Ask Gerhard Lauck: What is the Key to Success?
Dedication and teamwork!
The DEDICATION of each individual National Socialist around the world… combined with efficient TEAMWORK on a global scale… is the key to success!
Here is just one example: webmaster Kyle Hunt and I have been closely collaborating for only a very brief time. Nonetheless, we have already launched a successful promotion campaign that serves multiple purposes.
First, it encourages donations to the excellent web-site
Second, it increases our Third Reich book distribution.
Third, it has already given birth to a very productive and very positive working relationship.
Fourth, it serves as a prototype for the expansion of similar campaigns with other additional web-sites.
Fifth, it sets a good example of SOLIDARITY OF THE DEED as opposed to mere “solidarity of the mouth.”
The NSDAP/AO’s motto has long been this: TOGETHER WE ARE STRONG!
We need YOUR help!
Here is a brief description of our “method of operation.” For more information, email Kyle or myself.
An Inside Look at the NSDAP/AO Today!
Let us start with an analogy!
Once upon a time there was a “consulting firm”. This firm operated on a global scale. In and of itself, this may not sound too unusual. Especially today. Nonetheless, this firm was unusual. Even by today’s standards.
The clients of this consulting firm were primarily small businesses and non-profit organizations in Europe. The firm itself was based in the USA, where freedom of speech and—by European standards—minimal government regulation gave it a major advantage over European-based firms.
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of this firm was a “German-American”. Or, more accurately, an “Amerikadeutscher” or “Auslandsdeutscher.”
This firm’s co-workers fell into various categories: a) “business associates” and “independent contractors”, b) “volunteers” who sympathized with personal beliefs of the firm’s CEO, c) “volunteers” who were aligned with groups with similar beliefs, and d) people who simply believed in the ideal of free speech and who wanted to protest against the suppression of free speech. Regardless of ideology.
The very close cooperation of all these diverse elements inside the same firm had both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are obvious. The disadvantages include SECURITY!
Therefore, the firm took very strict and extensive security precautions. (For example, even internally, only “nicknames” were used instead of real names.) These precautions may have seemed excessive. Especially to Americans living inside America. Nonetheless, the risk of “cross-contamination” and the potential “trace back” of especially electronic communications forced the firm to take these precautions.
Now let’s take a closer look “inside” this firm!
For the sake of our illustration here, we will use a fictional American named “Joe.”
Joe contacted the firm and said he wanted to do volunteer work.
He received a reply that includes the following:
First, he was asked about his skills, interests, and the kind of work he would like to do.
Second, he was offered his first “assignment.” (Of course, he was free to either accept or reject any assignment. If he accepted, he was requested to provide an ETA.)
Third, he was told a little about the firm’s security precautions.
When Joe’s first assignment was described, he was told this task was “easy, but boring.” He accepted.
Joe diligently performed his indeed “easy, but boring” task. It was now clear to him that this was indeed “work”, not “fun and games”. But Joe was a dedicated idealist. Not a hobbyist. So he didn’t mind.
Joe looked at it this way. This “grunt work” had to be done by somebody. Besides, this gave the “new guy” a chance to prove he was a “doer” and not a ”talker”.
Eventually Joe was offered another assignment. He accepted it. This assignment was neither as easy nor as boring as the first one. But it was not difficult. Joe told himself: “Okay! Now I have graduated from boot camp.”
A year passed. Joe was very pleased. He had done and learned a lot during this time. He understood how his work had contributed to the firm’s impressive progress. He saw concrete results. He knew he had played a meaningful role. His assignments were gradually becoming more interesting. He liked doing them!
There were many people like Joe in the firm.
Of course, “Joe” is a fictional character. But his story is based on real people and real events!
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