William Hague warns ‘no hiding place’ for Syrian ‘torturers’

“By publishing their locations, describing the torture methods, and
identifying those in charge we are putting those responsible on notice that
they will have to answer for these horrific crimes.”

Hundreds of people have been tortured to death in facilities operated by
Syria’s feared intelligence agencies, known as the Mukhabarat, according to
the opposition. Rebels have attacked Mukhabarat buildings across Syria in

One 31-year-old man interviewed for the report provided a glimpse of the
ordeal regime opponents face by describing three days of repeated torture at
one facility near the city of Idlib.

“They started squeezing my fingers with pliers,” he said. “They
put staples in my fingers, chest and ears. I was only allowed to take them
out if I spoke.

“They used two wires hooked up to a car battery to give me electric
shocks. They used electric stun-guns on my genitals twice. I thought I would
never see my family again.”

Mr Hague said he would work with European Union partners to impose sanctions
on the commanders identified.

“This Human Rights Watch report should act as a clear warning,” he
said. “There should be no impunity or hiding place for those committing
these crimes.

“Those responsible for systematic and widespread human rights violations
should not delude themselves: we are our international partners will do
everything we can to ensure that they will face justice.”

The report’s findings are likely to increase pressure on Russia to justify its
support for the Assad regime. Even so, it seemed unlikely that Moscow would
back Human Rights Watch it in its call for the United Nations Security
Council to refer the report to the International Criminal Court.

Shortly after the report’s release Mr Assad showed contrition for the first
time since the uprising began in March last year – although it was directed
towards Turkey rather than his own people.

Although he offered no apology, he spoke of his regret for the shooting down
of a Turkish fighter-jet by his forces last month, claiming that the
incident only happened after the aircraft was mistaken for an Israeli plane.

“The plane was using the same corridor used by Israeli planes three times
in the past,” he told Cumhuriyet, a Turkish newspaper.

“Soldiers shot it down because we did not see it on our radars and we
were not informed about it. I say 100 per cent, I wish we did not shoot it

The president’s comments were unlikely to appease Turkey, which scrambled F-16
fighters for the third time in four days after Syrian helicopters flew near
the border.

Mr Assad also welcomed an international plan drawn up in Geneva on Saturday
that called for the formation of a government of national unity, while
leaving open whether the Syrian president could lead it. He said he was
pleased that the initiative had left the decision about Syria’s future to
its people.

Syria’s opposition has rejected the initiative and fighting continued to rage
across the country on Tuesday.

Government forces shelled rebel-held districts of Homs and escalated an
offensive in the nearby towns of Talbiseh and Rastan.

There were also clashes in the suburbs of Damascus, where UN observers –
making a rare foray outside their hotels after freezing their mission last
month – were thwarted in an attempt to visit hospitals in Douma. The
district has been heavily damaged in a heavy artillery assault in recent
days and came under attack by helicopter gunships on Monday.

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