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It’s a simple enough statement to make. But what I am hoping to do is prove it. The other day as I was standing in a local western jewelry store, eye to eye with a man that some have noted as being rather despicable…I came to the realization that we are ALL inexplicably made of Crystals. Not just us, but plants as well. Most notably the Trees. I should know…I used to be one. But more on that some other time.
I could get into the emotional subtext of what had previously gone on inside of that store, or I could explain how the warding quartz around my neck singlehandedly disarmed the proprietor of his barbed sarcastic attack and defended me. I could distract and entertain you with the tale…but I really want to get down to the point. AFTER the spiritual cage fight was over with and the defeated man sat there looking at me sideways and utterly speechless, he made the first move towards an admirable reconciliation by showing me quite possibly the largest amethyst crystal that I have ever seen.
He kept it in a pouch close to him and the second that he pulled it out I immediately noticed a change in his face. The guy went from being a crass, sarcastic and shrewd businessman to something else. The shift in his face and his overall tone was palpable. The man was clearly holding something that he LOVED dearly.
Then he reverently handed it to me in both hands with a simple “Here.” So moved by the gesture, I took the stone in my hands and immediately felt the strongest, most kinetic emotional outpouring that I have ever felt from anything other than human…the hairs in my beard stood on end, I got goosebumps, and the frequency felt like it was resonating in perfect time with the heart that beat inside of my chest. Needless to say, it seriously felt like I was holding my very own heart in my hands…And it scared the living shit out of me! I really wasn’t prepared for it.
The point? Well, after a minute of holding something that I felt that I clearly shouldn’t be holding, I gave the crystal back to the businessman and in the tenderness of his touch on the stone as I was giving it back, I realized that the businessman had an emotional attachment to the stone and that the stone strangely enough had an emotional attachment to him.
Having returned the stone to him, I then immediately went into my pocket and paid the man for the goods that I had previously tried to haggle with him over, at the price that we had previously disagreed upon. Then as an act of general contrition to the magik that the man had just showed me, I made a peace offering of an additional purchase. None of which I will get into. Maybe that was his intention the whole time, a sweet counter-attack to my benevolent defenses, perhaps? Well whatever it was it worked…and I walked away from the store that day with a deeper respect for the owner than I previously had.
But also a sadness came with it, because in the same moment that the owner took the crystal back from me and the stone’s energy left me, I realized that the reason that the businessman had previously been so shrewd and rude, was that for the past 30 years of this man’s life, he had surrounded himself with earth stones and earth crystals of varying sorts. I wondered where all of the rest of the people in this guy’s life were? How many marriages had this guy forfeited in favor of gem and jewelry tradeshows and conventions? How many nights had this person spent out in the deserts of Mexico/Texas/Utah/California/Wherever perfecting his craft and building his love for these stones that he was so passionate about? Passionate enough to have spent the better part of his youth and his life in working with these items. Passionate enough to have invested a small fortune in building a successful business out of the buying and trading of these rare Earth materials….then it hit me, like a lightning bolt through the chest, and I asked myself, in all of this man’s life as I perceived it, “Where were the human crystals?”
And that is what brought me to the revelation…We are ALL made of out Crystals! And the more I followed this train of thought, the more sense that it ultimately made. As crystals are formed by the nucleation process, cells divide and join and rearrange themselves into an orderly repeating pattern…and with that same logic applied to biology and the nucleation that begins after the onset of human conception, or when the cells in an oak tree begin to divide and organize themselves and form acorns for propagation.
The organization of cells and the proliferation of nucleation is an essential component of Life as we know it. And so if the definition of a crystal is to remain “a solid material constituent of atoms, molecules, and ions arranged in openly ordered and repeating patterns filling the three spatial dimensions”…Then who is to say that We, as people, and the plants and trees aren’t all capable of being classified as large, organic amorphous crystalline structures?
You can make your own practical applications of what it means to be a crystal…I just hope that my experience and my reflection was able to open some doors in some minds to get people thinking along those lines. I’m not a scientist and I can’t really craftily form a solid scientific argument or put together a thesis. And I’m open to the possibility that I may be wrong…But walking away from the encounter with that man and his crystal, and the love that those two had for each other, gives me a new perspective. One in which we are all crystalline beings capable of harmonizing and resonating with each other in a similar fashion.
So the next time you wraps your arms around someone that you love or a tree that you have befriended, imagine that that person you are holding onto is a crystal just as you are. And contemplate how your energies will react and change each other…and as with all crystals, we should all learn to treat each other with similar respect and reverence.
My name is C. And I am a human crystal.
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