WHO Lies About Measles Epidemic to Push Vaccine Agenda

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
April 27, 2012





The World Health Organization is boasting about their recent announcement that measles deaths have dropped ¾ worldwide over the last decade.

According to the study WHO reported that because of the vaccination efforts of their organization, 9.6 million children “were saved” from measles between 2000 and 2010.

They claim that deaths were reduced by 74% during those years. The significant drop was estimated at 535,300 to 139,300.

Peter Strebel , measles expert for WHO reported that, “You don’t reduce measles deaths by three-quarters without significantly accelerating efforts,” speaking about the 85% vaccination coverage.

When coming to the number WHO is purporting, they used data from only 65 countries and employed computer models for the other 128 countries.

Now that WHO has “conquered” measles, they are focusing their efforts on combining measles and rubella into a single vaccination.

Anthony Lake, executive director of UNICEF made this statement : “Recent measles outbreaks have affected children in the world . . . with the poorest and youngest children the most at risk of death or disability. This new Strategic Plan stresses that measles and rubella vaccinations must be delivered to children deep in the poorest and hardest to reach communities.”

Daniel Berman, vaccines expert at Medecins Sans Frontieres remarked that, “The challenge is to find ways to make measles campaigns happen in countries with weak systems.”

However, it seems that WHO has been reporting false data to fit their agenda of vaccinating the entire human population.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2011 was the worst year for measles in 15 years. 222 cases of measles, a jump from 60 seen in a typical year were attributed to foreign visitors to the US or American citizens who were exposed to the virus while abroad.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, of the CDC said, “For those of you traveling abroad bring back memories, not measles.”

There is a major concern for contracting measles for the London Olympics and European Championships later this year.

In Ukraine alone, 6,000 cases of measles have been reported for 2012. Officials at the Stockholm-based European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control expect the epidemic to rise in June.

France reported 15,000 cases of measles in 2011.

The MMR vaccine is actually the culprit in cases of contracting the virus. In the past, this has been true, although suppressed by the mainstream media because the findings do not support the vaccination agenda.

The CDC reported that seventeen high school children in Illinois contracted the virus although 99% were vaccinated .

The New England Journal of Medicine reported that in Corpus Christi, Texas, 14 high school students contracted measles while 99% of the students had been vaccinated.

The MMR/MR vaccine that is given for measles has killed more than it has helped in its history. Up to 75,000 deaths a year are attributed to reactions to vaccines in a reference from 1990. These numbers have increased with the explosive use of vaccines worldwide.

Essentially, the WHO and those organizations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) that administer vaccines are responsible for killing more children and adults in third world countries than are saved because of the methods they use.

Vaccine champion Bill Gates commissioned Japanese scientists to engineer vaccines into mosquitoes that will deliver the vaccines through its bite. In 2010, those scientists successfully genetically modified the mosquitoes to carry vaccines. This must have replaced the mosquito nets that cost WHO so much in grant funding.

With proper medical supervision and the use of vitamin C , measles need not be a problem.

WHO and BMGF go into un-industrialized countries like Africa and India and prey upon those who are not empowered with the proper medical care to defend themselves. As the indigenous people give themselves to organizations like WHO and BMGF, these people are signing their death sentence.

Astonishingly, the researchers and experts disregard the facts of vaccine deaths because it does not fit in with their funding.

WHO has announced the new program called T3; meaning test, treat, and track. Like tagged animals, Africans and Indians will supposedly be tested for suspected malaria, treated with multi-drug therapies centered on the drug artemisinin, and closely monitor the disease to improve health officials’ response.

WHO closely worked with the drug corporation that developed artemisinin . This drug has extreme side effects such as Dizziness, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever, Abdominal cramps, Tinnitus, Abdominal pain, Skin rashes, Sweating, Pruritus, Hypotension, Somnolence, Darkening of urine, Decreased reticulocytes, Transient low fever.

WHO published a study this week stated that vaccination efforts must be increased in these countries. WHO, working with researchers at Penn State University, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is clearly stating a lie that supports their worldwide agenda to vaccinate third world countries.

“Intensified control measures and renewed political and financial commitment are needed to … lay the foundation for [the] future,” said one of the researchers of the study.

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