Was Mike Richards Forced To Resign As New Host Of ‘Jeopardy’ So That Jewess Mayim Bialik Could Replace Him?

Are we seriously to believe that it’s just “pure luck” that Mike Richards — the long-time producer of the game show “Jeopardy” — was forced to resign when”antisemitic” remarks he allegedly made over 7 years ago on an obscure podcast were “dug up” just as he was set to replace the late long-time host Alex Trebek — and that Richards’ replacement “just so happens to be” Jewish?:

Two weeks after Mayim Bialik said being selected to host primetime specials of “Jeopardy!” was “beyond anything I ever imagined could happen,” the Jewish actress is taking on an even more prominent role on the beloved game show.

Bialik is hosting the first three weeks of the regular season after Mike Richards, the producer originally selected to succeed Alex Trebek, stepped down on Friday amid a backlash over his past comments, which included offensive statements about women and Jews.

Bialik is also being considered for the full-time position, CNN quoted a source close to the process as saying. Earlier, the producers of “Jeopardy!” had said that Bialik’s other commitments would make it impossible for her to be the sole successor to Trebek, who died in November 2020 of pancreatic cancer.

Sony Entertainment Studios, which produces the show, says it will announce additional guest hosts in the coming weeks. Their choice of Bialik, who had starring roles on “Blossom” and “The Big Bang Theory,” has also drawn some criticism over her past stance on vaccines. In a 2012 book, Bialik and her ex-husband wrote that they had not vaccinated their children. Three years later, she announced on Kveller that her children were in fact vaccinated and that she supports vaccines.

Bialik, who regularly writes about her Jewish identity and practice, produced a series of videos for MyJewishLearning this year.

There can be no doubt that people at “Jeopardy” knew about these “antisemitic” and “anti-women” comments that Richards had jokingly made on a podcast 7 years ago — the idea that they just “came to light” as he’s about to take over for Trebek is preposterous.

And his “antisemitic” joke wasn’t even “offensive” — as the ADL contended — he made a veiled reference to Jewish noses — jokes which Jews themselves are allowed to make.

But as Jews have risen in society to the highest levels of power — to the point that they feel comfortable bragging that they “own the “whole freaking country” — they become even more tyrannical — insisting that no one notice what’s as obvious as the noses on their faces — and if you do happen to notice the emperor has a nose, you’re obviously an “antisemite”.

And, yes, just as Mike Richards’ replacement “just so happens to be Jewish” — she also just so happens to have an undeniably “classic” Jewish nose — in fact, she’s admitted that her enormous nose bothered her so much she contemplated getting a nose job many times.

And if anyone wanted to smear Bialik, they could easily do so by scouring through every podcast she’d ever appeared on — no doubt she’d made some off-color jokes that could be twisted into something much worse.

There is no doubt that in Jewish-controlled Hollywood, even the Jewish producers “discriminate” against grossly unattractive Jewish actresses like Bialik as leading women — they do get plenty of lucrative work, but just not as the “face” of the franchise.

Jewish actresses are routinely turned down for leading roles because they don’t look “white enough” — or rather “too ethnic” or “too exotic.”

Most actresses are complete narcissists — which explains why, when they look in the mirror, Jewish actresses cannot see that they look any different from White leading actresses — they actually believe they can “pass” as White.

In their own minds, they’ve “assimilated” into White nations for so long that it never occurs to them that most of them still stand out as much as a tarantula on a wedding cake.

Also on Christians for Truth:


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