Was Hitler a Pagan?

Nothing seemed to him more worthy than going to Valhalla after a most heroic life, full of bold, far-reaching deeds, and for all eternity to become a mythic figure, similar to the ones he so deeply admired. (August Kubizek – Hitler war mein Jugendfreund, P.93)

In this writing I would like to cover the question regarding Hitler’s beliefs about the supernatural and the Transcendental. Do they fit with Christianity or with ancient Germanic paganism?

First of all let me clarify what I mean with being a pagan. Being a pagan is a way of feeling; it means being connected with the laws of Nature and her magical aspect too.

As such, it is way of perceiving reality, regardless of how you name it, regardless of whether it is conscious or not. In this respect we can compare it with race.

Someone is White whether he recognizes himself as such or not. Regardless of the name you give him, he will always belong to a group of people of similar sensibility and analogous psychological traits.

That is why paganism is so important for a racially conscious movement to survive. It is the natural belief that arises among people of the same race who trust and love each-other, whereas a universalist belief is suited only for wandering, bandit nomads without any alliances.

Now we have to admit that it is difficult to reconstruct the beliefs of our Germanic ancestors because that terror of antiquity (Christianity) made sure to exterminate as completely as possible all traces of the past, but just as those former beliefs arose by themselves when the right conditions were present, they will appear again by themselves as soon as we become free from Jewish universalism.


Before we understand what exactly is that pagan way of feeling I’m talking about, we must contrast it with what we have today, namely Universalism, which has taken various forms throughout history including Christianity, Multiculturalism, Communism, Globalism, Neoplatonism, Zoroastrianism, etc.

In the ancient world economy was one of the most sacred aspects of social life and that’s why our economic system is a reflection of our religious beliefs. Under a pagan world-view everyone took part in divinity and creation, and that manifested itself in everyone’s ability to create his own credit.

Having a service or good to offer was enough for someone to have something equivalent to a positive credit, valid in the whole community. No bank was involved and that’s why we are talking about people’s ability to create their own money.

Around the same time when usury was invented in Mesopotamia we see the appearance of universalistic ideologies attempting to unite the whole humanity, condemning Nature and depicting humans as intrinsically defective or sinful.

Worldwide Judaism in Antiquity

By the time of Sulla [around 85 BCE.] they were present in every city; it is not easy to find a place in the world which has not been taken by them and where they haven’t find a place for themselves. -Strabo-

As we can see from the opening quotation, Jews were present in all places where great masses of people lived together, be it in North Africa, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, the Middle East or Europe. As a general rule, universalistic ideologies took roots in big empires which had entered in economic contact with international Judaism. That process began in the first Middle Eastern empires and later infected Europe through the Greek and the Roman ones:

It was a boastful exaggeration from Josephus to claim Jewish prescriptions are followed by barbarians too, but nevertheless he was right about the presence of the Jews in all big empires of antiquity.

The influence and power of the Jews in the ancient world is an exact model of what we have today. They had influence not only in politics and international exchange but also in theater and social life:

Making friends with Alityrus, a Jewish actor, who was a favorite of Nero, Josephus obtained an introduction to the empress Poppaea and pushed forward his intentions through her help.(1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Josephus, Flavius)

It is important to notice also that ancient Synagogues were some kind of corporations or centers of capital accumulation. According to archeological findings there were in Imperial Rome at least 13 Synagogues and their administrators were wealthy, influential land-owners:

The Jews were so powerful in those times that they enjoyed special privileges. For example, Josephus tells us how his fellowmen in Delos (just as in every other city) enjoyed freedom from military service and had the office of tax collectors.

