West trapped by Israel’s policies

A review of the increasing volume of Israel’s anti-Iranian propaganda will make people believe Iran’s nuclear energy program is the sole concern of Israel; covert angles of this policy have not been analyzed yet.

Apart from confirming Israel’s concern about Iran’s nuclear energy program, Tel Aviv’s increasing propaganda against Iran has had other consequences as well.

Some of them are linked with the Iranophobia policy which has been adopted by the rightist government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu while others are of international importance. The benefits of pursuing this policy for Israel can be enumerated as follows:

1. Strategy of terror

The Israeli regime is pursuing to weaken other countries in the Middle East to have a permanent upper hand in the region. Israel is the sole country in the region which possesses nuclear weapons. The strategy of terrorizing Middle Eastern countries is an important pillar of Israel’s policies because some Israeli officials consider spreading terror as a containment method.

The fact that Israel lacks strategic depth has caused both the leftist and rightist Israeli politicians to pursue that policy within the framework of various Israeli governments.

2. Israel’s projection and violation of international laws

Increasing threats against Iran is a projection mechanism used by Israel to distract attention from its illegal measures which amount to violation of international laws and regulations. By increasing propaganda, the Israeli regime is trying to marginalize its obstruction of the Middle East peace talks and tone down international criticism of continued construction of Jewish settlements and human rights violations.

Exaggerating the Iranian threat will increase financial and military aid to this regime. The real threats, however, are presented by Israel that requires even more political, military, and financial help from its Western allies to counter the spread of independence-seeking notions of the Islamic Awakening. Even German intellectuals such as Guenter Grass have criticized the Israeli policies and challenged German’s relentless support for the Tel Aviv policies.

3. Escaping Isolation

Another reason behind Israel’s policy of intimidation and fear is to avoid isolation, especially after sabotaging the Middle East peace process and the developments of the Islamic Awakening. By taking up measures like spreading racism in the Middle East and sowing religious discord between the Muslim Sunnis and Shias, Israel seeks to bring the Arab littoral states of the Persian Gulf onboard. It also wants to spread Iranophobia among them and increase the sales of the weapons to its allies in the Persian Gulf region.

The arms, however, might end up being used against Israel itself if the Islamic Awakening spreads to the Arab littoral states of the Persian Gulf. On the one hand, Israel seeks to flee isolation and is hemming itself in by building walls around the occupied lands bordering Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and Egypt. This will undoubtedly result in more isolation for the Tel Aviv regime.

4. Escalating sanctions and preventing the economic growth and development of Iran

Israel’s propaganda which aims to promote Iranophobia by aggrandizing Iran threat has caused its European and American allies to forget their national interests by escalating sanctions against Iran which aims to prevent the economic growth and development of the country. This is because the Israelis want to establish themselves as the superior power in the Middle East.

The Israelis also pursue their goal by increasing sanctions and propaganda against Iran to disturb the internal condition of the country and take advantage of it. Although sanctions do not seem to stop Iran’s growth, they have reduced the pace of the country’s development, providing Israel with an opportunity to hedge against the gust of the Arab Spring.

5. Sabotaging the Iran-P5+1 talks

By continuing to threaten Iran, Israel seeks to create unrest in the region. This regime is also fearful that the Western countries might reach a peaceful settlement with Iran and is thus using its lobbies in the US and the West to sabotage the talks. A peaceful settlement will mean the growth and expansion of Iran’s economy and the right to possess civilian nuclear program, which is not at least in the interests of the extremist right wing Israeli officials.

6. Paying the bill by the West and Europe

Interestingly, by adopting such policies, Israel has made its Western allies shoulder the main burden of Iran sanctions. Most Western and European companies, which are already struggling with the ongoing economic crisis, have to not only tackle rising energy prices but also find other markets. On the other hand, they have to undertake the cost of Israel’s warmongering policies.

7. Parliamentary elections

The elections for the 19th Knesset (parliament) are scheduled to be held in 4 September, 2012, before the current term of the 120-member unicameral legislature expires.

As part of the attempts made to contain his potential rivals namely opposition leader Shaul Mofaz and win the forthcoming voting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking to upgrade Israel’s foreign policy to remain at the helm of the Jewish entity’s governance.

Even though Israel has been ruled by successive coalition administrations over the past years, its soar relations with neighboring states and the failure to defeat Hamas and Hezbollah resistance movements have proven the fact that Tel Aviv can no longer put faith in far-right policies as they pose a real risk to its existence.

8. Public incitement

The ruling Likud party is pursuing scenarios to inflame Iranophobia within the Jewish entity in a bid to deviate public opinion from Israel’s dwindling legitimacy in the Middle East. Netanyahu and his cabinet are indeed misleading public opinion inside Israel, forcing them to accept a military attack against Iran in the hope of reviving the Israeli regime’s legitimacy.

9. Holding back Iran’s clout in the Middle East

Western politicians and analysts now recognize Iran as a major power in the Middle East. The anti-Iranian policies of the Israeli regime and certain Arab states are meant to counter Iran’s influence and offset the balance of power in the region. This comes irrespective of the fact that Iran wields unrivaled power and weight in the Middle East and no country can actually challenge its sway.

One would now ask whether the resolution of Iran’s nuclear issue could compel Israel to give up its nuclear weapons. All this seems to indicate that the whole hullabaloo over Iran’s nuclear activities is a ploy, and that the Israeli regime would come with another anti-Iran scenario once the stalemate over the Iranian nuclear case breaks.


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