Last week, the Supreme Court heard
arguments on the constitutionality of the administration’s health law,
aka ObamaCare. Opponents are giddy with the possibility that the law
might be struck down.
But what then? Millions of uninsured,
both those who choose not to purchase coverage and those who can’t due
to pre-existing conditions, will still be with us. The rising costs and
inefficient delivery of health care will still be with us.
The country can have a vibrant market for
individual health insurance. Insurance proper is what pays for
unplanned large expenses, not for regular, predictable expenses.
Insurance policies should be “guaranteed renewable”: The policy should
include a right to purchase insurance in the future, no matter if you
get sick. And insurance should follow you from job to job, and if you
move across state lines.
Why don’t we have such markets? Because the government has regulated them out of existence…
If we had a deregulated, competitive
market in individual catastrophic insurance, that market would be so
much cheaper than what’s offered today that we would likely not even
need the mandate.
Meanwhile, staggeringly inefficient
markets for health care itself need a thorough, competition-focused
deregulation. Americans will know there’s a healthy market when
hospitals post prices on their websites, and when new hospital and
health-care businesses routinely enter to challenge the old ones. Here
too regulations keep competition at bay.
Read full article HERE
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