William Hague backs UN / Arab League peacekeeping force

He said the UK would play a “very active part” in the new Group of
Friends of Syria, which has been established to increase political and
financial support to opposition leaders in Syria. The group will meet on
February 24.

Mr Hague added: “President Assad must be in no doubt of the determination
of his neighbours and the international community to bring an end to the
violence in Syria.

“The Arab League could not have sent a clearer message to Syria than the
one it sent yesterday and we look forward to working closely with them in
the coming days and weeks.”

The UN-Arab team proposed by the League would replace the 170 Arab observers
deployed in December and recalled last month. The Sudanese general who led
the mission, and was accused by opposition activists of bias towards the
regime, resigned yesterday.

The announcement marks an urgent effort to end the bloodshed after Russia and
China used their UN Security Council veto to block an Arab-drafted and
Western-backed plan to have Mr Assad replaced by a transitional government.

At the start of the Arab League session on Sunday, Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi
foreign minister, asked the delegates: “How long will we stay as onlookers
to what is happening to the brotherly Syrian people, and how much longer
will we grant the Syrian regime one period after another so it can commit
more massacres?”

As the Arab leaders met, rockets continued to fall on the Syrian opposition
stronghold of Homs. Activists reported more than 500 people have died there
since February 4.

The Syrian army was reportedly distributing gas masks to its soldiers, leading
to fears that chemical weapons will soon be used against protesters.

On Saturday, 31 people were killed across the country according to the
British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Of the ten who died in
Homs, nine were in the opposition neighbourhood of Baba Amro. Graphic
YouTube clips documenting casualties of the conflict flood show mutilated
and charred corpses – alleged victims of government shells.

One video posted on Twitter shows a doctor in Baba Amr struggling to treat the
gravely injured without even basic medical equipment. A makeshift hospital
has been erected in a mosque after the local field hospital was destroyed.
The doctor spoke to the camera over blasts of gunfire.

“This is a small mosque and there are a huge number of injured people. All of
these are serious injuries that resulted from bullets. Most of them are
unconscious,” he says pointing to several lifeless men lying on the ground.

“Many children have been killed. The death toll up to now is around 40.”

On the same day in Damascus, opposition militants assassinated Dr Issa
al-Kholi, a Syrian General in charge of the Hameish military hospital.
Syria’s Arab News Agency reports that Dr Kholi was gunned down as he left
his home in the morning. He, like the ruling Assad family, was a member of
the elite Alawite Shia minority.

The conflict even spread to Tripoli, where on Saturday Lebanese forces moved
into stop clashes between Sunni and Alawite neighbours. Two people were

Saturday’s high death toll comes just one day after a coordinated suicide bomb
attack in Aleppo left 28 dead and 235 injured, according to government
figures. US intelligence has pointed to al-Qaeda as the likely culprits.

As the conflict in Syria enters its eleventh month, having so far claimed an
estimated 5,400 lives, the Arab League talked on Sunday about amassing a
force of up to 3,000 observers to halt violence. Arabi told ministers he had
already proposed the idea to the UN General Secretary.

Arab ministers are meanwhile engaged in intensive talks with Russia and China
in the hope they can encourage Bashar Assad to allow peacekeeping forces
into the country.

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