We Need a No More Oil Spills Act, Not a No More Solyndras Act

Ingrid Taylar/CC BY 2.0

So, Representative Cliff Stearns (R-FL) wants Congress to pass a No More Solyndras Act, ostensibly to protect taxpayers from government cleantech loans going bad—even though, as Climate Progress points out, Solyndra aside, the government’s loan program for cutting edge technology has been a success, with 32 projects going in 20 states, creating 22,000 jobs, using $2.5 billion to mobilize over $20 billion in private investment.

I have several counter proposals for Rep. Stearns, bills that would better protect taxpayers’ money, health, livelihoods, children, as well as the long-term vitality of the nation and planet.

This list could go on an on, so I’ll just confine myself to energy bill proposals:

  1. No More Oil Spills Act
  2. No More Fracking Act
  3. No More Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Act
  4. No More Tar Sands Mining Act
  5. No New Oil Drilling Act
  6. No New Coal Power Plants Act (and its companion bill, the Coal Power Plant Decommissioning/Transition Act)
  7. No New Nuclear Power Plants Act (and its companion bill, the Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Act)

    And some phrased in the positive:

  8. The Solar Power For All Act
  9. The Energy Efficiency Improvement Assistance Act
  10. The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Expansion Act
  11. The Transportation Choice Act (aka the American Expand Public Transit Act)

Let’s leave the details for another time, but any one of the following would get more to the heart of the matter than Stearns’ myopic, misplaced focus on the failure of one government loan.

So, TreeHugger readers, lets give Stearns so more suggestions. Leave them in the comments below.

If you want to contact Rep. Stearns, here’s his info:

U.S. House Of Representatives

2306 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone (202) 225-5744

Fax (202) 225-3973

And his press contact’s email: [email protected]

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