The UNITED STATES is a Corporation, not a country, not a nation.
Corporations have one goal.
Make a profit for the owners of the Corporation.
America was born in Revolution against the British.
For about nine years Americans were some of the most free people the modern world had ever seen.
Then the Articles of Confederation were murdered and replaced with the “constitution” when took sovereignty from the 13 individual countries called States and made Americans slaves to Washington DC.
Not all God Given Rights were stolen immediately as if that had been tried, there would have been another Revolution.
Americans Freedoms and Rights were stolen one by one under The Color of Law.
Generation after generation.
Then the closet homosexual atheist Marxist (Communist in today’s English) yankee puritan Lincoln made war on Americans, killed what was left of the Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, replacing it with a Mandatory Soviet Styled Marxist military Dictatorship.
The only reason I include the next three bits of truth is Americans are some of the most ignorant people on the face of the earth today and most everything they have been taught in Government Indoctrination Centers falsely called Public Education is pure de 100% unadulterated bull shit.
For those Americans who have educated themselves to a point they will understand what I am about to show you, think of Washington DC/USA, the terms are interchangeable, as the City of Rome.
All the Conquered Countries called States are held as for profit and power possessions of the City of Rome, or Washington DC.
Overseas conquered possessions are also held for profit and power.
The wealth of the conquered territories is sucked out and used by Rome or Washington DC if you prefer, to make the Owners of the DC/USA Corporation richer.
Americans are used as cannon fodder in the Empire’s Legions in Empire’s wars of aggression for profit and power.
The Empire is dying, and is in fact being killed off purposely as the owners of the Empire are trying to institute a world wide Communist Unelected world Government.
To make that happen, the concept of individual countries has to be killed off so the Super rich Child raping Bastards behind this can make their wet dream of total control over all humanity come true.
As George carlin said, forget the political whores:
They are just hand puppets to make you think you are really free and have a say in your own life.
You don’t!
They are in the process of pulling back the curtains, they are moving the tables and chairs out of the way.
All which will be left is the brick wall.
You can either keep your heads up your asses believing the lies you were indoctrinated with along with your mother’s milk, or pull your heads out of your asses, turn on your slave masters and fight for freedom for your children and grandchildren.
The choice is yours.
The Ole Dog!
As the American debt reaches record levels on a daily basis, currently being in the trillions of dollars and literally impossible for America to ever pay off, there is a very juicy nest egg that politicians are going to begin to eye at some point: retirement accounts.
By nationalizing retirement accounts, a sudden influx of cash would appear in DC’s coffers, helping to make the country look better on paper and potentially last just a little bit longer.
You may think that the nationalization of retirement accounts would never happen here in America, but there have been a lot of things that have happened over the last few years that we never believed could happen on American soil.
And besides. It’s happened before.
I’m a firm believer that we can learn from the past to gauge how things may work out in the future. Your parents likely taught you cautionary tales with the hopes that you would learn from their mistakes. They taught you the past with the hopes that you would glean lessons of how the future could turn out if a similar path is followed.
There are plenty of countries that have nationalized retirement accounts, even throughout recent history, just as there are plenty of countries that consider torture to be a regular part of the judicial process.
Let’s take a look at a few of them. Perhaps we can learn a thing or two about the American economy as a result.
It was in 2008 that Argentina nationalized the entire country’s private pension plans – stealing an estimated $30 billion in the process. This took place as the global stock market took a nosedive, and Argentina was bumbling with massive amounts of debt.
In December 2010, the politicians of Hungary told their people that they had two immediate options they could choose: have their retirement accounts confiscated or lose the “right” to the basic state pension. $14 billion in private savings was stolen in this manner.
Just two years prior, Hungary had taken $25 billion from the International Monetary Fund because the nation was so steep in debt that it faced bankruptcy.
Back in 2011, it was reported that Poland had previously discussed a full third of future contributions to private retirement accounts to be stolen and put into the state-run social security system. Then, in 2013, Poland nationalized half of the private pension funds.
There was no “out.” One day you had money that you had earned. The next, it had been stolen from you. $50 billion was stolen from the Poles by their politicians that day.
Again in 2013, during the bailout crisis throughout Europe, the European Union decided that it was high time they bailed out Cyprus. The politicians there hadn’t managed funds well at all, and the nation was deep in debt.
A host of other nations decided that they were going to decide who Cypriots were going to spend their money on (You have to love globalism. Exactly the same as having the house five doors down decide they have the right to decide what your children’s names are.)
To pay for the politician’s inability to wisely manage money, the average Cypriot was left out to dry. Any person in Cyprus with 100,000 or more euros in his account woke up to find that 9.9% of his money had been stolen from him for the bailout. Anybody with less than 100,000 euros in their bank account woke up to find that 6.75% of what they had in their account had been stolen the next morning.
All of this was purposefully done with zero warning whatsoever in order to prevent a run on the banks.
(Check out our free QUICKSTART Guide on emergency evacuations real quick. You’ll be glad you did.)
A close twist on the same issue
Many nations have pushed through similar types of theft but in a different form. These are the nations that already robbed people for a state-run retirement account and then stole that money.
When Do Governments Steal – Ahem – NATIONALIZE – Retirement Accounts?
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