Yahweh The Two-Faced God: Theology, Terrorism, and Topology

A book with the title of this blog has been written ‘by Oxford educated authors and researchers, Dr’s Joseph P. Farrell and Scott D. de Hart expose the history behind the End of Times apocalyptic panic and pandemonium; the theological terror; the underlying agenda to divide saints from sinners, darkness from light, and the accompanying geopolitical aim to turn nation against nation of how the three historic monotheistic religions set the stage for the apocalypse theater. It is a story of the ancient unholy alliance of terrorism, theology, geopolitics.’

Below is some ‘bad’ news and ‘good’ news regarding this conce

The bad news first :

“‘We are approaching a time when brain science will be critical to our national security,” confirmed James Forsythe of Sandia National Laboratories.”

“According to James Giordano of Georgetown University and the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, and colleague Rachel Warzman at Georgetown University, the battlefields of the future will be shaped by advances in neuroscience focused for military purposes.”

‘We are approaching a time when brain science will be critical to our national security,” confirmed James Forsythe of Sandia National Laboratories.”

“According to James Giordano of Georgetown University and the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, and colleague Rachel Warzman at Georgetown University, the battlefields of the future will be shaped by advances in neuroscience focused for military purposes.”

“Such an arsenal could include “drugs, microbiological agents and toxins from nature,” explained Jonathan Moreno at the University of Pennsylvania.

“In addition to the use of “brain-machine interfaces,” the hormone oxytocin could be used to make prisoners more co-operative in divulging sensitive military information. Other substances would make soldiers forget atrocities they might have committed.

“According to Forsythe and Giordano, adversarial elements could include: “nanoparticles engineered to affect specific brain processes,” “super soldiers created through pharmaceuticals and/or brain stimulation” and “brain imaging for interrogation-lie detection” as well as the use of “intelligent machines.'”

“Other possibilities being considered by military strategists include an aerosolized shellfish neurotoxin fatal to humans in a few minutes, hallucination-causing bacteria and organisms that access and destroy human brains by crawling up the olfactory nerves.

“Such technologies would have been unimaginable not so long ago, but the U.S. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency has been focusing on the military applications of brain science, Moreno confirmed.” The Winnipeg Free Press

Implications and Meanings of the above statements :

The USA’s national defense and black projects establishment is already studying the problem, and developing new technologies for the political elites.

Specific technologies are already being developed. Note here the statement “Other substances would make soldiers forget atrocities they might have committed.” Why make such a statement unless one was planning the technological elimination of “core” or “sacred” areas of the brain inhibiting such behavior? Or imagine an equally, if not more unsavory alternative: imagine using such technologies to imprint the morally contradictory character of Yahwism directly on those areas of the brain, so to speak, to engineer a person’s belief that in committing such acts, he was being obedient to God? We have seen the effects of just a religious program of such indoctrination, imagine it being reinforced by such a “neurological arsenal”!

There it is, but in case you missed it, what is really being said here is that DARPA is involved in projects deliberately designed to serve a transhumanist and alchemical agenda. The point here is that society is being neurologically engineered and militarized. …..

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

The good news:

Some things ARE sacred: Scientists find beliefs that we won’t ‘sell out’ are kept in a different part of the brain

Magnetic resonance scans of brains as people are offered money to renounce beliefs.

‘Mundane’ beliefs such as ‘I am a tea drinker’ dealt with by one area.

More ‘sacred’ beliefs are dealt with in the part of the brain that deals with ‘right’ and ‘wrong’.

Politicians who use ‘rewards’ to persuade people could have it wrong.

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