Why Do Tories Keep Funding Leftists?


March 27, 2012

In May 2011, Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party won a majority government but it has yet to
stop funding feminist, radical left and union groups.
This is evidence that the “official opposition” is a controlled opposition. The Left and Right are both wings of the same Illuminati (Masonic) party. The agenda advances no matter how we vote.  

Abridged from the March 2012 Edition of Reality,
A publication of the Real Women of Canada

Even though the Conservative government has been in power in Canada since Jan 2006, (albeit during much of it, as a minority government), it [has] continued to generously fund feminists and left-wing organizations. In return, these organizations spend much of their time and effort undermining the same Conservative government.


REAL Women reviewed Canada’s Public Accounts and we were shocked to learn that from 1999 to 2009, even though the Conservatives were in power for part of this time, the Status of Women’s annual budget has soared from $19M to $32 million. In 2011 the Status of Women’s appropriation was reduced to $30M, but of this sum, $19.5M was still used by its Womens’ Program funding division to provide grants to hundreds of feminist womens’ groups–never pro life/family ones….

•  In 2011, the feminist Jeffrey Group organization which promotes gender diversity at the Board level of Corporations and businesses received $184,455.

•  In 2011, the Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW) received $200,000. (CRIAW is a radical feminist group which conducts supposed research on behalf of ” women”, but in effect, researches to push the feminist ideology only).


The Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funds “research excellence” in Canada. It has an annual budget of $650 million. It is administered by federal bureaucrats and several representatives from universities.

 Over the years, this division of Industry Canada has funded research on 1,494 feminist research projects in the area of gender issues, and 1,792 on “women’s” issues. In 2011, the feminist organization CRIAW received $1 million from SSHRC.

This is in addition to the $200,000 etc, it received in 2011 from SOW.

The purpose of this million-dollar CRIAW project, called FemNorth Net, is to learn over a 5-year period ” from women’s experiences of community transformations as a result of economic restructuring”. It is to be carried out using “CRIAW’s Intersectional feminist frameworks.”

In addition, in 2011, SSHRC awarded the left-wing think tank, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, $400,000. This centre specializes in criticizing Conservative government budgets.


This government department, under Minister Diane Finley (Haldimand-Norfolk), provides 99% of the funding for the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council (CCHRSC). The latter promotes day care and builds infrastructure for a universal day care industry. CCHRSC’s Board of Directors is dominated by representatives from unions and day care advocacy groups.

When it was established in 2004, under a Liberal government, it received $490,000. This has tripled to $1.45 million for the year 2010, under the Conservatives. To date, it has received $5.6 million in funding according to its financial reports. CCHRSC’s member board is made up of 17 women and one man.


Labour Unions in Canada are extremely affluent due to the fact that Canada, unlike most countries, requires that workers pay compulsory union dues–whether or not they belong to the union.

The unions then use these funds at their own discretion, and are not accountable for their use.

According to its web site, the Canadian Labour Congress believes it is “well positioned to positively influence women’s representation in the workforce, while simultaneously promoting decent work for women and gender equality… the Canadian Labour Congress [believes]… the maternal and child health initiative must include comprehensive sexual health and reproductive health rights, including universal access to contraception, family planning services, options counseling, and access to safe, legal abortion,… “.

Since 1995, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) has received $35.6 million from CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency). CIDA is responsible for 80% of Canada’s foreign funding. These CIDA grants to CLC were supposedly for development assistance and cooperation, promoting multiculturalism, millennium activities celebrating Canada’s achievements and diversity, education programs and literacy. In 2011, CLC received $1.7 million under “partnership programming” with the government.

Why is CIDA giving these huge grants to the CLC to carry out these activities, which are prompted and acted upon only by a left-wing perspective? They are far removed from the main purpose of the unions, i.e., collective bargaining and improving working conditions.


 All the above left-wing organizations wallow happily in taxpayers’ money promoting their own agenda with ideologies that have been rejected by voters in favour of more conservative Canadian values.

Unfortunately, however, their ideology is still propped up by taxpayer dollars by the Conservative government.


Possibly the budget tomorrow will see cuts to some of these programs and to the Left-wing CBC.

Comments for “Why Do Tories Keep Funding Leftists? “

Steven said (March 28, 2012):

The answer to the question why do Tories keep funding leftists is that the Tories themselves are leftists.

That is correct, Canada’s entire political spectrum is Zio masonic, feminist and pro homosexual.

No credibility or real conservatism what so ever. It is just a democratic puppet show to keep Canadians paying taxes to and voting for the bums.

Europe and America have their versions of the same problem…
I suspect its end will not be fun, but it will be interesting.

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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