Ex·trem·ist (n):
Somebody who holds extreme or radical political or religious beliefs;
(adj): involving, typical of, or motivated by extreme opinions, especially in politics or religion.
Rad·i·cal (adj):
Favoring or making economic, political, or social changes of a sweeping or extreme nature.
Ter·ror·ist (n):
Somebody who uses violence or the threat of violence, especially bombing, kidnapping, and assassination, to intimidate, often for political purposes.
The above listed terms and their definitions are ones that we as Americans, as well as people in Western nations in general, have become all too familiar with. Here in the States, the “War on Terror” has officially gone on for over 14 years now, and shows no sign of stopping. As myself and many others have previously stated, it is not something that is ever meant to end, as it enriches the Military Industrial Complex both in military operations abroad, as well as domestic surveillance and the construction of a federalized police state at home.
At this point, I feel it would be laboriously repetitive for me to go further into how all that works at this point. What I want to look at here is the narrative being established and the deeper meaning behind it. A recent interview with sociopolitical and media narrative researcher and analyst Jay Dyer presented a deeper perspective about the whole “radical extremism” narrative that is playing out on both sides of the media. This was something that I felt compelled to explore myself.
The whole world now is on red alert because of the actions of the “newest face” of Islamic extremism, ISIS. The Paris Attacks last month, and now the more recent San Bernardino mass shooting/terror attack have got the world gripped in a state of fear and panic. President Obama even gave a rare prime time speech to address the issue, which was obviously done to create hype around the incident. While tragic and definitely a bit “close to home” for me as I work with people with developmental disabilities, the narrative around the event is somewhat suspect. First we have a mass shooter drill happening to take place at the same time as the supposed event. Second, we have what was originally described as three assailants reported officially reduced to two (we saw a similar occurrence around the Colorado Theater Shooting narrative). Third, we have the police stepping aside and letting all who wish essentially ransack the suspects’ home on live television before even conducting an investigation of the crime scene, essentially destroying any ability to connect anyone else directly to the attacks.
However, what I find intriguing is the “battle” between the left and the right over who the “most dangerous” extremist group is. If you look at the Right Wing, NeoCon media (i.e. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc.), they will hammer home the point that it is Islamic extremism that is the greatest threat to our safety and security, coupled with the migrant “surges” happening from the southern border. They will state that more needs to be done abroad to destroy ISIS and that their large fan base is so numerous that Islam itself is an existential threat to America. This was recently echoed by Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, who cited examples of Islamic communities celebrating the fall of the Twin Towers during 9/11 and the recent events of soccer matches, among the reasons why any and all Muslims need to be prevented from entering the U.S. until the nation can “figure out what the hell is going on”.
On the Left, we have the “Liberal” media (i.e. MSNBC and pretty much every other major news outlet) stating that while ISIS is bad, the “real threat” in America is not Radical Islam, but rather the “white male” mass shooters such as Dylann Storm Roof (I still have a hard time believing that one) and the recent shoot-up of a Colorado abortion clinic by the almost equally strange “Robert Dear”; as in “Robert, Dear, can you take out the trash?” In either case, both these men were supposedly motivated by a sort of extreme “Right Wing” ideology, be it racism, or fundamentalist Christianity, it was vehemently opposed to the ultra-politically-correct ideals of the “Liberal” Left.
In either case, both support a sort of “lockdown” policy to “keep this from happening again”. The Right favors a closing of the border, militarism, and greater surveillance to prevent Islamic extremists and other undesirable “non-Americans” from being able to do us harm. The Left favors severe gun restrictions, “hate” speech restrictions for politically incorrect language and ideas, and greater surveillance to prevent dangerous White extremists and other “hate groups” from being able to do us harm. So what do both of these policies have in common? Obviously, both share the belief that it is centralized government power, rather than a self-reliant, self-sufficient and otherwise empowered citizenry, that is the key to “keeping us safe”. But there is something else going on here as well.
