and Gerry McCann for the ‘incredible hurt’ he caused.

He claimed he resigned his chairman role at Staffordshire Conservative Future one month before his stunt outraged his Party in protest at internal reforms.

On his biography for the YCEG, a 30-year-old organisation whose president is Justice Secretary Ken Clarke, Lewis now describes himself as a ‘keen rower…most likely dressed in Lycra sitting in a boat on one of London’s docks or rivers with eight other men’.

Madeleine went missing from a bedroom at a holiday resort in Praia Da Luz in Portugal in May 2007.

Despite a global search that has often been called controversial and intense media coverage Madeline has never been found.

Clarence Mitchell, the spokesman for the McCanns, said: ‘Kate and Gerry were very grateful for the Conservative Party acting swiftly when Mr Lewis was kicked out in 2009.

‘Whatever he is doing now is a matter for the party’s hierarchy.’

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I know we have some sick politicians, but he is vile. A sweet little girl and parents who have gone through hell and he thinks it is funny. If that is what the Tories accept into the party then we need to get them kicked pretty quick. I hope Madeliene’s parents don’t read about this, as it would be so heartbreaking. Little scumbag.

What the hell is wrong with people!

It is a well known fact that young people do idiotic things at times. As somebody else pointed out Prince Harry dressed up at a party as a Nazi. And he hasn’t been thrown out of the royal family has he. So a severe reprimand is in order in both cases.

What a sicko. I’m sure all his posh chums snorted with glee at such a ‘joke’. An abducted child….hilarious yah… One consolation he hopefully has ruined his career, if he managed to get anywhere this would be brought up again and again. Why the hell would he be re-instated? This was much more than an error of judgement. It shows what a immature thoughtless divvy he is. One day he will have a child of his own and the thought of them going missing would be no joke.

You’ve totally lost my vote Mr Cameron, very very sick indeed.
You all need to grow up.

I am at uni with people like this. Know a guy well who has serious ambitions in Labour and is set to be a career politician. He and all his friends from both Labour and Conservative youth groups all get up to things on par with this. Absolutely void of life experience or real empathy or understanding of how society works. Slimy and all in cahoots with each other- until I came to uni I didnt understand where these politicians came from.

Fits in well with the other chinless yahoos infesting a once great party.

Funny how I am a hard working young Tory member, the same age as this guy and I cannot get a look in as part of their “Conservative Future” wing. All I ever get are e-mails asking me to pay to attend dinners with some minor MP. Maybe if I dressed up as a child abuse victim or some figure associated with fascism perhaps Cameron would take notice?

I don’t much like the Conservatives and I expect I wouldn’t much like this chap but this should not be blown out of proportion. Lots of people tell sick jokes in the belief that their audience will not take offence, and it doesn’t necessarily follow that they really want horrible things to happen.
My opinion of the Party has actaully gone up due to discovering they did not ban him for life which would have been the populist thing to do.

And these people think they’re better than us plebs!

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