{"id":678212,"date":"2018-04-11T14:28:31","date_gmt":"2018-04-11T14:28:31","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/timeline-of-rothschilds-crime-syndicate-quotes-pushing-one-world-dictatorship\/"},"modified":"2018-04-11T14:28:31","modified_gmt":"2018-04-11T14:28:31","slug":"timeline-of-rothschilds-crime-syndicate-quotes-pushing-one-world-dictatorship","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/timeline-of-rothschilds-crime-syndicate-quotes-pushing-one-world-dictatorship\/","title":{"rendered":"TIMELINE OF ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE QUOTES \u2013 PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP"},"content":{"rendered":"<div style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;\" class=\"sharethis-inline-share-buttons\" ><\/div><div>\n<div class=\"entry-content\">\n<h2><span><strong>TIMELINE OF ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE QUOTES \u2013 PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP<\/strong><\/span><\/h2>\n<h3><span><strong>When Evil Wealth Extracting Banksterism forces take full control of the institutions of any\u00a0<\/strong><\/span><span><strong>Democracy then you get both Terrorism and DICTATORSHIP!<\/strong><\/span><\/h3>\n<p><img decoding=\"async\" class=\"alignnone wp-image-6131 size-full\" src=\"https:\/\/concisepolitics.files.wordpress.com\/2014\/04\/dictatorship-naturally-arises-out-of-democracy-and-the-most-aggravated-form-of-tyranny-and-slavery-plato-146387.jpg?w=652\" alt=\"\" \/><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1785 CE: FIGHTING BRITISH WORLD DICTATORSHIP FROM OUR ORIGINS \u2014 \u201cThe preservation of a free government requires, not merely that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained, but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great barrier which defends the rights of the people. The rulers who are guilty of such encroachment exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are tyrants. The people who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them and are slaves. It is proper to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties \u2013 we hold this prudent jealousy to be the first duty of citizens, and one of the noblest characteristics of the late Revolution. The freemen of America did not wait till usurped power had strengthened itself by exercise, and entangled the question in precedents. They saw all the consequences in the principle, and they avoided the consequences by denying the principle. \u2014 President Jame Madison (1751 CE-1836 CE)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1844 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.\u201d \u2014 Benjamin Disraeli, first Prime Minister of England, in a novel he published in 1844 CE called Coningsby, the New Generation \u201c<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1876 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments plans.\u201d \u2014 British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1912 CE-1913 CE: ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB ARE THE FUTURE DICTATORS IN THE ONE WORLD ORDER \u2014 \u201cLet me control a peoples currency and I care not who makes their laws\u2026\u201d \u2014 Meyer Nathaniel Rothschild in a speech to a gathering of world bankers February 12, 1912 CE \u2014 The following year, the USA subscribed to the \u2018services\u2019 of the newly incorporated Federal Reserve, run by the ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE that makes DEBT SLAVES of the citizens of entire nations with USURY INTEREST.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1913 CE: WILSON EXPLAINS WHY HE SOLD OUT AMERICANS AND PUSHED THE ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cSince I entered politics, I have chiefly had men\u2019s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the Field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.\u201d \u2014 Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom \u2014 Wilson sold AMERICANS OUT IN A FAKE WAR AND THE IRS AND THE CRIMINAL RUN FED RESERVE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1915 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe old world order changed when this war\u2013storm broke (WW I). The old international order passed away as suddenly, as unexpectedly, and as completely as if it had been wiped out by a gigantic flood, by a great tempest, or by a volcanic eruption. The old world order died with the setting of that day\u2019s sun and a NEW WORLD ORDER is being born while I speak, with birth\u2013pangs so terrible that it seems almost incredible that life could come out of such fearful suffering and such overwhelming sorrow.\u201d \u2014 Nicholas Murray Butler, in an address delivered before the Union League of Philadelphia<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1916 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cI am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.\u201d \u2014 President Woodrow Wilson 1916 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1917 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cIn March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press\u2026.They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers\u2026.The world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to fulfill the long\u2013held promise of a NEW WORLD ORDER where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.\u201d \u2014 U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway provided a historical review of the global elitists plans to acquire control of the media that traced back to 1915 CE.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1918 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 Mary P. Follett published a book titled \u201cThe New State \u2013 Group Organization the Solution of Popular Government\u201d. From the record, this became the new bible of mind-control for one world dictatorship. She opens the book with an attack on representative government: \u201cThe 20th century must find a new principle of association\u2026 Group organization is to be the new method in politics\u2026 the foundation of international order\u2026\u2019Representative government\u2019, party organization, majority rule, with all their excrescences (unwanted), are deadwood. In their stead\u2026 the bringing into being of common ideas, a common purpose and a collective will\u2026\u201d \u2014 Follett\u2019s solution was through the use of mind control (what we now know as \u201cgroup dynamics\u201d) to obtain consent to her radical proposals. \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1920 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cIt is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.