What do Religious fundamentalists (Islamic, Christian, etc.), White Nationalists (or Black Nationalists, or Hispanic Nationalists, etc.), Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, Libertarians, Constitutionalists, and “Conspiracy Theorists” all have in common? They all have strong ideologies or opinions that in some form or fashion create competition and opposition to the dominant power structure and the elite that control it. These are ideologies that supersede the allegiance to the State in the minds and hearts of those individuals who subscribe to them. These are ideologies that if left alone, threaten the power monopoly of the State, which is why the State will either seek to infiltrate and “co-opt” them, so as to use them for its own purposes, or it will seek to destroy them.
Let’s briefly take a look at each of these different ideologies that cause the State so much concern:
Religious fundamentalism or “extremism” is what is on is on everybody’s tongue right now. Religious fundamentalism is typically the strict adherence to a particular religion and its doctrine. Fundamentalists tend to hold to a literal or “exoteric” interpretation of their religion. While most religious fundamentalists are not violent, the belief in any sort of “Higher Power” that supersedes the State is going to be targeted and demonized. Meanwhile the State will simultaneously drum up fear of these ideologies to enhance its own power and control. While particular fundamentalist ideologies like violent Islamic extremism (which is typically government enabled and funded), are used to de-stabilize various regions resistant to Globalism, the goal is ultimately for these ideologies to be absorbed into a Corporate Global Monoculture based in consumerism and debt slavery.
Nationalism, while not as much of a focal point in the States, is really gaining steam in Europe. Nationalism is the belief that the state, acting as an extension of a particular culture, tribe, folk, or race needs to remain sovereign and maintain the ability for self-determination, free of influence or pressure from outside nations or groups. The various Nationalist movements are demonized heavily in the media there, as well as here to a lesser degree. Factions of the Power Elite have used Nationalism to their advantage in the past, but as the power structure moved full swing into a Trans-National Globalist system with the conclusion of World War II, any form of Nationalism is now seen as an enemy of “progress”. We would do well to understand that the one of the primary purposes of World War II was to crush folkish Nationalism and usher in a “cosmopolitan” Globalist system.
Sovereign Citizens or “Freeman” essentially reject the notion that the State has any legitimate authority over their lives. They understand the “LEGAL NAME” as it appears in all CAPS on your birth certificate, driver’s license, and any court documents to be different than the actual flesh and blood human person. The LEGAL NAME is a corporate entity, and one’s consent to it essentially makes one property of the State and the power structure behind it. Sovereign Citizens and Freeman use this legal understanding to separate themselves from the State, most notably from paying taxes, particularly income taxes (which are unconstitutionally levied by a private bank). The State cannot exist without funding from private citizens, so naturally, anyone with this sort of ideology and understanding is seen as a threat. Far from violent, Sovereign Citizens typically just want to be left alone. You can read for yourself: Global SOv Handbook_0
Anarchists have a similar ideology to Sovereign Citizens, as they do not believe in the legitimacy of the State or government at all whatsoever. Anarchists do not believe that any group or individual has the right do declare itself as an authority over another. Anarchists believe that any imposition upon an individual’s free will (including taxation and imprisonment) that isn’t self-defense is immoral and illegitimate. Anarchists have been given a bad rap due to the use of violence in protest settings which have mainly been perpetrated by agent provocateurs rather than actual anarchists; particularly in recent decades. The public has been conditioned to fear the word “anarchy” and link it to chaos. Anarchy in fact does not mean “without rules”, it means “without rulers”. This makes those who subscribe to it a natural enemy of the State.
Libertarianism could be considered as “Anarchy Lite”. Libertarians share many of the same beliefs as Anarchists, but believe in some form of severely limited representative government. As the State seeks to continuously expand itself, Libertarianism is seen as an enemy, although their ideology of unrestricted markets can tend to play into the hands of Corporate Globalism. Libertarians also tend to be anti-imperialism, which puts them at odds with the Military Industrial Complex that steers much of U.S. foreign policy. Libertarians often identify as “fiscally conservative” but “socially liberal”.
