Emails released by Wikileaks show that Hillary Clinton looked into a drug used to treat sleepiness and Parkinson’s disease after she apparently began suffering from “decision fatigue” back in 2011.
Clinton sent an email to close confidante and advisor Cheryl D. Mills on August 19, 2011 featuring the text of an article entitled Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue?
The article talks about how people in positions of power and influence can suffer from “decision fatigue” that causes them to be “low on mental energy” and prompts the sufferer to “become reckless” and “act impulsively“. The article also explains how “decision fatigue” could explain why “ordinarily sensible people get angry at colleagues,” which is possibly a nod to Clinton’s infamous temper tantrums that have left her staffers in tears. “Wow that is spooky descriptive,” wrote Hillary in response to the article.
In a separate email sent two months later, Hillary received information from her top foreign policy advisor Jacob Sullivan about a drug called Provigil (Modafinil), which is used to treat “excessive sleepiness in patients with Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and multiple sclerosis,” as well as “excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy”.
The fact that the drug is used to treat Parkinson’s is interesting in light of what we were told by a Secret Service whistleblower earlier this month, that Hillary has a serious neurological disease.
The date of the emails is significant because Hillary’s apparent problems with “decision fatigue” were evident before she fell and hit her head in 2012.
While the mainstream media continues to dismiss questions over Hillary’s health as a “conspiracy theory,” more prominent voices are beginning to express the same concerns.
Read The Full Documents For Yourself
Former Turing Pharma CEO Martin Shkreli believes Hillary Clinton may have early onset Parkinson’s disease.
“I believe Hillary Clinton has Parkinson’s disease. Her symptomology is consistent with early onset Parkinson’s. She has freezing gait, dyskinesia, on-off symptomology,”expressed Shkreli during a recent Periscope livestream.
“I actually don’t think she had a stroke, because if she had a stroke we would see serious neurological defects,” he explained. “People with stroke have, as you know, cardinal symptoms like slurred speech or a difficulty walking… They require post-stroke physical therapy to recover, so I think that in essence, what’s happened is that she has Parkinson’s disease.”
“I think she had an embolism, had the clot dissolved, she probably had some kind of concussion, [though] concussions aren’t responsible for this kind of symptomology,” he continued. “I’m not a physician, I’m not a neurologist, but I have been in pharmaceuticals for fifteen years. I actually funded many different Parkinson’s disease medicines, so I know a lot about this area…”
“I do think Hillary is hiding these issues from us. I don’t think that these issues are problematic, at all, I think that she should be proud of being sixty-eight. Most people who are sixty-eight are sick,” Shkreli stated. “They have something wrong with them, that’s why being old is what it is. The fact that she’s in ‘perfect health’, to me, is absurd. You can look at these videos and see she needs help up a flight of stairs. What symptomology is that? That’s a disease. What accounts for that? I think it’s Parkinson’s.”
History of Hillary’s Health:
- In 2009, HRC fell and broke her elbow. Little else was made public.[i]
- On December 17, 2012, while Secretary of State, HRC fell and suffered a concussion.[ii] Later, a transverse sinus thrombosis was diagnosed, resulting in chronic anticoagulation therapy. [iii] Her post-concussion syndrome was declared “recovered” in about six months.[iv] The original fall was publicly attributed to dehydration following gastroenteritis.
- An email from Huma Abedin (HRC’s closest advisor) on January 26, 2013, says that HRC “is often confused.”[v]
- Photos show being assisted up what appears to be the steps of a residential porch. This apparently happened in February of 2016. On August 4, 2016, Reuters and Getty published the photos.[vi]
- At a rally on May 2, 2016, HRC demonstrates classic PD hand posturing.[vii] She has no lectern in front, so she starts with her right hand pressed against her chest. At the 18:02 mark, she starts gesturing with her right hand, which is in a very unnatural position that is common in PD.
- On July 21, 2016 HRC was filmed talking to reporters at close range when several spoke at once. Without warning, she started a bizarre head-bobbing episode that must be seen rather than described. After several cycles, she regained control and declared that the reporters “must try the iced chai.”[viii]
- On July 28, 2016, during the balloon drop, HRC suddenly looks up with a frozen wide-mouth and wide-eyed stare. After a couple of seconds she regains control and a more normal expression.[ix]
- On August 5, HRC declared that she had “short circuited”[x] a response to Chris Wallace in an interview that aired July 31 on Fox News Sunday.
- August 6, 2016, at a campaign rally, HRC freezes with wide eyes in response to protestors. A large black male who commonly accompanies her leans in and tells her “It’s OK. We’re not going anywhere. Keep talking…” Shortly after, she laughs strangely and then says “OK. Here we are. We’ll keep talking.”[xii]
- Several recent photos show HRC with an inappropriately exaggerated wide-mouthed smile and extreme wide-open eyes. Several videos show her laughing inappropriately and for extended periods. Numerous events have been interrupted by prolonged episodes of coughing unrelated to any infectious cause.
- This discussion will not argue that the black male is carrying a diazepam injector, since there is a plausible argument that it is actually a small flashlight, and is seen in other video to be such. We will also not discuss the circular area on her tongue. It appears to be the site of a mass excision. Benign explanations that do not bear on chronic health issues may easily be proffered.
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