Whitewash… The G-man, the Child Molester and Rick Santorum



Why would Penn State’s Board of Trustees
appoint former FBI Director Louis Freeh to lead its internal
investigation of the child molestation scandal? To orchestrate another
high-level cover-up?

It’s widely accepted that one of the federal
government’s biggest cover up artists for the past two decades has been
Freeh, considering his involvement in concealing criminal wrongdoing in
the 1992 Ruby Ridge ambush, Waco, Vince  Foster’s murder, the OKC
bombing, Hillary Clinton’s Filegate fiasco, Montana’s Freeman standoff,
the Los Alamos espionage case of Wen Ho Lee and even the 9-11 attacks.

Writing for Newsmax in 2002, Charles R. Smith clearly highlighted Freeh’s ineptitude.

“FBI Director Louis Freeh oversaw the
longest run of FBI public disasters in its entire history,” wrote Smith.
Smith further explained how  Freeh’s compromised role ate away at the
very core of this bureau, altering it “from a federal law enforcement
agency into a political joke.”

Another reporter, Howard Gleckman of BusinessWeek,
echoed this sentiment even earlier, in September 2000. “[Freeh] has
overseen a bureau that has bungled investigations of high-profile
criminal cases and repeatedly misled probers and judges in legal
procedures,” wrote Gleckman.

Even more disturbing was Freeh’s
predilection to punish whistleblowers who stepped forward to expose
illegal deeds within the government or other institutions. In light of
this track record, how could anyone within the Penn State system
conceivably volunteer information, if there already exists an atmosphere
that discourages it?

Of course, there is the matter of the
questionable bombing of the Alfred P.Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma
City in 1995, which AFP and its reporters refuse to let die as an

It was Freeh’s FBI that immediately confiscated every videotape
from the federal building after explosions partially destroyed the
structure. To this day, the FBI has refused to release crucial evidence
that would show who exited the Ryder truck that morning that was parked
in front of the building.

If the most fundamental pieces of evidence in
this case have been concealed for 17 years, will Freeh and his cohorts
use a similar modus operandi to suppress witness testimony or other
evidence at Penn State?

FBI officials were assigned to arrest
foreign intelligence agent and suspected OKC conspirator Andreas
Strassmeir if he attempted to flee across the Mexican border, but
Strassmeir managed to escape.

There were also abundantly clear
indications that the Southern Poverty Law Center played a direct role in
placing saboteurs within the militia enclave at Elohim City. Yet, in
both instances, Freeh’s FBI dropped the ball—some suspect intentionally
rather than through incompetence.

In terms of Penn State’s investigation
of Jerry Sandusky—who has 52 different counts leveled against him—how
can the university place trust in Freeh, especially since this case has
so many explosive elements to it that could realistically bring down an
entire university?

Freeh served as vice chairman of a top
Penn State donor, banking giant MBNA, that contributed more than $30
million to the university over a 16-year period. Freeh was the one who
negotiated contracts between MBNA and Penn State.

A close business associate of Freeh’s,
Ric Struthers, served on the board of Sandusky’s Second Mile Foundation.
According to Philadelphia reporter Joseph DiStefano, writing on Nov.
21, 2011: “Struthers, a 1977 Penn State graduate, played a key role in
managing the business relationship between the Penn State Alumni
Association and MBNA.”

DiStefano added, “Struthers collected
more than $10 million a year in stock and cash payments from MBNA in the
bank’s final years.”

When Freeh delivered a speech at Penn
State in 2005 to open a new business building, Struthers was in
attendance after contributing $2 million to the project. Needless to
say, with such close ties, a definite conflict of interest arises.

Freeh was appointed to lead the Sandusky
internal investigation by Penn State Board of Trustees member Kenneth
Frazier, who is currently the chairman, president and CEO of Merck, a
Big Pharma company.

To show how incestuous the situation is,
when Joe Paterno coached his final game at Penn State to win the
all-time victory record on Oct. 29 2011, Sandusky sat in Penn State
President Graham Spanier’s luxury box at Beaver Stadium.

Other Board of
Trustees members were reportedly also present. Sandusky’s presence in
this luxury box came after Spanier and the trustees had been aware of a
grand jury investigation of Sandusky since March 2011.

Victor Thorn – February 10, 2012


Rick Santorum’s ‘State’ Secrets…

Throughout the entire Republican primary
season, the global mainstream media has doggedly attacked Texas
maverick Rep. Ron Paul for the content of old newsletters that were
published under his name.

However, the shocking story of former
Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum having sponsored Pennsylvania child
molester Jerry Sandusky for a top congressional medal has been almost
completely ignored.

Santorum has worked hard during his
presidential campaign to build an image of a morally upstanding social
conservative, playing hard on the issues of family values and

What few media outlets have reported, though, is
Santorum’s past relationship to Sandusky, going so far as to nominate
him for a Congressional Angels in Adoption Award in 2002—even after
Sandusky had been accused of child molestation.

Founded in 1977, Sandusky’s non-profit
Second Mile worked with underprivileged youth in Pennsylvania by
financially supporting their parents.

“[Second Mile’s] philosophy is simple,”
said Santorum in nominating Sandusky’s charity. “It is easier to develop
a child than to rehabilitate an adult.”

The allegations of pedophilia on the
part of Sandusky go back as far as 2002 when a Penn State graduate
assistant walked in on Sandusky molesting a young boy in the locker

The student said he informed famed Penn State football coach Joe
Paterno, who then told school officials. Rather than inform police,
though, school administrators only barred Sandusky from the football

“Why has Santorum not been questioned
about his connections and support of Jerry Sandusky?” asked the website
“The Daily Paul.” “Why [no] scrutiny for Santorum’s sponsorship of


AFP Staff – February 10, 2012 – AmericanFreePress



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