Madison, WI — Every week day from 12 PM-1 PM, a group of protesters gathers outside of the State Capitol Building in Madison, WI. They first met on March, 11, 2011. Today was their 382nd protest they now call the “Solidarity Sing Along.”
The organizer Chris Reeder, said it all started in an attempt to keep the energy alive that first ignited within the walls of the Capitol building.
“There were rallies people listening to speakers, there were drum circles, there was chanting, this was another way to protest and ours was singing together,” Reeder said.
More than 100 people gathered holding signs that said “I Can’t Stand Scott Walker” and “Scott Walker: Dismantling Democracy”.
Longtime Wisconsin Resident Mike Putnam said he attends the protest at least once a week.
“Scott Walker’s been a total diaster for workers, for families, for middle class,” Putnam said. ” The only people he’s served are billionaires.”
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who lost to Walker in the gubernatorial election in 2010, is facing off with him once again on Tuesday.
Barrett has been making his way around the state of Wisconsin, campaigning and reminding people of what he said are bad policies on the part of the Governor.
“He’s opposed to having workers rightsfor these people and I think his ultimate goal is to take away workers rights in private unions and public unions,” said Tom Barrett at a rally in Osh Kosh, WI.
But back at the Scott Walker headquarters in Milwaukee, a few dozen of his supporters showed up to help make phone calls and the Governor himself appeared positive and confident:
“I’m going to affirm yet again on Tuesday the reason why so many are standing with me is because every day I’m in office I’m standing with the hard working tax- payers of Wisconsin,” Gov. Walker said.
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