Why women tell lies about their weight

Maysa Rawi

Last updated at 6:17 PM on 8th February 2012

Female with long fair hair tied into ponytail,

Porky pies: One in five women has even pretended they weigh a stone less than they actually do

Two thirds of women have lied about their size, with 9lbs being the average amount by which they reduce their true weight.

Researchers found millions of women fib about their weight with many ‘losing pounds’ when talking to a partner, best friend and even their mum.

The average women removes 9lbs from the scales and one in five has even pretended they weigh a stone less than they actually do.

One in six gone as far as typing in a lower weight into the machines at the gym as they are embarrassed by their true size.

Because of the lies, a quarter of women are now confused about their true weight and regularly buy the wrong sizes.

The study of 2,000 women was commissioned by Eat Water, a pasta product that encourages weight loss.

And it isn’t just their weight that women lie about, with many confessing to telling porkies about their dress size, bra size and even their shoe size.

Vincent Lee, from EatWater.co.uk, said: ‘Most people will admit to telling the odd white lie about their body shape and weight but for women to be lying so frequently is a bit of a shame.

‘Weight is such a tricky issue and everyone knows that it’s not always the best indicator of someone’s healthiness or size. And body shape and size is such a personal issue.

‘Carrying extra weight can be embarrassing and knock your confidence and it’s only natural that you might not want to highlight this to your friends and even your partner.

‘It’s especially worrying that so many women are starting to believe their own lies.’

Most women admit to dropping one dress size but one in five said they always claim they are two dress sizes smaller than reality.

And 17 per cent even cut out the labels from clothes and bras to keep up the pretense of being smaller.

The findings also found one in ten even lie about their height with most adding a few inches to make themselves seem taller.

The top reason for fibbing was that women were embarrassed by their true size, followed by giving them an instant confidence boost.

More than half of those polled said that all women lie about their size so it was more or less ‘expected’.

The results showed that most women wanted to be between eight and nine stone and a size 10 with a bra size of 34C.

They also wanted to have size five feet and be between five foot six inches and five foot eight inches.

Vincent Lee added said: ‘Losing a few pounds isn’t as hard as you can often think it will be.

‘Simply watching what you eat and making sure you don’t eat too many carbohydrates or calories and you have a balanced diet doesn’t have to be a chore.

‘Or mean that you have to cut out your favourite foods.

‘Eat Water is a range of pasta, noodles and rice that contains virtually zero calories, carbohydrates, fats, saturates, sugars and salt

‘Eat Water allows you to still have a tasty filling meal but without the guilt.’

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Celebs are the worst offenders to tell porkies about their weight. Vanessa Feltz claims to be a size 12, sure….I’m size 0…..

only 9lbs………..dont be silly we lie like troupers……………..and why not………….
believe us or believe us not……………who cares……………its our life…our body…………….our business………..

9lbs! are you having a laugh. 9kg wouldn’t be close.

Well done on the diet Diane UK, hope it goes well! Ps I really meant celebs claiming to be a certain weight or size when they’re not because it confuses the average Joe/Josephine like me!

why would we tell everyone our weight? lol im 15 stone and a week into my diet, maybe once i lose it i’ll say what i was to friends but really…it isnt anyones business. I think people have judged me enough without letting them know my weight. Obviously spouting weight to DM readers doesnt bother me in case anyone starts hitting me with that, i just wouldnt want to share it with friends and lovers….oh wait…i cant get a bloke so that doesnt really matter.

I’m 36 and a size 18. I know I’m overweight and I can see it in the mirror so there’s no point lying to myself about it.

I think it’s important NOT to lie about your weight, not to anyone else or to yourself. It drives me crazy when I see articles on here saying such and such a celeb is a size 12 or a size 10 or 10 stone or 8.5 stone and they’re clearly not. It just confuses us all more and nobody knows what’s what anymore! When I was a size 12 I saw a photo of Vanessa Feltz saying she was a size 12 and I almost died! She obviously was’t but I went around thinking I was huge. In the interests of honesty I am 5’5/5’6 and now 9stone 2, size 10UK and at 10stone I was a size 12.

And men wear trouser with smaller waists than they should , lol.
– chrissie, Once a great place.UK, 9/2/2012 5:41
and some men claim to have something bigger than what they actually have

And men wear trouser with smaller waists than they should , lol.

The person who commented that shorter women cant carry of weight gain as well as tall women is talking rubbish. Who wants to be a tall bird with a few extra stone on her frame – she’d resemble the Honey Monster and no one would be able to miss her!

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