¿You¿ll have your baby in jail!¿ Judge tells heavily-pregnant woman who tried to frame ex-lover as a paedophile

Katie Silver

Last updated at 4:51 PM on 1st February 2012

Judge Adele Williams told Rebecca Tooze she will have her baby in jail after she tried to frame an ex-lover as a paedophile

Judge Adele Williams told Rebecca Tooze she will have her baby in jail after she tried to frame an ex-lover as a paedophile

A heavily pregnant woman has been jailed for four years after hatching ‘a wicked plot’ to frame an innocent ex-lover by trying to falsely portray him as a paedophile.

Malicious Rebecca Tooze, 35, arranged for a vile photograph depicting a naked child in a bondage harness to be slipped into the car of a man against whom she held a grudge.

Then her new boyfriend, long-distance lorry driver James Mr Willis, 37, made an anonymous phone call to the police in September 2010 claiming the same man had offered him child porn pictures in Deal, Kent.

Now Ms Tooze, who has moved from Dover, Kent, to Bridgewater, Somerset, will give birth to her child in prison after admitting conspiring to pervert the course of justice.

Mr Willis pleaded guilty to the same charge.

The victim – who cannot be named for legal reasons – faced losing his career and his liberty, Canterbury Crown Court heard Tuesday.

Ms Tooze dreamed up her ‘prolonged, malicious and perverted plot ‘after her relationship with her ex-lover ‘turned toxic’.

She recruited Mr Willis to carry out the plan to make child porn pictures involving a two year old baby, and while the victim was at work broke into his parked car and planted the ‘evidence’.

Then hours later Mr Willis made his secret call to police naming the man.
But the victim discovered the porn stash in the back seat of his car and reported it to his superiors and to detectives.

Police then uncovered Ms Tooze’s evil plot by tracking forensic evidence from the car to the home of Mr Willis in Ashford, Kent.

Although Ms Tooze denied an intimate relationship with Mr Willis, detectives found her DNA on bondage equipment which also appeared in the top Level Five porn images of a child, photographed from the neck down.

And inside Mr Willis’ computer, forensic experts discovered he had printed adult pornographic images from two internet sites, ‘Rape Stories 3D’ and ‘Ravished Bride’, which were also planted in the victim’s car.

Prosecutor Paul Valder said a search of the house also revealed a script, in Ms Tooze’s handwriting, of the anonymous phone call to police made by Mr Willis.

Ms Tooze will have her baby in jail (file picture)

Ms Tooze will have her baby in jail (file picture)

Text messages between the two conspirators ‘exposed their lies’ and proved there had been a romantic relationship between them.

Judge Adele Williams commended Detective Constable Nicola Hill of Kent Police and her team for their ‘painstaking and thorough’ investigation.

She said it was fortunate the police realised quickly there had been a plot to frame the victim.

The victim, who was at work at the time he was alleged to have offered the porn, was never arrested because the police acted quick enough to realise he was being framed.

But the judge said the plot could have had ‘potentially devastating and traumatic effects’ on him – including being branded a paedophile and losing his job and his liberty.

She said: ‘He would have faced being ostracised because of the revulsion of right-minded person’s towards child pornography.’

In jailing Ms Tooze and Mr Willis to four years in prison she told them: ‘This was truly wicked behaviour by both of you and one of the worst examples of perverting the course of justice there could be.

‘You planted child pornography in the back of the car of an innocent man. You two hatched the plot to discredit him.’

Ms Tooze, she said, had acted out of ‘calculation and malice and selfish self-interest.’

The judge revealed that Ms Tooze had previously made allegations of rape against her ex-lover – which had also been rejected by a court.

‘If this plot had succeeded you would have ruined his life,’ she added.

Paul Jarvis, defending Ms Tooze, who remained impassive throughout the hearing, said she had been diagnosed with Histrionic Personality Disorder.

He said she will now give birth to her child in jail.

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I dont understand the crime what did she do wrong? Her ex boyfriend probably deserved it

Good on the Judge! Well done to you, nice to see some justice for once!

they deserve every day of their sentence, what a thoroughly evil pair.

I think all of us are forgetting the other man’s involvement in this,without him it probably would not have happened.
He was prepared to partner this piece of garbage without any thought of what might happen if she got fed up with him.Furthermore,most men know that some women will move heaven on earth to get rid of the despised partner and I do not suppose he was ignorant of that fact but he was still prepared to let the chap go to jail for a
crime he did not commit.This is still the trouble with some men,they are so easily led,usually by a lower part of their anatomy.

DM do we really need a ‘file photo’ of a pregnant woman? I think we all know what they look like. And what about the young woman in the photo? You are linking her to this crime and she could be accused of it by people she knows and yet she’s perfectly innocent, just a model. This is wicked.

…and now comes the Feminists and the Human Rightists who will ensure that this obvious criminal spends next-to-no-time in prison. Ahhh, equality!

Surely with her disregard for the wel being of the child used in the photo and the fact that it must have been a serious one she should also be forced to sign the sex offenders register!

Bet that shocked her! she probably thought that being pregnant would hand her a “get out of jail free” card. Well done that judge (for a change)!!!

So Mrs X, you’ve been accused of an absolutely disgraceful crime, now I’ve got a list of disorders here, could you look through them and pick one that I can use in your defence.

thanks for the photo of the pregnant women, never seen one before!! and theres me thinking they were delivered by a stork.(shes not a stork is she?)

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