Regarding their presence in Rome and Alexandria, some scholars even speak about ‘the Rothschilds of antiquity’:

Another proof of their power is the fact that they could move into any big city of the ancient world and take top offices without even knowing the local language(!):

This economical influence of the Jews reflected itself obviously in religious and political ideologies too, just as today:

[…]But there were many others, from Cicero to Macrobius, who were monotheists, who placed the spiritual above the worldly, who derived their ethical standards from the divine commands; and they were preceded by five hundred years of similar developments among the Greek writers. It is consequently difficult to draw clear lines between Christian ideas and sentiments among the writers of the late empire and those which were common to Christianity and much of late paganism. (The Intellectual Life of Western Europe in the Middle Ages – Richard C Dales, Page 8)

Uniting Humanity

What does usury has to do with those religious views? Well, if we think carefully about it, usury concentrates riches in ever fewer hands and in order to avoid a revolt the elites make use of some tricks like incessant economic growth. This achieves two things:

  • Brings other races into the market and with them new wealth, which compensates for a while the scarcity created by usury.
  • Also, removing social and racial barriers enables the efficient control of the masses in a cheaper manner, just like an animal farm.

Thus, we see why usury attempts to unite all humanity and claims we are all equal: Those things are necessary for concentrating all power in Jewish hands.

As early as the 4th century (as soon as Christianity began in Europe) the first Church leaders were already proclaiming a multicultural world-government. This shows us that such a view was not a later, unexpected development, but rather was since the beginning a well-planned and very central goal of early Christianity:

Centuries later the same view was still in place among Church leaders like Osorius (1506 -1580 C.E.):

The Sinful Debtor

When it comes to sin, we realize that only people who feel themselves guilty and sinful are ready to pay usury. Also, this system is so alien to life that it has to declare an eternal war on Nature in order to remove all evidence of our natural freedom and goodness.

We could say that the creative powers of the universe were a common-good until Yahweh privatized and monopolized them. And this lost ability of creating expressed itself in Eugenics too: When we select we are taking an active role in creation, that’s why Jesus’ duty was to forbid us any kind of natural selection and any kind of sacrifices.

In his eyes it is sinful for a society to judge who lives in it or who doesn’t. No-one has to be sacrificed for the good of the community, all people are equal, and to be born in this world is enough to have a claim to the services and collective efforts of other people.

It is ironic that the belief humans are valuable just because of god achieves the contrary, namely: The more we believe in Jesus the less valuable and less worthy our individual lives become.

That’s good enough for Jewsus.

By believing we are valuable just because of Jesus we become lazy, mediocre and hedonistic. There’s nothing that pushes us to demonstrate our worth or our contribution to the community, there is no pressure to achieve something extraordinary; we are good enough just by consuming, watching TV and giving charity to hungry people in Africa (without ever realizing it is our Jewish money that is oppressing them to starvation).

In fewer words, believing in Jesus makes us waste our talents and our time here, with useless charity and other forms of mediocre materialism.

A great obstacle to Jesus’ ideology is the fact that all life and all Nature can exist only through sacrifice and selection, therefore everything that is part of Nature is a reminder of his false claims. That’s why the bible serves no other goal than defaming and slandering Nature.

A War Against Nature

Whenever we read something in the bible about the snake or the devil ,we see a caricature of Mother Nature. The snake was a pagan symbol of the earth and life, and the bible wants you to believe it was Nature that closed the door to ‘paradise’.

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The Virgin Mary treading on the snake. Also, her virginity is already a sign of her hate toward Nature.

I believe it was the other way around. We know now through science that this world is the product of Nature, and the idea that this world was created by Yahweh is an unsustainable lie. We lived in unison with Nature, She was our ‘paradise’ and it was the Jewish god who separated us from Her and enslaved us in order to serve his plans of building a robotic planet devoid of life.

As soon as the Jewish god arrived on this planet he erected an iron curtain that isolated us from the magical aspects of Nature, making our lives ever more prosaic, void and tedious. Just think about that: To work 8 hours a day would have been considered exploitation by the first Neolithic farmers or still by our ancestors in the Middle Ages, not to mention by the first hunters.

Despite technology and Christian morals, the average citizen in the first world works today more than a slave in pagan Europe, and the worst of all is that our money allows us to buy only useless things like addictive entertainment or technology, which only solves problems that didn’t exist in the past.