Constitutionalists are similar to Libertarians in ideology, but specifically hold allegiance to the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. However, many Constitutionalists also tend to be conservative Christian and “pro-life”, while Libertarians tend to lean towards “pro-choice”. Constitutionalists reject the idea that the Constitution is a “living document” open to free interpretation that changes with the times. This ideology is particularly troublesome to the U.S. Federal Government as it has increasingly sought to expand its power and influence both at home and abroad, far beyond the scope outlined in that document. If one looks at the definition of the word, it would in fact be the Federal Government that would be defined as “radical”.
Within the category of “Constitutionalists”, we have a large portion of active and retired U.S. Military Service members. These are men and women who swore an oath to the Constitution and it is no small wonder that returning veterans are at the top of Homeland Security’s “Terror Watch List”. In fact, police chiefs have justified their Homeland Security funded military weapons and vehicles due to the “threat” of “Constitutionalists” and “veterans” who have “the ability and knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques”. Throughout history, it has been the military and their codes of honor that has proven to be the biggest thorn in the side of political despotism.
Lastly we have “Conspiracy Theorists”. This has been a blanket term used to apply to pretty much anyone that believes that governments lie or that small groups of people meet in secret and make plans. While these “Conspiracy Theorists” run the gamut as far as areas of focus, from false-flag terrorism to U.F.O. cover-ups, nearly all of them point to secrecy, deception and outright lawless actions being perpetrated by the State in the past or in the present. Naturally, the State does not care for this and seeks to marginalize anyone who points to any wrong doing on the part of the power structure.
Another thing that tends to link “Conspiracy Theorists” is a “belief in a New World Order conspiracy”. So what is the New World Order exactly? Aside from just being a concept mentioned in speeches by both former President George H. W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton, and far from some fantasy construct of a dystopian sci-fi novel, the “New World Order” is nothing more and nothing less than the logical end-result of Trans-National Corporate Globalism. It is a gigantic corporate merger- a consolidation of power and influence by select financial and corporate interests, their shareholders as well as the politicians and bureaucrats they have under their thumb. It is a group of cartels with who work together to enhance mutual interests and dominate world markets and resources.
The stated goal is to create a “one world government” ruled by a sort of “neo-feudalistic serfdom”, with a form of Socialism/Communism for the masses, while the “feudal lords” sit in offshore tax havens and fortified compounds. For those familiar with the “company towns” of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it could be likened to that on a global scale. In fact, the nature of sovereignty erasing trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership is evidence of this.
The subject as to who these “feudal lords” that sit atop this “pyramid” has long been debated. Count Richard von Coudenhove –Kalergi, founder and President of the Pan-European Union, which was the predecessor of the E.U., was a big-time power player in the Globalist movement. The Count gave us a somewhat of a clue of who these “lords” might be with this statement from his 1925 book, “Praktischer Idealismus”:
From the European quantity people… two quality races rise up: blood aristocracy and Jewry… both believe in their higher mission, of their better blood… The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor of the future nobility.
It should be noted that the British-Dutch-German royal family are the prime shareholders of Dutch Royal Shell Oil Corporation and the largest land owners in the world. Meanwhile Jewish elite financial empires like N.M. Rothschild and Goldman-Sachs influence interest rates and hold sway over major global financial lenders like the IMF, the World Bank, and the Bank for International Settlements – the central bank of central banks like the Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve. It was these financial interests as well as their counterparts on Wall Street that funded both the Zionist and Bolshevik movements of the early 20th century. Historically, the financial/merchant class has worked with aristocracy to enhance one another’s interests and power for centuries.
The late Carroll Quigley, former Georgetown University Professor and mentor to former President Bill Clinton wrote the encyclopedic-length work of dry non-fiction “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time”, in which he detailed with optimistic enthusiasm the mechanisms of what he referred to as the “Anglo-American Establishment”. The Anglo-American Establishment describes the alliance between the British Empire and the elite financial and corporate interests that were behind it (i.e. Rothschild) and the emerging American Empire and its financial and industrial titans like J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie. The forming of the much-celebrated “Special Relationship” between the U.S. and Britain in the late 19th century was at its core founded on a belief in the need for Anglo-American hegemony across the globe. As the British Empire declined, the American Empire took its place.