\u201d \u2014 Henry Ford<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1922 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cIn the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn\u2019t such a great idea after all.\u201d \u2014 Strobe Talbott, former Deputy Secretary of State and Bill Clinton\u2019s Oxford roommate, in Time, July 1992 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1922 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201dThe real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self-created screen\u2026.At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties.\u201d \u2014 New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1922 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cFrom the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.\u201d \u2014 Winston Churchill, stated to the London Press, in 1922 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1928 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cUnder Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner. . . .\u201d \u2014 Fabian Socialist Bernard Shaw in his Intelligent Woman\u2019s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1928 CE: THE ULTIMATE WEAPON is \u201cThe Battle for the Mind\u201d \u2014 MIND CONTROL EXPERT WALTER BERNAYS CHANGES MINDS WITH PROPAGANDA AND IF NECESSARY LIES \u2014 \u201cThose who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are moulded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.\u201d \u2014 Walter Bernays book \u201cPropaganda\u201d 1928 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1930s CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of \u201cliberalism\u201d they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.\u201d \u2014 Norman Thomas, for many years U.S. Socialist Presidential candidate.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1931 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world.\u201d \u2014 Professor Arnold Toynbee, in a June 1931 CE speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1931 CE: \u201cOne day we shall start to spread the most theatrical peace movement the world has ever seen. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent . . . will fall into the trap offered by the possibility of making new friends. Our day will come in 30 years or so . . . The bourgeoisie must be lulled into a false sense of security.\u201d \u2014 The Lenin School of Political Warfare, Moscow, 1931 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1933 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.\u201d \u2014 FDR letter written to Colonel House, November 21st, l933 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1935 CE: USED TO CREATE THE ASHKENAZI DICTATORSHIP IN THE USSR THAT MASS MURDERED 66+ MILLION RUSSIANS (MOSTLY CHRISTIANS) \u2014 \u201cSome call it Marxism I call it Judaism.\u201d \u2014 Rabbi S. Wise, The American Bulletin, 1935 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1936 CE: BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE ARE THE 50 OR LESS PEOPLE (12 or so at top) \u2014 \u201cFifty men have run America, and that\u2019s a high figure.\u201d\u2014 Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK, in the July 26th, 1936 issue of The New York Times.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1939 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive \u2018policies\u2019 and \u2018Plans\u2019 of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word \u2018socialism\u2019, but what else can one call it?\u201d \u2014 H.G. Wells The NEW WORLD ORDER 1939 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1940 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe term Internationalism has been popularized in recent years to cover an interlocking financial, political, and economic world force for the purpose of establishing a WORLD Government. Today Internationalism is heralded from pulpit and platform as a \u2018League of Nations\u2019 or a \u2018Federated Union\u2019 to which the United States must surrender a definite part of its National Sovereignty. The World Government plan is being advocated under such alluring names as the \u2018NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER,\u2019 \u2018The NEW WORLD ORDER,\u2019 \u2018WORLD UNION NOW,\u2019 \u2018WORLD COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS,\u2019 \u2018WORLD COMMUNITY,\u2019 etc. All the terms have the same objective; however, the line of approach may be religious or political according to the taste or training of the individual.\u201d \u2014 Excerpt from A Memorial to be Addressed to the House of Bishops and the House of Clerical and Lay Deputies of the Protestant Episcopal Church in General Convention 1940 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1940s CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cNational Socialism will use its own revolution for establishing of a NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 Adolph Hitler during World War II<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1940s CE: CANADIAN PM FIGHTING WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cUntil the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile. Once a nation parts with control of its credit, it matters not who makes the nation\u2019s laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation.\u201d \u2014 William Lyon Mackenzie King (1874 CE-1950 CE), former Prime Minister of Canada (1935 CE-1945) who nationalized the Bank of Canada in Canadian hands.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1940 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cIt is the system of nationalist individualism that has to go\u2026.We are living in the end of the sovereign states\u2026.In the great struggle to evoke a Westernized World Socialism, contemporary governments may vanish\u2026.Countless people\u2026will hate the NEW WORLD ORDER\u2026.and will die protesting against it.\u201d \u2013 H.G. Wells, in his book, \u201cTHE NEW WORLD ORDER\u201d, 1940<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1941 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe government of the Western nations, whether monarchical or republican, had passed into the invisible hands of a plutocracy, international in power and grasp. It was, I venture to suggest, this semi\u2013occult power which\u2026.pushed the mass of the American people into the cauldron of World War I.