Wind farms can actually INCREASE climate change by raising temperatures, warn academics

  • Temperatures can fall by up to 4C downwind of farms
  • Tory MPs write to PM demanding dramatic subsidy cuts

Chris Slack

Last updated at 6:35 PM on 5th February 2012

They have long been championed as a way to combat global warming by creating clean energy.

But wind farms can actually alter the climate according to a new study by a group of American scientists.

The team from the University of Illinois found that daytime temperatures around wind farms can fall by as much as 4C, while at night temperatures can increase.

Climate changers? A study has found that wind farms can cause daytime temperatures to drop by as much as 4C while increasing temperatures at night

Climate changers? A study has found that wind farms can cause daytime temperatures to drop by as much as 4C while increasing temperatures at night

The study found that currently the effect is restricted to areas near to the turbines, but the increase in larger farms could create weather changes on a regional scale.

The study was led by Somnath Roy, assistant professor of atmospheric sciences at the university, with the San Gorgonio wind farm in California the focal point of his research.

He found that the day ground temperature behind turbines was up to 4C lower than in front.

He suggested that the turbines’ blades scoop warm from the ground and push the cooler air downwards. This is then reversed at night.

Research: Somnath Roy of the University of Illinois conducted the study into climate around wind farms

Research: Somnath Roy of the University of Illinois conducted the study into climate around wind farms

Roy, whose findings were published in the Sunday Times, added that he believes the turbines causing turbulence and reducing winds speed are the cause.

He also added that the churning of air from low to high can create vortices that could extend the phenomenon for large distances downwind.

Roy’s research is supported by a study undertaken by the Iowa State University, who looked at how a 100-turbine farm would affect conditions on farmland.

They found that temperatures on the ground were warmer at night, which in turn allowed plants to breathe more.

While scientists in the United States have conducted research into the effects of wind farms on climate, such research in the UK is at an early stage.

Currently no measurements have been made on changes to weather around British farms despite plans to increase turbines by tenfold.

The UK currently has 3,500 wind turbines, with a further 800 under construction.

The Government aim to have 10,000 onshore and 4,300 offshore by 2020, but the rapid growth has led to 101 Tory MPs writing to David Cameron about the proposal.

The members are calling for a dramatic cut in subsidies to onshore wind farms and more influence for local people to stop them being built.

The move is seen as a major revolt against government policy and sees the politicians join forces with other parties to express serious concerns over the level of taxpayers’ money going to the sector.

Chris Heaton-Harris has organised a letter to David Cameron about wind farms

Nicholas Soames MP is one of the signatories on the letter to Mr Cameron

Opposition: Tory MP Chris Heaton-Harris, left, has organised a letter signed by 101 Tory MPs, including Nicholas Soames, demanding a dramatic cut in subsidies to onshore wind farms

The letter was organised by backbencher Chris Heaton-Harris and has senior signatories including David Davis and Nicholas Soames.

In the letter, which was seen by the Sunday Telegraph, they wrote: ‘In these financially straitened times,
we think it is unwise to make consumers pay, through taxpayer subsidy,
for inefficient and intermittent energy production that typifies onshore
wind turbines.’

They also expressed concerns that the
proposed National Planning Policy Framework ‘diminishes the chances of
local people defeating onshore wind farm proposals through the planning

State help for one of the most controversial sources of renewable energy is being cut but only slowly, under plans set out by ministers last year.

Speaking about the letter a Downing Street spokesman said: ‘We need a low carbon infrastructure and onshore wind is a cost effective and valuable part of the UK’s diverse energy mix.

‘The Government has commissioned a
review of subsidy levels and we are already proposing a cut for onshore
wind subsidies to take into account the fact that costs are coming down.

‘We are committed to giving local
communities the power to shape the spaces in which they live and are
getting rid of regional targets introduced by the last government.’

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Have you noticed its been windier since we’ve had those things?

We just can win…

Remember when we all bought the ‘sandwich toaster’ in the 80’s – used them twice and them dumped them. These windmills are just like that – just another ‘trendy’ fad …. soon to be binned as totally useless.
– Jack Russell.., Yorkshire., 06/2/2012 08:14_________________________________________________________________ Speak for yourself, my kids love our sandwich toaster and use it all the time. On the other hand, wind farms *are* an overpriced useless gimmick.

What a load of BS. Has anyone been next to a power station? Has anyone witnessed the steam coming out of the cooling towers? We need power stations without doubt BUT by 2017 we will have a serious deficit in the UK’s power generation. We won’t be producing enough power to cover what we consume. FACT. While wind turbines won’t fill the void of power stations, they don’t take fifteen years to construct and they will ease the strain on the national grid.

I’ve read the report and can find no reference to 4deg C anywhere in it, so that was made up. Also the study was done, in late 2009, using computer modelling whch normally gets slammed on these threads. The data from the real wind farm was taken between June August 1989. Methinks the ST/DM have spun this serious study somewhat to fit in with the latest attempt to scupper wind farms.

Remember when we all bought the ‘sandwich toaster’ in the 80’s – used them twice and them dumped them. These windmills are just like that – just another ‘trendy’ fad …. soon to be binned as totally useless.

This can’t be true. After all, I’ve read thousands of posts on these very boards saying that mankind cannot affect climate. These people should have spoken to DM readers – they know better than any scientist when it comes to most scientific topics.

I hope that one day every single one of these blots on the landscape are knocked down, awful things, wasteful, money hungry and utterly useless at providing electricity, only 20% of the time if lucky. Loved the pictures of the two in flames in Northern Britain a few weeks ago, a sight to gladden the hearts of all those who see through the lies trotted out by those who peddle the lie of so called man made global warming.

The butterfly effect is the theory that a single occurence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever.
– Teen Spirit, The Sleepwalkers, 06/2/2012 04:43
This means dependence on initial conditions occurring in one place that can manifest and have a much greater influence in another place.- the theoretical example of a tornado in America occurring as a result of a butterfly flapping its wings in Hong Kong. Probably am too obtuse for the DM readershio 🙂

Scientists now tell us that when millions of 480 foot high wind turbines all star moving at the same time, it could send the planet out of orbit. We must do as science tells us.

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