It is a vicious circle: We need fast-food because we work more hours, but because fast-food is more expensive than home-made food, we need to work even more to afford that, leading to less time and to the necessity of even faster food, and so on. We could extend this example to other realms of modernity.

Who said slavery was abolished? It was simply monopolized by our Jewish economic system and made heavier:

My father laid on you a heavy yoke; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions’. (1 Kings 12:11)

Our pagan ancestors had only serfdom in a very limited and humane way, even more humane than most modern jobs in ‘developed’ countries. How enriching, creative and magical our everyday life would be, had progress taken a pagan course.

Now whenever you read the bible and you see a reference to the devil, you are seeing a reference to Nature, where the Jew is making a straw-man of what our pagan ancestors believed in, trying to slander everything that makes life possible.

And that’s why Christianity had to erase the pagan past; to avoid comparison. Had Christianity tolerated paganism, we would recognize instantly the superiority of the latter, and most importantly, we would realize that his depiction of Nature in the bible (the snake and the devil) is false and vicious.

Avoiding Responsibility

Now we should ask ourselves, what’s the purpose of usury? We know that usury makes nobody happy, not even the people who earn millions with it. They are so internally void that they become addicted to money, trying to fill-in that meaninglessness through Jewish materialism.

Thus, usury seems to me nothing more than a subtle way of destroying Nature and avoiding responsibility in the process.

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The goal of the Jew is to disperse responsibility for his plans onto multiple, unconscious actors.

We can cover all our needs and create progress better with regional (race based) economies, thus usury has brought absolutely no good to anyone and is totally wasteful and unnecessary. All possible ‘blessings’ of Capitalism could have been reached better without usury.

Nevertheless all Jewish institutions embody the principle of destroying while avoiding responsibility:

  • Usury forces everyone to strive for more money, dispersing personal responsibility for this swindle among the whole population.
  • Modern corporations plunder Nature in monstrously wasteful ways while the people behind remain anonymous. Here no one can be made accountable because responsibility is dispersed among independent, anonymous investors of all kinds.
  • Political parties are nothing more than political corporations and here again, no-one can be made accountable because responsibility is watered down among many independent actors.
  • Jesus’ teachings about sin are meant to water down personal responsibility because we are all sinful and no one is suited for judging anything.
  • Overpopulating this planet is also a way of destroying personal responsibility because a gigantic population destroys the planet merely by covering its most basic needs, and no single individual is ready to renounce to his most basic needs in the name of this planet when he alone makes no difference.

But here we should make something very clear: He who invented those systems and forced them into place, through terror, against the wishes of the masses, is ALONE responsible for all their consequences.

The same is valid for the slave trade. Jews invented the slave trade and made slaves into an international currency. The Jews made sure you can take part in international exchange only through the slave trade and that’s why the Vikings had to play among those rules if they wanted not to starve during their population expansion.

Since their appearance in history no other people has been so much hated and slandered by the Jew than the Vikings.

Nothing upset the Jews more than the fact that the Vikings abolished the slave-trade as soon as they settled in their new lands. It would take till the Renaissance for the Jews to revive slavery in The New World and until the Industrial Revolution to institutionalize and monopolize it as the normal way of working.

Two Kinds of Slavery

Something that characterizes White people is that we play with the rules and do it better than any other races. We are now mature enough to realize that besides playing honestly with the rules, we must also question if those rules, and the powers who created them, have good intentions.

Of all currencies, the Jews chose slaves in antiquity because they facilitate multiculturalism. Is there a difference between smuggling and selling slaves in antiquity, and bringing refugees today into Europe? Not really.

Another good question is why does Yahweh want to destroy life on this planet? Could it be that Jesus is a very intelligent creature from another dimension with plans to destroy all life on this planet? A clever being would certainly know which buttons to push in our souls in order to enslave us, like love, compassion, etc.

He feeds off our souls.

Many people are scared of the physical consequences of rebelling against Jewish enslavement, but we have to realize that something more important than our physical lives is at stake: Jesus wants to enslave our souls.