\u201d \u2014 Major General J.F.C. Fuller, British military historian<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1943 CE-1977 CE: BUILDING THE CFR AS TOOL FOR ROTHSCHILDS ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe planning of UN can be traced to the \u2018secret steering committee\u2019 established by Secretary [of State Cordell] Hull in January 1943 CE. All of the members of this secret committee, with the exception of Hull, a Tennessee politician, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They saw Hull regularly to plan, select, and guide the labors of the [State] Department\u2019s Advisory Committee. It was, in effect, the coordinating agency for all the State Department\u2019s postwar planning.\u201d \u2014 Professors Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter, writing in their study of the CFR, Imperial Brain Trust: The CFR and United States Foreign Policy. (Monthly Review Press, 1977).\u201d<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1945 CE: \u201cThere is\u2026 an inner core of intimate associates who unquestionably knew that they were members of a group devoted to a common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom the inner circle acted by personal persuasion, patronage distribution, and social pressure. It is probable that most members of the outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a secret society. \u2026.Their aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the WORLD as a WHOLE.\u201d \u2014 Carrol J. Quigley, Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, Bill Clinton\u2019s mentor<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1945 CE: After the WW II Morgan-Rothschilds Syndicate representatives &amp; Jack Morgan met with German Nazi Dr. Hjalmer Schacht, a Morgan (Rothschilds) Bank partner all during WWII at of all places the Rothschilds Central Bank of Central Banks \u2014 the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. The BIS is the most powerful bank in the world, a global central bank for the Rothschilds Bankster Syndicate who control the private central banks of almost all Western and developing nations. Historian Carroll Quigley wrote that BIS is part of a plan, \u201cto create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole\u2026to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements.\u201d \u2014 Carrol J. Quigley, Professor of International Affairs at Georgetown University, Bill Clinton\u2019s mentor<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1949 CE: THIS DESCRIBES THE BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE PERFECTLY \u2014 \u201cThe capitalists owned everything in the world, and everyone else was their slave. They owned all the land, all the houses, all the factories, and all the money. If anyone disobeyed them they could throw him into prison, or they could take his job away and starve him to death. When any ordinary person spoke to a capitalist he had to cringe and bow to him, and take off his cap and address him as \u2018Sir\u2019\u201d \u2014 from the book 1984 by George Orwell written in 1949 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1950 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.\u201d \u2014 Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg (ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB PAWN) to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, 1950 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1950 CE: FREEMANS PUSH NEW WORLD ORDER USING RELIGION \u2014 \u201cGod\u2019s plan is dedicated to the unification of all races, religions, and creeds. This plan, dedicated to the new order of things, is to make all things new \u2014 a new nation, a new race, a new civilization, and a new religion, a nonsectarian religion that has already been recognized and called the religion of \u201cThe Great Light..\u201d World leaders were working to lead humanity forward into the \u201cNew Age of the world\u2013a Novus Ordo Seclorum.\u201d This was The Plan to \u201cunfold the NEW ORDER of the WORLD.\u201d \u2013 C. William Smith The New Age Sept. 1950, official journal of the Supreme Mother Council, 33 degree, of the Scottish Rite<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1951 CE-1952 CE: USING MIND-CONTROL TO SETUP THE NEW WORLD DICTATORSHIP IT BEGINS \u2014 Key books by Herb Philbrick (\u201cI Led Three Lives\u201d 1952 CE) and Edward Hunter (\u201cBrain-washing in Red China: The calculated destruction of men\u2019s minds\u201d 1951 CE) brought to public attention the existence of a frightening capability of mind control. During those years, an accelerating intelligence of just how much a threat that capability is to the civilization the world has known, has failed to create any organized opposition to use of such control (we thought they were working for us not against us). None of the reports out of China about the tragedy which occurred in Tiananmen Square have included recognition of the fact that the powers that be have used cybernetics to control that benighted (dark dictatorship run) country ever since Hunter first exposed its use to transfer China to red rule. The fact is that those \u201cstudents\u201d have been manipulated since (birth). If that does not make sense, it is because, despite the evidence, people do not recognize state control of population as an element of systems decision-making. Those \u201cstudents\u201d have been conditioned all their lives to do the bidding of their puppet-masters. Their \u201crevolt\u201d could not have \u201chappened\u201d, unless the powers that be (for their own purposes) decided it was needed. One can only extrapolate scenarios to suggest what the purposes could be.\u201d \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1952 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes.\u201d \u2014 Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1954 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cToday the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government \u2013 a bureaucratic elite.\u201d \u2014 Senator William Jenner<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1954 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cToday the path of total dictatorship in the United States can be laid by strictly legal means, unseen and unheard by the Congress, the President, or the people. Outwardly, we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government \u2014 a bureaucratic elite.