We don’t need to dream! Meet the only family in the UK who WILL have a white Christmas

  • Brailsfords buy in snow machine to guarantee a dusting of the white stuff

Simon Tomlinson

Last updated at 11:14 AM on 24th December 2011

This festive family are set to be the only household in Britain to enjoy a white Christmas this year – after buying a snow machine for their front garden.

Builders Lee Brailsford, 34, and brother Paul, 31, decorated their mother’s house with £10,000 worth of lights including a life-size nativity scene – then topped it off with a dusting of snow.

Their £150 machine can pump out dozens of litres of snow at the flick of a switch, coating their garden in Brentry, Bristol, in a wintry blanket in minutes.

Flaking it: Paul Brailsford with his two-year-old son Harrison amid the lights and fake snow in his mother's front garden in Bristol

Flaking it: Paul Brailsford with his two-year-old son Harrison amid the lights and fake snow in his mother’s front garden in Bristol

Lee will turn on the machine late on Christmas Eve so that his boys Jordan, 13, and Liam, 11 and Paul’s children Sienna, six, and Harrison, two, can wake up to a white Christmas.

He said: ‘It is absolutely perfect. We’ve had a couple of trial runs and if it stays at this temperature it should produce a covering of snow that lasts all night.

‘We’ll turn it on late on December 24, so the children can wake up to a lovely white Christmas.

‘It’s funny to think we’ll probably be the only family in Britain with snow this year. We haven’t had any in Bristol yet.’

Lee and Paul live a few doors down from their mum Rosemary, 55, who hosts the festive display as she has the bigger house.

Winter wonderland: The snow machine can churn out dozens of litres of snow in minutes. The family have also given the house some added sparkle with £10,000 worth of Christmas lights

Winter wonderland: The snow machine can churn out dozens of litres of snow in minutes. The family have also given the house some added sparkle with £10,000 worth of Christmas lights

The brothers began setting up the nativity scene in October, lining the area with reindeer, snowmen and Santas.

They even fixed a train on the roof of the house and outlined it in twinkling rope lights.

Lee added: ‘We’ve spent quite a lot of money on the lights over a few years so were looking for something to top it off and saw the snow machine online.

‘You can set it to blizzard which fires out snow at a hell of a rate. It uses the snow liquid – which costs about £20 a litre – in about 20 minutes.

‘The neighbours will love it. I’m sure we’ll have parents bringing their children here on Christmas Eve to get them all excited about the big day.’

The brothers raised a total of £2,953 in charity buckets from their display last year for Wallace Gromits Grand Appeal at Southmead Hospital – and hope to collect even more this year.

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He’s been ripped off. I just googled snow machine and they are £39,99 at ebuyer and snow fluid is £6.06

sums up society.nowadays .all these people live in a fantasy world…
pretend snow ….reindeer running round the garden ..hohoho

ostentatious tat………hope his electric bill is huge.
– michael, nottingham,notts., 25/12/2011 10:06
It’s for CHARITY you numpty!


ostentatious tat………hope his electric bill is huge.

They had one of those at our church carol service last night. A fantastic finale!!

I doubt he’s the only one to buy a snow machine, especially if it only cost 150 quid.

Looks like fun and not hurting anyone, why such nasty comments on here.

Wishing them a very happy christmas, Im sure its going to be lovely day, hope the children enjoyed the ‘snow’ this morning.

I hope they can genuine afford these kinds of adventure. If not then, Exactly these kinds of people put economic pressure on others. I hope he did not max out his credit card and will be rapaying minimum monthly payment for the next 10 years. Grow up

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