If he succeeds in destroying Nature and connecting us to a machine that keeps our consciousness trapped in this reality forever, we become incapable of deciding when to die or how we mold our lives. Jesus can thus create the technology necessary to make us live forever in a semi-vegetative state in which our souls are being constantly stimulated by a virtual reality in a cruel way, serving as nourishment to this evil Golem.

In order to end this section I want to summarize Christianity with two easy principles:

  1. Pay usury to god (to the Jew): This is well exemplified in the parable of the 5 talents (Matthew 25:14–30) and in the sentence ‘give Caesar what belongs to Caesar’ (Mark 12:17).
  2. Be poor and give charity to your fellow slaves: This is well exemplified in the stories where Jewsus tells a rich person to give all his wealth to the poor (Luke 18:22 & Matthew 19:21) or in the phrase ‘it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God’ (Matthew 19:23-26, Luke 18:24-27 & Mark 10:24-27).

Part II: Hitler’s Ideas

The Spiritual Fight Against Usury

Nothing could contrast more strongly with this Christian ideology than the world-view of Adolf Hitler, beginning with his views about economics. It is a shame that he was no economist, otherwise he had written more thoroughly about that subject, but his speeches and writings make clear that his economic views have more to do with ancient pagan economic practices.

When we analyze Hitler’s views they don’t conform at all to the two Christian principles of usury and charity. Regarding the former, he decided to ground a political party precisely in order to fight Jewish usury:

The works of Feder were widely promoted in NS Germany, including educative films and small pamphlets with names like ‘Das Manifest zur Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft des Geldes’ (the manifest towards breaking the usurious chains of money).

Adolf Hitler with Goebbels and Gottfried Feder.

Doing away with usury was so important for Hitler that it became official part of the 25 points program of the NSDAP.

The Problem with Charity

Thus, we see here that Hitler was the first politician in European history to declare a ruthless fight to the essence of all Jewish ideologies, including Christianity, namely usury. Regarding the second principle of Christianity, the exaltation of poverty and charity, Hitler has the following to say:

This last section goes totally against Jesus’ command of relying on providence (Matthew 6:24–33), and of being totally passive toward misfortune (Matthew 5:38-42, Luke 6:27-31), but most importantly, in these speeches is very evident that Hitler considers charity as something degrading and insulting to the person receiving it.

To an honest person it is as dishonorable to receive charity as it is to receive usury. That is the case because charity is the twin sister of usury: Both mean getting money without working for it; in one case because the person is rich in the other because it is poor, but in all cases they are reflections of one-another.

Both belong to the same dishonest world-view and we could even go further and imagine the holy trinity as follows:

  • The real meaning of the ‘Holy’ Trinity.

The three parts belong to the same destructive and sick world-view.

A Free Economy

And if those views weren’t heretical enough, Hitler wanted to reverse the roles of Christian doctrines, namely: Instead of economy being global, intended to unite the whole of humanity, Hitler wanted that economy ensures the separation and independence of races:

Other speeches only reinforce his plan of a racialist economy, free of universalist usury. This NS economy would be based solely on the strength of the German worker, doing away with elitism and other evils which foster internationalism:

This last paragraph especially sounds a lot like a pagan economy totally free of usury in which everyone takes part in creation. But let’s look further to other speeches:

Here the western democracies condemned Hitler’s free bartering of goods with the Balkan countries. Hitler paid with goods instead of usurious money (which is vulnerable to speculation), and the democracies went so far as to claim that such a barter was immoral and it meant Germany’s domination of his trade partner, something totally absurd.

NS painting honoring the common German worker as symbol of Germany’s economic freedom.

We encounter here once again the idea that it is sinful to be free and independent (Luke 15:11–32) and once again Hitler’s defense of a free economy resembles pagan views contrary to the Christian concept of humans owing tribute (usury) to god (Matthew 25:14–30).

Thus, in contrast with the Christian ideal of uniting all humanity (something which can only succeed through usury), Hitler believed in the economic autonomy of all races and in their following separate paths of development.

