A beautiful collage by the dedicated National Socialist designer David Dees, showing his love for our immortal Führer, the eternal martyr Adolf Hitler.
Wow! What a rich and diverse legacy he leaves behind. Through his hard work and clever labor, full of love and creativity, David Dees has truly become immortal due to his righteous and just deeds in the service of humanity.
Dees, a fanatic freedom fighter, was a dedicated opponent of the brutal Jewish occupation we all suffer under.
Dees was determined to resist against the oppressive regime of International Jewry, by all means necessary.
Evil bloodthirsty Jews tried to silence the Aryan creator Dees because these malicious Jewish rodents know that a pen in the hand of an uncompromising truth-seeker is a deadly weapon against the Hebrew ‘Masters of the Lie’.
Left image is Donald Trump holding a print derived from David Dees truthful and factual artwork, in which the accurate antisemitism has been censored and removed by desperate panic-stricken nervous Jews. Right image is the original David Dees artwork from which the print was derived.
The tireless producer Dees was very concerned with the fact that disgusting Jew monsters are both biologically exterminating the Aryan White race and at the same time poisoning our entire planet, spreading deadly Hebrew toxins.
Thanks for always showing us who is poisoning our World, David. You are a timeless legendary teacher of National Socialism and anti-Semitism. We are forever grateful for your humble teachings.
Dees tried to enlighten White European mankind of who was behind the destruction of Aryandom.
By fighting against International Jewry, he was trying to help the Universe restore order to the galaxy.
Dees always stood for what was right. He detested the incredible injustice forced upon the world by Zion.
Early on, Dees, like many other optimistic and hopeful so-called “goyyim”, believed Trump to be an upstanding White man and good-hearted savior.
But like the rest of us, he quickly realized that Trump was another disgusting politician, slave to the evil nefarious Yids.
Dees knew that in order to free the planet from the tyrannical Jewish occupation, we must target the Jew head on and never lose focus from the hooknosed ratfaced devil.
David Dees.
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