Why men really want br

Fiona Macrae Science Correspondent

Last updated at 1:54 AM on 2nd January 2012

Interesting: While men are more likely to chat up a fair-haired lady on a night out, they actually find brunettes more attractive, a study has shown

Interesting: While men are more likely to chat up a fair-haired lady on a night out, they actually find brunettes more attractive, a study has shown

They say gentlemen prefer blondes – but it seems that only holds true when they are out on the town.

For, while they are more likely to chat up a fair-haired lady on a night out, men actually find brunettes more attractive, a study has shown.

University of Westminster researchers sent a woman to three London nightclubs with her hair dyed brunette, blonde and then red, and watched how many men approached her. 

They then returned to the clubs and asked 130 men to rate pictures of her in the three guises.

She was chatted up the most as a blonde. But she was rated most highly for attractiveness and intelligence when brunette, the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology reports.

University of Westminster researcher Viren Swami said that his results may reflect a shift in fashion, with brunettes now being idealised in the way that blondes were several decades ago.

He said: ‘In the Sixties and early Seventies, when Jackie Kennedy was the ideal, brunette hair became the ideal for women generally. Then, in the Seventies and Eighties, blondes became the ideal.

‘But more recently, there has been a backlash against blondes and the dumb blonde idea has become dominant.’

As a blonde, the woman was chatted up 60 times in total.  This compared with 42 approaches as a brunette and 18 as a red-head.

New findings: Research suggests that more recently, there has been a backlash against blondes

New findings: Research suggests that more recently, there has been a backlash against blondes

Speculating on why the woman, or ‘confederate’ in researcher-speak, was rated more attractive when brunette but chatted up more as a blonde, Dr Swami said: ‘One possible explanation is that men were more likely to assume sexual intent on the part of our confederate when she was blonde.

‘Perceptions of the blonde confederate as being more needy may have reduced men’s fear or rejection or fear or an aggressive response, which increased their likelihood of approaching her as a blonde.’ 

It is also possible that men link blonde hair with youth and vitality, and so the ability to bear children.


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I agree that this is hardly a “scientific” study. I also agree that I know of NO correlation between intelligence and hair color (or eye/skin color, for that matter.) HOWEVER, I must admit that as a natural brunette, I am delighted with these findings, lol!

Hear about the Blonde who …..

Well I hate to break it to you, but most “dumb blondes” are natural brunettes who dye their hair unnatural shades of bottle blonde. Also, hair color has nothing to do with intelligence. How do I know? I’m a natural blonde and I’m certainly no dimwit. Shocker. As for which one men prefer…who cares? Everyone has different taste.

blonde jokes were not made up just for a laugh. there is a reason it is called “a blonde joke”. this is the first study that is actually right on.
– not a liberal, here, 02/1/2012 04:30
It’s not like the study proved that blondes are actually less intelligent than brunettes, just that they are perceived to be so. In school I was always in Gifted and Talented and Honors/AP classes etc. along with a small group of friends, many of whom (including me) were all natural blondes. I don’t think intelligence and hair color have much to do with each other.

blonde jokes were not made up just for a laugh. there is a reason it is called “a blonde joke”. this is the first study that is actually right on.

Correlation is not causation. And this is not good science.

Preposterous, pointless study, with lunatic conclusions. Maybe men don’t like women with dyed hair? You could derive that conclusion from this pseudo-scientific garbage just as easily. Maybe the girl’s complexion worked better with one hair-type. Perhaps you could derive a more trustworthy conclusion with a decent sample size, but one girl — total and complete and utter garbage. It’s unbelievable that a journal would publish this. Is this really what passes for science from Universities these days? No wonder “scientists” believe in man-made global warming, if this is their intelligence level.

I think it’s time to seriously look at the tax-payers funding given to the University of Westminster, it appears not to be money well-spent. Shame on them, for such unscientific garbage. It’s a useless study of the bleeding-obvious too, even if it were undertaken scientifically.

Miss Darcy
Well you’d necessarily have to “be” one of hair colours involved, wouldn’t you, dear.

I wouldn’t trust any study done by the University of Westminster let alone one as stupid and pointless as this.

kind of stupid all men are diffrent i prefer brunette but i really could not care less its not about the hair color.

I know I really shouldn’t comment as I’m a biased brunette but yay all the same 🙂

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