\u201d \u2014 Senator William Jenner<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1954 CE: \u201cWe operate here under directives from the White House.. [to] use our grant making power to alter life in the US. so that we can comfortably be merged with the Soviet Union.\u201d \u2013 Rowan Gaither, President of the Ford Foundation, in a 1954 statement to Norman Dodd.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1956 CE: THE AMERICAN PROBLEM \u2014 \u201cThe individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.\u201d \u2014 J. Edgar Hoover, former head of the FBI<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1957 CE: \u201cI believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over past forty-nine years, they would move on Washington. It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States.\u201d \u2014 Senator George Malone of Nevada, speaking before Congress in 1957 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1957 CE: THE ULTIMATE WEAPON is \u201cThe Battle for the Mind\u201d \u2014 \u201cPoliticians, priests and psychiatrists often face the same problem: how to find the most rapid and permanent means of changing a man\u2019s beliefs Great Britain and the U.S.A. therefore find themselves at last obliged to study seriously those specialized forms of neuropsychological research which have been cultivated with such intensity by the Russians since the Revolution, and have helped them to perfect the methods now popularly known as \u2018brainwashing\u2019 or \u2018thought control\u2019\u2026\u201d \u2014 Psychiatrist William Sargant\u2019s opening in a 1957 book, \u201cThe Battle for the Mind\u201d and reissued in the 1970s by Greenwood Press in paperback \u2014 This mind control (X-factor) advances masterminding steps toward Rothschilds Crime Syndicate NEW WORLD DICTATORSHIP designated \u201cThe New International Economic Order\u201d (NIEO) by its progenitors as described by K.M. Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d (1990 CE)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1957 CE: \u201cOur government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear \u2013 kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor \u2013 with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it\u2026\u201d \u2014 General Douglas MacArthur, 1957<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1958 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe most powerful clique in these (CFR) groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and the national independence of the U.S. They want to end national boundaries and racial and ethnic loyalties supposedly to increase business and ensure world peace. What they strive for would inevitably lead to dictatorship and loss of freedoms by the people. The CFR was founded for \u00b4the purpose of promoting disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all\u2013powerful one\u2013world government.\u201d \u2014 Harpers, July 1958 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1959 CE: PUSHING LIES AND PROPAGANDA ABOUT THE ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP WITH DUGS TO CONTROL THE MIND AND HAPPY SLAVES \u2014 \u201cAnd it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing \u2026 a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.\u201d \u2014 Aldous Huxley, British BLOOD SUCKING POMPAS PROPAGANDIST \u2014 He said, \u201cMaybe this world is another planet\u2019s Hell.\u201d \u2014 Aldous Huxley (1894 CE-1963 CE)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1963\u00a0CE: BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE MURDERED ANOTHER AMERICAN PRESIDENT FOR NOT FOLLOWING ORDERS \u2014 The high office of the president has been used to foment a plot to destroy America\u2019s freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizens of this plight.\u201d \u2014 John F. Kennedy November 12, 1963. Date of Kennedy Assassination Nov. 22, 1963 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1964 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe Trilateral Commission is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States. The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power political, monetary, intellectual and ecclesiastical. What the Trilateral Commission intends is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nationstates involved. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future.\u201d \u2014 U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater in his 1964 book: With No Apologies.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1967 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so\u2013called ideologies [marxism\/fascism\/socialism v. democracy\/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.\u201d \u2014 Myron Fagan book \u201cThe Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations\u201d 1967 recorded Audio was transcribed and published in 2017 and is available as a book by Myron Fagan called \u201cThe Illuminati.\u201d In the book and audio Myron Fagan reveals the plot for global enslavement launched two centuries ago by Adam Weishaupt, financed by the House of Rothschild. Fagan describes how this group has been used by the House of Rothschild to work towards a world government, and how every war during the past two centuries has been instigated by them.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1967 CE: FIGHTING BRITISH WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe depression was the calculated \u2018shearing\u2019 of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market\u2026.The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.\u201d \u2014 Curtis Dall, FDR\u2019s son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1967 CE: FIGHTING BRITISH WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe UN is but a long\u2014range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful ONE WORLD (ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB) revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power\u2026The depression was the calculated \u2018shearing\u2019 of the public by the World Money powers, triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market\u2026.The One World Government leaders and their ever close bankers have now acquired full control of the money and credit machinery of the U.S. via the creation of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank.