Western ‘Royal Families’ and Illuminati to Hold Emergency Summit Meeting in Vienna



The royal families of the West
and the secret Illuminati royalty are planning an emergency summit
meeting in Vienna, Austria, next month in order to come up with a
strategy to save their plan for a New World Order fascist world government, according to a senior CIA source and a member of the Rothschild family.

The summit is being called
because a global police and intelligence operation is closing in on
their leadership with multiple investigations on many levels.

It is hard to see how the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral commission and their secret rulers
are going to escape these probes unless they agree to surrender and
promise to appear before a South African style truth and reconciliation

There are also now indications of a hidden force behind all the ongoing financial war for control of the planet earth.

The illuminati in Italy confirmed they used astrology
and the movements of the planets to make their long term plans. They
also said their rule was set to end on December 21st 2012. Many unusual
celestial events show they may be speaking the truth.

One big example was the blue moons seen at the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. There was a blue moon in the West that ended on December 31st and a blue moon in Asia that started on January 1st.

The moons were also, in case you saw them, actually blue in color.

The coincidences between the Asian lunar calendar and the Gregorian
calendar continued this year, for example with the coincidence of a full
moon with the Autumnal equinox this year. There are two other upcoming
events that are of interest most notably on December 21st of this year.

On that date there will be,

  • the Winter Solstice

  • a full moon

  • a full lunar eclipse (in Asia)

The other date is a full moon on March 19th of next year. This date is of special importance to some Asian secret societies because it is the day the last Ming emperor committed suicide (it also happens, by sheer coincidence, to be my birthday).

All of these and other coincidences indicate some sort of sophisticated long-term social engineering.

It is like the apocryphal story of Jesuits using solar eclipses to convert various peoples to Christianity:

“If you do not convert, we will destroy the sun!”

The point being made here
is not necessarily that we should obey the signs of the heavens but
rather to realize that there are some very powerful, secret forces at

An individual claiming to represent the “illuminati” has warned the White Dragon Society that unless humanity gets its affairs into order by the Summer solstice of 2011 (June 21st) vast mayhem and destruction will be unleashed on the planet.

This will include the setting off of all volcanoes on the Pacific “rim of fire.”

In another move, the representatives of the Federal Reserve
Board have been demanding a meeting with Asian elders to discuss
re-activating a top security financial corridor that was shut down in
1994 following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This corridor served as a neutral common financial transaction pipeline between the West and the Soviet Union during the fake “cold war” era.

It was shut down because Western governments started using it to loot the world’s wealth following the collapse of the USSR. Hillary Clinton is also expected to lobby for negotiations based on using this security pipeline.

However, the White Dragon Society and Asian elders believe that ongoing police corruption
investigations need to take their full course in order to make sure the
rot is completely removed from the old system before a new financial system can begin.

The next move on that front is expected to be a Rico anti-organized crime lawsuit against the owners of the Federal Reserve Board. This case, centering on $1 trillion in funds illegally held by Daniele Dal Bosco and a group known as the OITC is expected to be filed soon.

The OITC has been connected to,

In addition to stolen
Dragon Family instruments, they also have been trying to cash stolen
German and Austrian bonds. Evidence has also been uncovered that they
have stolen money from many organizations and countries.

Strange as it may all seem, the investigative trail is ultimately leading to an ancient cult of worshippers of the God Set, also known as Ba’al, Molech, Lucifer and Satan.

They have been plotting for centuries to set up a New World Order totalitarian world government.

To accomplish this, they were planning to murder 4 billion people through starvation, disease and war. Once the scope of their crimes becomes known to the brainwashed majority, there will be extreme fury and calls for revenge.

Over 1 million of these Satanists
have thus been secretly trying to find a country that will shelter
them. So far, nobody is willing to take them and they will find
themselves facing the fury mainly of the American people.

They will need to negotiate directly with
the White Dragon Society ASAP or else face inevitable painful death at
the hands of their victims.


February 21, 2012 – posted at PakAlert






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