‘West seeks pressure on Iran, Syria’

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jeff Gates, author of “Democracy at Risk”, to further discuss the issue.

The following is a transcription of the interview.

Press TV: The question would be if the US is looking for some kind of military intervention in Syria, can it do that without the support of countries like Russia and China at the UN Security Council?

Gates: Well, I think it’s a really careless path and one that’s quite delicate. Unfortunately, it’s a bit telling that the timely advocate of this is John McCain and Lindsey Graham from South Carolina.

Senator McCain paired up with Joe Lieberman from Connecticut to really sell us on the invasion of Iraq relying very much on what we now know as false intelligence.

So I think anyone’s who’s worried about an agenda being on the background realizes that Joe Lieberman, of course, has been a very strong pro-Israeli, and Mr. McCain has long been a steady advocate and the closest companion of Lieberman in taking us into that war.

I think the same sort of what we call in law “modus operandi” – the way of operating – appears to be surfacing again with McCain again leading the charge.

So hopefully those in national security in the US and elsewhere watching this closely realize that we’re in the same cast of characters back on the world stage and it will proceed with some caution this time.

Press TV: We know that the State Department and White House did say that new tactics have to be explored if President Assad doesn’t step down. How serious do you think the US is in its campaign to get involved militarily in the case of Syria?

Gates: Well, I think it’s really the issue with Iran that’s driving the issue with Syria. I think these things are very much paired. Those that want us to go to war with Iran are the same ones who, of course, are now putting pressure on Syria.

So again, I think it’s part of a broader agenda and a broader narrative that the large overarching theme, of course, is the clash of civilizations, a storyline that really is the one that took us to war in Iraq and now is going to Iran.

If indeed Syria could be destabilized then that would put pressure on Iran. Certainly if some kind of impetus is needed to take us in that direction, perhaps something that happened here in [the EU] might be plausibly closer to [Hezbollah] might be the match that lights the fire. I think we’re in a very unstable situation.

Again, it’s somewhat telling, at least to someone who watches these matters closely, that the same spooks, people who were in front last time taking us into Iraq are now in front trying to take us into Iran perhaps by way of Syria.


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