\u201d \u2014 Curtis Dall, FDR\u2019s son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1967 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one\u2013world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control\u2026. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.\u201d \u2014 Congressman Larry P. McDonald, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1968 CE-1970s CE: DEPOPULATION DEMANDED BY THE BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE \u2014 \u201cIf I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower the human population levels..\u201d \u2014 Prince Phillip of Great Britain, World Wildlife Fund. Hugh Moore allowed Paul Ehrlich, of Stanford University, to use the title of one of his pamphlets in Ehrlich\u2019s 1968 CE-1969 CE book called \u201cThe Population Bomb.\u201d This all led to the Eugenics of Richard Nixon\/Kissinger and Governor Nelson Rockefeller, the New York governor who signed his state\u2019s abortion legalization bill in 1970 CE. In the same year Nixon appointed Nelson\u2019s brother John D. Rockefeller, III, founder of the Population Council, to a Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. John D. Rockefeller, III, long a supporter of the eugenics movement, reported to Congress that since further population growth would not advance such essential national interests as \u201cthe vitality of business,\u201d it had better stop. Paul Ehrlich book, \u201cThe Population Bomb\u201d is still used to sell fear and the program of depopulation by elites across the world, people like the radical British Prince Philip who wants to come back as a deadly virus to wipe out most of the population. Nixon to Obama sell domestic population control and funnel $Millions into \u2018family planning\u2019.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1970s CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cOur job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.\u201d \u2014 Richard Salent, former president, CBS News<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1970s CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cTo achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.\u201d \u2014 Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization and was part of the Carter Cabinet<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1970s CE: \u201cA secret combination that seeks to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries is increasing in its evil influence and control over America and the entire world.\u201d \u2013 Ezra Taft Benson, 1899-1994, Secretary of Agriculture during the Eisenhower administration defined the BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE (with Rockefellers included as poor American partners)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1971 CE: \u201cThe Council on Foreign Relations is \u2018the establishment (BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE). Not only does it have influence and power in key decision\u2013making positions at the highest levels of government to apply pressure from above, but it also announces and uses individuals and groups to bring pressure from below, to justify the high level decisions for converting the U.S. from a sovereign Constitutional Republic into a servile member state of a one\u2013world dictatorship.\u201d \u2014 Former Congressman John Rarick<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1973 CE: ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE CARE ZERO ABOUT LOSING A 100 MILLION LIVES AS LONG AS THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT \u2014 \u201cWhatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao\u2019s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller, current head of Rockefeller empire and member (past chairman) of Council on Foreign Relations, is widely recognized as the foremost partisan for WORLD GOVERNMENT under the UN. This is what benevolent \u2018capitalist\u2019, Rockefeller is on record as stating in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 1973 CE)<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1974 CE: EXPOSING AND WARNING OF THE BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cDo not believe for an instant that the world\u2019s conspiring elite in every nation have so much as a serious quarrel among them. They have just one object: control through tribute. Your slavery, through tribute, and mine\u2026 Behind this attack are the self-styled elite, secure in their own power and riches\u2026 To be effective we must direct our attacks on the real criminals, the wealthy, and powerful and secret elite of all the world\u2013the conspirators laboring day and night to enslave us.\u201d \u2014 Taylor Caldwell, novelist, The Captains and the Kings, 1974 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1974 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. . . Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. . . . We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electronic stimulation of the brain.\u201d \u2014 Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University Medical School, Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118, February 24, 1974 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1974 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe New World Order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down\u2026but in the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.\u201d \u2014 CFR member Richard Gardner, writing in the April 1974 CE issue of the CFR\u2019s journal, Foreign Affairs<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1976 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control\u2026. Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.\u201d \u2014 Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976 CE, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1978 CE: PUSH THE NEW WORLD RELIGION \u2014 Fatima Movement founded in 1978 by Father Nicholas Gruner including Catholic Priests: \u201cLucifer is very real, worshipped by 10 million or more persons in high positions in the world today. Since these world leaders, bankers, etc. are so hell-bent on destroying the Catholic Faith, wiping it off the planet, isn\u2019t it a good idea for everyone to double-up our efforts and try to preserve it? \u2014 The Fatima Center\u2019s mission is to make known the full Message of Our Lady of Fatima, and promote devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary \u2013 Movement includes priests from Spain and F\u00e1tima, Portugal, S\u00e3o Paulo, Brazil, and Madras, India.