After the Anglo-American Establishment emerged victorious in World War II, a new entity emerged, referred to by President Eisenhower as the “Military Industrial Complex”, which acted as the “bulldog” for the financial and corporate entities who sought to get nations into debt they could not pay back, so they could then pillage their resources. The Military Industrial Complex was there to make sure that happened. Controlled primarily by the American WASP elites with ties to Zionism, this combine of arms dealers and weapons manufacturers used the power and influence they had gained in the Second World War to make sure that the war never ended. The creation of entities like the CIA as well as other Military Industrial Complex entities and operations helped to ensure this through use of false-flag terror, psychological warfare, narcotics trafficking, sex trafficking, manufactured revolutions, assassinations and puppet dictators.
With the spread of Corporate Globalism, new players like China entered into the equation. While western interests had covertly financed the Communist Revolution of Mao Tse Tung for decades, Communist China remained an “enemy” in the eyes of the general public through the Vietnam War. However, in the mid- 1970s China was “opened” to western markets – a move led by then U.S. Envoy to China and later CIA Director, George H.W. Bush. This was the beginning of the new chapter of the strange love-hate relationship between China, their elites like the Li family, and the Anglo-American Establishment. The Corporate Globalists love China due to their unending supply of cheap labor and complete disregard for the environment and human rights. Meanwhile those who are on the military and finance side of things know that China is still out for China, and not really “in” with the Judeo-Anglo-American Establishment, which seeks to be the dominant force in the world as it has for the last nearly 200 years.
The New World Order is a comprehensive system of dominance in financial, corporate, and government spheres where the most ruthless rise to the top. It is a system tailor-made for psychopaths. While there is infighting and backstabbing, as there is “no honor among thieves”, there is cooperation in the manner of a group of cartels. Judeo-Zionist, Anglo-American, and European elites primarily drive it, however players like the Saudis and the Chinese have played an increasing role in the past few decades. It has been said that millionaires see the world as a “playground”, while billionaires see the world as a “proving ground”, and this is certainly the case here as this is no “millionaires club”. The primary ideology is that of “Social Darwinism” and the belief that the 0.0001% who are in this “club” have a duty to direct the course of human civilization and lead the masses of the human population down “the right path”, with or without their consent.
However, these are also people who deeply understand the Law of Karma, which is why they always say what they are going to do in white papers, dry academic works, etc. before they do it. Silence, apathy, ignorance and disbelief from the general public equates to consent, as the information and stated goals of these folks is readily available. Likewise, they use “grunts” like the police and the military to do their dirty work, thereby skirting the immediate repercussions of Karma. They understand human psychology to an incredibly sophisticated degree and are masters at playing groups off against one another in order to advance their goals and create “order out of chaos”.
This is the “New World Order” in a nutshell. It is the Global Corporate Mega-State. This is an entity that has been constructed in the darkness of secrecy away from the light of inquiry, but now has become more vocal and blatant with its actions, as its dominance has caused it to grow in chutzpah and arrogance. Needless to say, this system as a whole is not something that most people would consent to if they were fully aware of it, which is why anyone sounding the alarm about any aspect of this is going to be ridiculed, demonized, or worse by the establishment.
So let’s be clear: governments aren’t afraid of terrorism. Governments have used terrorism for quite some time to advance their own power. What governments are afraid of are ideologies that compete with their own. The State and the individuals behind it know their real power lies in their hold over the minds and hearts of their populace. If that is gone, it is only a matter of time before they are as well.
We should note that it is increasingly accurate to use an impersonal term like “the State” in reference to the U.S. Government as it no longer matters who “the face” is, since we have a dictatorship of Executive Branch bureaucracies and the corporate interests that control them. Policies shift focus and move faster, but never really “change”. This is a State that has not been “for the people” for a long, long time. Similar statements can be made of most governments that are in existence today.
