You can sell Hitler schnapps! Austrian police abandon investigation into sale of alcohol with Hitler’s face on bottle

  • The seller was motivated by profit and not idealogy

Emily Allen

Last updated at 8:17 PM on 3rd February 2012

Complaints were made after a man started selling alcohol with Hitler's face on the bottle

Complaints were made after a man started selling alcohol with Hitler’s face on the bottle

A man has been allowed to carry on selling schnapps with Adolf Hitler’s face after officials ruled it wasn’t breaking the law.

A legal probe was launched last year after complaints that an Austrian website was offering alcohol for sale adorned with portraits of the Nazi leader and swastikas.

The site offered sales of spirits in ‘nostalgic bottles of former historical greats.’

However, complaints were made that the bottles were glorifying the Nazi era.

Promoting or glorifying anything to do with the Third Reich is strictly illegal in Austria.

However, state prosecution official Heinz Rusch
said the investigation ended because of a lack of proof that it was intended to glorify the National Socialist era.

He said the 48-year-old, known as Roland M by prosecutors, from Vorarlberg in the east of the country, was motivated by profit and not by ideology.

They said he stopped the sales immediately when legal action against him started.

Following the complaint about the bottles by an MP last year, the schnapps became a best-seller.

Mr M said he put Hitler’s image on to the bottles after spotting a gap in the market and now plans to sell more Hitler wine.

In December, it was revealed that one in ten young people in Austria think Hitler was not all bad and that he did some ‘good things’.

The country’s Kurier newspaper called the findings by the Youth Culture Research Institute ‘frightening’.

The website advertising Hitler wine and Hitler Schnapps which came under investigation following a complaint

Complaint: The website advertising Hitler wine and Hitler Schnapps which was investigated following a complaint last year

Austria has struggled with its relationship to Nazis in general and Hitler in particular ever since 1945.

The country was taken over by Hitler – himself an Austrian by birth – in 1938.

Welcomed by euphoric crowds at the time, post-war Austria retreated to a psychological comfort zone whereby they classified themselves as the ‘first victims’ of the regime.

The new survey asked youngsters aged between 16 and 19 what they thought of the dictator.

Pollsters were astonished when 11.2 per cent of them said that Hitler ‘did many good things for the people’.

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What’s the problem? People sell Che Guevara T-shirts and no one complains about that.

I really can’t see what the problem is. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian and now an historic figure. His portrait probably has a retro appeal to some and would help to sell the product. Next they will try to ban portraits of Napoleon. Ridiculous continental behaviour.

Where can I buy it?

I went on holiday to Venice about 6 years ago and saw similar bottles with the faces of Hitler and Mussolini. This has been going on for years.

Austria, the country which produced some of the most notorious Nazis, yet it also produced Mozart, Haydn and Bruckner. Astonishing.

Our young soldiers in Germany not long after the war, used to go on boozing binges and when they were too unwell to drink ( buy ) anymore, the kindly bar managers used to give them a good sized glass of schnapps,invariably, within 2 or 3 minutes, the squaddy would have to visit the toilet to disgorge the excess fluid he had partaken. So Schnapps with Htlers head as a sales motiff, may be referring to puking. and seems quite apt.

The DM uses images of the fuehrer to drive what are known as Hitler clicks; why should not others? BTW A crate for me please.

There aren’t enough words in the english language to describe how vehemently disgusting and wrong this is.

Two glasses of schnapps and a pint of mien usual her barman.

i will get hundreds of red arrows for this, but in the beginning he did good things for a lot of the population, not all. he provided work and food for many at a time when my mother and her sisters had to come to england to be au pairs so they could send money home, the family were literally starving, not just hungry. My grandmother went out daily begging for scraps. if like my grandfather you were a communist he wasn’t such a good thing, the seeds of his madness and megalomania were very close to the surface and soon became apparent. BUT that doesn’t stop some people remembering that when their children were starving, inflation was out of control and work was non existant he gave them some hope. History is never black and white, I am sure Napoleon had some good points though I doubt my ancestors in 1805 would have thought so.

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