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1980s CE: \u201cThis regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.\u201d \u2014 Zbigniew Brzezinki, National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter and was the\u00a0man who created Al Qaeda TERRORISTS for the British Rothschilds Crime Syndicate to fake wars.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1980 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 California\u2026produced a \u201chorrifying\u201d Guide, using again the hoary specter of VD, pregnant teenagers, and \u201csexually active children\u201d, the California Department of Education developed a series of \u201cworkshops\u201d for teachers and administrators of the government schools, to acquaint them with the latest techniques in \u201cEducation for Human Sexuality\u201d (subtitled \u201cA Resource Book and Instructional Guide to Sex Education for Kindegarten through Grade Twelve\u201d)\u2026The State Board of Education wasn\u2019t asked to \u201capprove\u201d this program. Had it not been for an alert, concerned professor at Humboldt State College, whose indignation about the Guide caused cancellation of the Humboldt Workshop, the ruse might have succeeded. When Professor Jacquelyn Kasun blew the cover, she accused State officials of trying to slip this radical interference with parental authority into the schools as a \u201cteaching tool\u201d. Professor Kasun wasn\u2019t one of the chosen recipients of the Guide, and was refused a copy when she asked for it. She said that the copy she finally acquired was \u201cbootlegged\u201d into her house in a brown paper bag. Others, including the Catholic Conference Director, found it equally difficult to obtain. The Department of Education even refused to disclose the names of those who had prepared the California Guide. Stamped in the top margin of each and every page of the copy I obtained, in bold, black letters, is the demand: \u201cDRAFT \u2013 DO NOT REPRODUCE\u201d. Clearly, this is a veiled threat to any citizen who might wish to fill the void left by official reluctance to permit operation of the Brown Act, which states, in so many words that \u201cthe people of this State do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for them to know, and what is not; that the people retain control over the agencies which serve them\u201d. Or, perhaps it is a threat to any who might make copies and hand them out so that people could see for themselves what the schools are doing to their kids (which had been done with a previous \u201cguide\u201d)\u2026Implanting constant thoughts of sex in a target group or individual, is a key factor in psychopolitics \u2013 an integral objective toward the goal of controlling the minds and lives of the \u201chuman resources\u201d needed to create a functioning NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1980s CE: \u201cThe NEW WORLD ORDER is a world that has a super-national authority to regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that would control the production and consumption of oil; an international currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that would make funds available to free and communist nations alike; and an international police force to enforce the edicts of the NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 Willy Brandt, Former West German Chancellor and former chairman of the Fifth Socialist International, Chairman of the Brandt Commission in the late 1980\u2019s CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1987 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe are moving toward a NEW WORLD ORDER, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.\u201d \u2014 Mikhail Gorbachev 1987 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1989 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cUltimately, our objective is to welcome the Soviet Union back into the WORLD ORDER. Perhaps the WORLD ORDER of the future will truly be a family of nations.\u201d \u2014 President George Bush Texas A&amp;M University 1989 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1990 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cOne of the least understood strategies of the world revolution now moving rapidly toward its goal is the use of mind control as a major means of obtaining the consent of the people who will be subjects of the NEW WORLD ORDER\u2026.mind control as a tool to direct \u2018the decision-making process\u2019.\u201d \u2014 K.M. Heaton in The National Educator and also refer to her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1990 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cUnited States foreign policy (Vietnam to Syria) has been set by those with their heads in the clouds of un-American wishful thinking for their impossible dream of a NEW WORLD ORDER, rather than on historic truths, scientific probabilities, or military necessity.\u201d \u2014 K.M. Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1990 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cFor instance, the possibility of steering a given youngster into a predetermined niche might be thought to be impossible, at, say, age five. (But) Given a year, or two, or four or more, of exposure to \u201cpositive\u201d influences in the classroom, that youngster might have been made into a likely \u2013 or unlikely \u2013 candidate for \u201chigher education\u201d. Without the (sequential progress) file, showing where a student had moved in relation to the system, it would have been difficult to gauge malleability or adaptivity of any given child. That information is essential to successful integration into the NEW WORLD ORDER or, conversely, to determine whether or not \u201cthe reflex of freedom\u201d in a particular child was strong enough to resist all attempts to initiate him\/her into their cult of humanism (they always use words opposite of their intentions). By virtue of the (progress) files, students could also be early marked as non-adaptable, as in the case of the incorrigible boy. And so the track system was devised, and counsellors were provided to channel the students into the course where the most benefit would accrue to the NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1990 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe Plan to Take Over America \u2014 The revolutionary movement toward \u201cA NEW WORLD ORDER\u201d has advanced so far, now, that its achievements are becoming evident to the most \u2018apathetic\u2019 amongst us. Depending, as it must, on a conditioned citizenry which will accept the most flagrant ridiculosities as \u2018normal\u2019, the revolution also depends on a careful nurturing of an illusory \u2018normalcy\u2019 by the news media. Obediently, the media suppresses or omits the reporting of any \u2018news\u2019 which might encourage recognition by the general public of the proliferating progress of the revolution.