“To get to God, [Lucifer] intends to destroy man. To get to man, he approached woman. That irrational, rationalizing creature obeyed the serpent in an attempt to gain wisdom, which is something of which she is incapable because it is against her nature. She “sinned” in that she acted according to Lucifer’s direction, instead of the man’s, who is her path to God.”
One Reader’s Grim Vision
“I came to understand that all “popular culture” – all movies, songs, newspapers, TV shows, radio programs, etc. – were and are an endless rehash of the same story.”
In 2005, Paul Fields set out to cure his disease. Along the way, I came to the realization that everything that he believed, and all the “knowledge” he had accrued up until then was an illusion and a lie. The most difficult part of the realization was that it applied to every single area of my existence. Once he understood that, it became necessary to also understand why that was.
by Paul Fields
By 2025, it will all be complete.
This is not something I say to you lightly.
My position has afforded me the opportunity to travel the Earth (not “the world”) the last few years. I have seen things that, ten years ago, I would not have considered probable, or even possible.
But that was before I awoke.
The Great Work – The Luciferian Agenda – will come to pass. As a matter of fact, it already has. What is manifesting now in this plane of low, slow vibration, was created long ago. The ignorant masses will stand by and receive their new (old) god in a state of rapt adulation – prostrate at an iPhone. The Hour is come, the Rough Beast has, indeed, Slouched, and its Birth is nigh.
I have visited your site for many years now. The information provided has been extremely beneficial in my search for the light, the truth.
The truth is this:
When I first began groping my way in the dark, I encountered the usual Gatekeepers. Over time, their lies betrayed them and they were found wanting.
I then began to look past the veils. It was – and is – not easy. To be able to comprehend the truth, a man has to confront himself. All the world (tout le monde – “everyone”) is physically, mentally and spiritually dis-eased simply because it is an aggregate comprised of sick, degenerate men who refuse to take responsibility for their own health, in all its facets.
But the rampant disease is not without an identifiable origin.
I began to read the old books. This, in turn, made me realize how much man has lost. It also made me realize how much I, as a man, never had.
I came to understand that all “popular culture” – all movies, songs, newspapers, TV shows, radio programs, etc. – were and are an endless rehash of the same story.
That story is “The Revelation of the Method”.
I have seen the minds of Pike, and Crowley, and Parsons, and the Rabbis. They were – and their acolytes are – focused to the point of literal madness on one teleological outcome.
I have delved into the beliefs and practices of the Freemasons, and the Rosicrucians, and the Jesuits, and the Kabbalistic Jews. They know the story. They are the storytellers. They are the True Believers.
I waded into and through it all. (I am fond of saying “balls-deep into the event horizon”.) I looked at all the subterfuge, and all the seemingly desultory phenomena taking place, and realized that it all came down to the story specified supra concealing another small tale.
That one was told in Genesis Chapter 3 (“The Fall.”)
I will assume that all who frequent this site are familiar with the entire backstory. What is relevant here, is the method Lucifer has employed in his ceaseless quest to spite The Creator.
To get to God, he intends to destroy man. To get to man, he approached woman. That irrational, rationalizing creature obeyed the serpent in an attempt to gain wisdom, which is something of which she is incapable, because it is against her nature. She “sinned” in that she acted according to Lucifer’s direction, instead of the man’s, who is her path to God.
Man then “sinned” by following the woman, instead of leading her. He acted according to the woman’s direction, instead of his Father’s.
Note that at that time, Lucifer had inverted and subverted the natural hierarchical order. Nothing over the intervening centuries has changed. Today, woman still seeks the “wisdom” of Lucifer, and man still follows her to it, due to his ineradicable love for his “gentle companion”, and practically speaking, as the means via which he can experience the “begetting” aspect of The Father – creating in his own image.
Miscegenation has now become increasingly widespread, and portrayed and accepted as “wisdom”. Man (White) will be destroyed. His destruction is being accomplished exactly as portrayed by the chocolate ape being melted into the pan of milk in the popular meme. By the same token, Huxley’s “John the Savage” eventually succumbed to “orgy-porgy”, and, being unable to live with himself, ended his life.
We have – as you propound – been inducted into the cult. We are all Satanists, now. What we have before us, as Christians, is to become the most heretical Satanists that we can.
By 2025, it will be compete.
Source Article from https://www.henrymakow.com/2017/12/overthrow-of-god.html
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