West dual-faced on Bahrain, Syria

The remarks come as the US has been assisting the Bahraini regime in the brutal crackdown against its own citizens, supplying the Persian Gulf dictatorship with weapons such as the notorious lethal tear-gas that has since claimed many lives.

An imprisoned peaceful Bahraini Human Rights Activist has gone on a hunger strike for nearly two months to protest the brutal conduct of the Saudi-backed, al-Khalifa regime in intensely cracking down on the impoverished population of the tiny Persian Gulf Island nation.

Meanwhile, the United States acts hypocritically, providing the al-Khalifa regime with arms to kill its own people while at the same time claiming it is concerned for the Syrian armed rebels.

Press TV has conducted an interview with Hisham Tillawi, Current Issues TV and radio host in Lafayette, Louisiana to further discuss the issue. What follows is a rough transcript of the interview.

Press TV: Given the back ground that Ali al-Ahmad just gave on Abdulhadi al-Khawaja. Maybe you can tell us then, why civil society groups of the Persian Gulf countries have called for his release which has sounded alarm bells, if he indeed dies, their statement “the Bahraini government and the ruling family will be held responsible.”

Let us just suppose, in the sudden case if this happens, -the passing away of Ali al-Khawaja- what will happen? What effects may that have on the revolution?

Tillawi: This exposes the lies of the Western media and some of the Arab media out there that are covering both what is going on in Bahrain and what is going on in Syria, in two different views even though, supposedly on the ground these two movements are very much one and the same:

People asking for their human rights, people asking for democracy, people wanted to ….even though the ones in Bahrain they are not saying to remove the regime and they are not being armed and they are not violent; they are not killing people like the one in Syria.

But yet we see the double standards in the covering of what is going on in Bahrain from what is going on in Syria and of course the help that the United States is willing to give those in Syria that is withholding even human rights, association with those people in Bahrain.

Now, if al-Khawaja actually dies, which God forbid, I hope this will not come to that point, but if he dies, I do not really believe; number one, that they will allow, the regime, they will allow it to go that far.

And if it does, –unfortunately everything is moved by the media– we will probably see some protests in Bahrain itself and maybe in some other countries, but I do not really think it will be covered widely and I do not think it would be actually made international news.

It just is not going to be, what they will do if they want to make a big story out of something like this, if it benefits them and I mean the powers out there that are controlling the media, they will make it big.

But if it does not benefit them, probably only a few people will hear of his passing but I don’t really believe that the regime will actually let it go that far.

Press TV: And of course we need to expand more [on this] and if you can Hisham Tallawi, about how the US has been supporting this regime. It includes training its security forces, back in December the Florida police commissioner was sent there.

And another point, continuing to arm the regime, such as with the deadly tear gas and of course, maybe you can make a reference for us, this 53 million dollar arms sale that the US government has found the loophole to send in chunks of one million dollars of military equipment, which includes the tear gas.

This is stark contrast to how it has approached Syria, which included a regime change and arming the opposition. Tell us why this different approach is used?

Tillawi: Well, on the different approaches used now, we must understand that the United States’ foreign policy is heavily influenced by the policies of Israel and especially the Likud Party, which happens to be the one in power and mainly the fundamentalist movements that are in Palestine.

Well, Jewish fundamentalist movements, it is heavily, heavily influenced by that. So anything that the United States is doing may not necessarily be in the best interest of the United States. But it goes along and it works with the larger plan for the Middle East that was set up a long time ago and now we see the final phases of that plan actually in action.

So these little things of what they are doing, this is basically nothing but management of the situation at hand. Because the Arab World is divided into different people, different countries, different regimes and therefore they have to manage all these people and all these regimes for the best interests of, number one, what would work for Israel and number two, what would work for the United States.

So the United States has been used as a tool and unfortunately, you know, my colleague al-Ahmad said if –God forbids– that al-Khawaja would pass away that the United States will somehow be punished.

I believe that the United States has done a pretty good job in killing Muslims over there, especially in Iraq and unfortunately the media can change that within a few weeks, because right now with the horrible atrocities that the United States has committed in Iraq, over a million dead, etc, etc.

Four million refugees and sending an Arab country into stone ages; I guarantee you, the status of the United States and many of the Arab countries have changed. People do forget; give them a couple of months of concentrated media on polishing what the United States is doing and now what the United States is doing with helping the supposedly revolution, the Arab Spring in Libya and in Egypt and etc, etc.

That has helped to polish the face of the United States. So putting a little bit of mascara on an ugly face- many times it works. So, unfortunately we don’t see that if the passing [away] of al-Khawaja, we are not going to see hatred towards the Americans as such because it is not going to be publicized –as it should be — in the Arab media or in the Western media.


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