\u201d \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1990 CE: USING MIND-CONTROL TO SETUP THE NEW WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThroughout their years in school, children are imbued with a philosophy which denies uniqueness, and promotes the Orwellian concept of \u201coneness\u201d. Getting along with the group, sharing, rejecting excellence, all foster sameness. The concepts promoted in the schools tend to encourage acceptance of the idea that a childs\u2019 mind is no more his own than the toy he is required to share. This philosophy undergirds the \u2018planning mentality\u2019, which denies the principle of the right to own, use and enjoy, private property. Extended to the mental process, that concept results in the most pernicious exercise of mind control imaginable. It is a form of slavery, which is not only involuntary, but its existence is hidden from the subject person, and the slave doesn\u2019t know his master. The progress of the Planning, Programming and Budgeting System has been marked by milestones of such mind control, and, just recently, another facet of it has surfaced\u2026.the bright young people\u2026change-agents\u2026were trained SOMEWHERE for the job\u2026.(These) hidden persuaders who moved the prestigious Project Safer California Commission to acceptance of a predetermined plan for all aspects of the legal system, using the sophisticated manipulative technique called \u201cDelphi\u201d, were trained for what they did. The directors of the California Specialized Training Institute, which prepares \u201cpeace\u201d officers to assume control of the public they are supposed to serve by preconditioning them through sensitivity training to accept their role as controllers of the citizenry, were trained for what they do\u2026.schemes, were prepared to develop the techniques of change for use on the mass population. These, and other such activities, would not be performed by people who valued the integrity of another person\u2019s mind. Before such training can be applied, that value must be destroyed. And most of these young people have been through the indoctrination mills known as \u2018public schools\u2019, where alternative values are instilled, allowing later acceptance of such premises as these\u2026the perpetrators of the pernicious \u201cPolitics of Change\u201d the textbook for neutralizing citizen resistance to imposed (System)\u2026.The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), created in that Act, has violated the letter and the spirit of the United States Constitution. LEAA has made plans at the federal level which interfere with Constitutional provisions for the legal system of this country, and has used bribery, deceit, mind control and force to implement its plans at the local level. Constitutional government is functioning when the people determine their needs and desires, and seek action through their representatives. LEAA denies the principles expressed in the Constitution. \u201d \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1990 CE: USING MIND-CONTROL TO SETUP THE NEW WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cAt the time of the \u2018mock\u2019 military takeover of certain local governments, citizens were not really worried about the possibility that what was being done held any real threat. Our military and law enforcement personnel were, after all, Americans first. The very idea that they would cooperate in action against their fellow citizens was beyond consideration. But since then, developments raise serious questions as to whether or not counter-insurgency control by United States troops is something to be taken seriously. One such development is the perfecting of mind control techniques. The requirement imposed in the late 60s for police officers to be subjected to \u2018sensitivity training\u2019 was the first of a series of indicators that there could come a day when our police could be used to control the people they were supposed to serve. \u2018Sensitivity training\u2019 is one derivative of Pavlovian stimulus\/response conditioning.\u201d \u2014 K. Maureen Heaton in her book \u201cThe Impossible Dream\u201d by K. Maureen Heaton, 1990 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cNo one will enter the NEW WORLD ORDER unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.\u201d \u2014 David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cIf we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and stand up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and democracy of the emerging NEW WORLD ORDER we now see, this long dreamed\u2013of vision we\u2019ve all worked toward for so long.\u201d \u2014 President George HW Bush<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cToday, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 CE LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.\u201d \u2014 Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cA colossal event is upon us, the birth of a NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 Brent Scowcroft, George Bush\u00b4s National Security Advisor, on the eve of the Gulf War of 1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201dWe are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller during an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting, 1991 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThe world can therefore seize the opportunity [Persian Gulf crisis] to fulfill the long-held promise of a NEW WORLD ORDER where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind.\u201d \u2014 George Herbert Walker Bush<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1991 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1992 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u2018In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn\u2019t such a great idea after all.\u201d \u2014 Strobe Talbot, President Clinton\u2019s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, 1992 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1992 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cIn the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn\u2019t such a great idea after all.