So that leads us to the question of what exactly is the ideology of the State and the emerging Global Corporate Mega State that ultimately seeks to completely absorb it? First and foremost, the State seeks to establish itself as God (although it will never say that). The State wants you to look to it for life and sustenance. The State wants you to look to it and only it, for safety and security. The State wants women to see it as provider, children to see it as parent, and men to see it as master. The State wants to destroy human sexuality and even human imagination because of the power it has to create without the approval of the State. The State will tell you what is moral and virtuous. The State will take your ideas and your movements and make them work to advance its own goals. All things belong to the State. The State will let you have whatever does not threaten its power.
The State wants the “poor and oppressed” to look to it for hope, opportunity, and charity which it will give in exchange for loyalty and the elimination of its enemies. The State must crush any and all competition. The State must silence any and all dissent or ridicule. The State will choose what words and language is appropriate. The State will decide what technology you can and can’t have. The State wants you to consume more and more. The State wants you to be self-absorbed and apathetic. The State wants you to care about frivolous things and obsess over mindless entertainment. The State wants you to believe you can only be what it says you can be. The State wants you to believe everything its “experts” and media pundits tell you. The State must dictate your reality.
The State wants you to cheer it on, no matter what it does. The State demands tribute and it demands sacrifice. The State will tell you that it is virtuous and honorable to pay your tribute to the State. The State cannot survive without it. The State thinks there are too many people and that threatens its ability to maintain power and control. The true nature of the State is that of a parasitic entity. It may give a tiny little bit, but then it takes oh so much more. Like a cancer it grows and grows. The State wants you in its cage until you die broke and in debt. The State will say what is good is evil and what is evil is good. The antithesis of Light, Life and Love, the State as we know it is an archaic holdover from the Kali Yuga and represents darkness, death and fear. The State is a vampiric illusion that only exists because we have put our faith and energy into maintaining it.
This is the State as it has come to be. This is the Global Corporate Mega-State. It is “Left Wing” as well as a bit “Right Wing”. It is all about you having any sort of “freedom” that keeps you dumbed-down, distracted and self-absorbed. It wants to take all of your money as you slowly die from the diseases that it creates or allows to be created in a variety of ways. It tolerates homogenous, watered-down religion, just as long as your actions in the world are primarily focused on tribute and support of the State and all the wondrous things it provides. It wants you to serve it until you no longer serve a purpose. It wants you to believe you are weak, powerless, and ugly. But in truth, it knows how powerful you truly are and is scared to death of that.
At the end of the day, an “extremist” is anyone who does not agree with the legitimacy of the power monopoly of the State and its attempt to dictate reality. An “extremist” sees the State’s attempt to become God for what it is. An “extremist” isn’t a threat because he or she uses bombs, or guns, or other fear-based tactics. An “extremist” is a threat because he or she isn’t afraid to use words and ideas to create a different version of reality than the one the State approves of. The Word and the Imagination are humanity’s most powerful tools, which is why the State seeks to suppress and control them with such vigor.
So in closing, my question to you, dear reader, is this: where do you stand? Do you stand with the State? Or do you follow a “Higher Power”? Will you be an “extremist” with me? Or will you be absorbed into the Global Corporate Mega-State? Humanity is at a fork in the road, and the time is coming where we will all have to make the “hard choice”. Honest, sincere, conscious action will be required of us. Whether it be action in the physical world, the spiritual world, or both, I suppose that depends on one’s own strengths and abilities, but in any case, it will take everything we have.
There is a rough road ahead indeed, and the temptation will be there to just put our head in the ground and “go along to get along” and hope we go unnoticed. But we may be wise to remember the words of Tuskegee Airman and Air Force Lt. Col. Hiram Mann:
No man survives when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails, and those who cry ‘appease, appease’, will be hanged by those they tried to please.
Those who have ears to hear should hear. Namaste and God Bless.
Source Article from http://renegadetribune.com/you-might-be-an-extremist-if/
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