\u201d \u2014 Strobe Talbot, President Clinton\u2019s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1992 CE: BUSH PUSHING THE ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP TOOL THE United Nations \u2014 \u201cIt is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance\u201d \u2014 President George HW Bush addressing the General Assembly of the U.N., February 1, 1992 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1994 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cHow to Achieve The New World Order.\u201d \u2014 Title of book excerpt by Henry Kissinger, in Time magazine (March 1994 CE) \u2014 \u201cNAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order\u201d \u2014 Henry Kissinger when campaigning for the passage of NAFTA<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1994 CE: REMOVING CITIZEN RIGHT TO OWN A GUN FOR TAKEOVER OF AMERICA AND IMPLEMENT THE ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cOur task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.\u201d \u2014 Sara Brady, Chairman, Handgun Control, to Sen. Howard Metzanbaum, \u2018The National Educator,\u2019 January 1994 CE, Page 3.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1995 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.\u201d \u2014 Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in \u2018 Foreign Affairs,\u2019 July\/August 1995 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>1997 CE: EXPOSING BRITISH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cMost conservatives \u2013 by which I mean normal people \u2013 have little conception of the aggressive and revolutionary force that confronts them. It is a revolutionary force in that it seeks to overturn the existing order, but it differs from the spirit of Marx and Lenin in that it never proclaims itself openly.\u201d \u2014 Tom Bethell, American Spectator<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2000 CE: \u201cBy the end of this decade (2000 CE) we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations \u2026 a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human survival. One world government is inevitable.\u201d \u2014 Pope John Paul II quoted by Malachi Martin in the book \u2018The Keys of This Blood.\u2019<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2001 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cThis is a moment to seize. The kaleidoscope has been shaken, the pieces are in flux, soon they will settle again. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us.\u201d \u2014 Tony Blair, Tuesday, 2 October, 2001 CE<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2002 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cFor more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as \u201cinternationalists\u201d and of conspiring with others around the world ot build a more integrated global political and economic structure \u2013 one world, if you will. If that\u2019s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller, an international bankster, Memoirs, 2002 CE, page 405 \u2014 \u201cWe are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller FAMILY IS PART OF THE ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE THAT CREATES WORLD CRISES.<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2002 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2002 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cWe are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the NEW WORLD ORDER.\u201d \u2014 David Rockefeller<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2002 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP \u2014 \u201cSome even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as \u2018internationalists\u2019 and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure \u2013 one world, if you will. If that\u2019s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.\u201d \u2013 David Rockefeller, Memoirs, page 405<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<p><span><strong>2002 CE: PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP USING FALSE FLAGS LIKE 911 AND FAKED WARS \u2014 \u201cWe must speak the The Truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty. To inflame ethnic hatred is to advance the cause of terror.\u201d \u2014 George Bush Jr., the PROVEN LIAR ON WMDs and a TERRORIST WITH ROTHSCHILDS CRIME MOB AND CHENEY!<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n<\/p><\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>Source Article from <a href=\"https:\/\/concisepolitics.com\/2018\/04\/10\/timeline-of-rothschilds-crime-syndicate-quotes-pushing-one-world-dictatorship\/\">https:\/\/concisepolitics.com\/2018\/04\/10\/timeline-of-rothschilds-crime-syndicate-quotes-pushing-one-world-dictatorship\/<\/a><\/p>\n<div style=\"margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;\" class=\"sharethis-inline-share-buttons\" ><\/div><p>Views: 0<\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"<p>TIMELINE OF ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE QUOTES \u2013 PUSHING ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP When Evil Wealth Extracting Banksterism forces take full control of the institutions of any\u00a0Democracy then you get both Terrorism and DICTATORSHIP! 1785 CE: FIGHTING BRITISH WORLD DICTATORSHIP FROM OUR ORIGINS \u2014 \u201cThe preservation of a free government requires, not merely that the metes and [&hellip;]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":875,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_seopress_robots_primary_cat":"","_seopress_titles_title":"","_seopress_titles_desc":"","_seopress_robots_index":"","footnotes":""},"categories":[1721,2729],"tags":[4344,23442,23610,3159,28848,32662,1750],"class_list":["post-678212","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","hentry","category-world-news","category-world-politics","tag-crime","tag-pushing","tag-quotes","tag-rothschilds","tag-syndicate","tag-timeline","tag-world"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/678212","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/875"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=678212"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/678212\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=678212"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=678212"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/www.jewworldorder.org\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=678212"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}