The Mark of the Jew

Thus, you cannot get more heretical than proclaiming racial nationalism. If Jewsus were to really incarnate and were to visit Hitler’s Germany, he would certainly hate everything about it. But now let’s turn to Hitler’s views about Christianity itself:

Here it is pretty evident that Hitler considered Christianity as a movement bearing all the marks of the Jew even as something regrettable. Furthermore, Christianity wanted to erase all traces of the past, something that Hitler abhorred the most.

Hitler mentioned in other sections of his book that only deceptive worldviews like Marxism try to erase all traces of the past as a way to avoid comparison, although he didn’t bring the same logic regarding Christianity.

Wasn’t he able to realize the similarities or did he have a good reason to leave Christianity in peace? Fortunately, he gives us the answer himself, telling us why does National Socialism had no intentions against Christianity:

Thus, we see here that Hitler left Christianity unmolested, not because he believed in Jewsus, but rather because he considered a religious reformation a task too big for his time, independent from a political movement. He had to decide whether he became a political or a religious reformer and destiny had chosen him for the former, while leaving the latter for someone else.

The fact that Hitler had nothing against a religious reformation (something which would probably do away with Christianity) is very clear when he invited whoever has the right talents to attempt that. No serious Christian would motivate people to bring a better truth in place of Christianity, or imply that the appearance of Christianity is something regrettable.

Worst of all, no serious believer in Jewsus would say the Jews are the source of all evils and at the same time point out that Christianity bears the essence of Jewishness.

The Laws of Nature Are Always the Same

And he was right! We recognize here the geniality of Hitler because a religious reformation had to be preceded by a political one, and Hitler knew very well that the scholarship of this time didn’t possess the weapons to defeat Christianity.

A good ratification of this is the fact that Hitler allowed all kinds of pagan movements to flourish in his Reich and he fostered an enthusiastic research of the pre-Christian beliefs of our Germanic ancestors.

There are certainly a lot of lies about ‘Nazi occultism’ being spread by the Jew in order to mislead revisionist research, but there is a layer of truth in the fact that in NS Germany pagan ideologies flourished. Needless to say, claims about NS leaders believing the earth is hollow or about them having some kind of satanic cults are obvious swindles, which tell us more about the Jews who spread them than about NS Germany.

Another important point to consider is that Christianity, together with all Jewish movements, have always claimed to deliver new revelations that outdo all former rules of life. All Jewish ideologies have in common that they play with our most primitive fantasies and claim they have found a way of reversing the laws of Nature.

Nothing could contrast more sharply with this Jewish ‘soteriology’ than Hitler’s views:

The laws of life are and remain always the same. And we want to undertake the building of this race, not according to class-theories, concocted in some alien mind, rather after the eternal laws which experience and history show us and which we recognize! Thus, this means that in life, politically and economically, there are determined laws that have always validity and we want to lead the building of our race after these laws, not after class-theories, not after class-conceptions. (Speech of February 10th 1933, in Berliner Sportpalast; 11th Paragraph approx.)

Here Hitler has Karl Marx in mind and not Jesus, but he is the right track by pointing out that the Jews come up with deceptive theories that pretend to do away with the eternal laws of Nature, as it was the case when Jesus claims we don’t need to practice eugenics anymore in order to build a society or that we don’t have to care about our material sustenance.

At Home Around Nature

Another aspect of Hitler’s personality which sets him on the side of paganism and away from Christianity is his love for Nature:

He conceptualized Nature rather as a whole. He called Her ‘the outside’ (Das Draußen). This word sounded from his mouth so familiar as if he were calling it a home. He felt himself around Nature indeed at home. His special preference for night walks or for spending the night in unknown landscapes was already evident during the first years of our friendship.

Nature had a very unusual influence on him, more than I had ever seen among other people. He was, namely, a very different person when ‘outside’ than in the city. There were some aspects of his personality which revealed themselves only around Nature. Never was he so full and focused as when we walked through the silent beech-forests of the Mühl-district or in the night, when we climbed the Freinberg hill.

[…]When the bright sun shinned in the small streets, a fresh, vitalizing wind, bringing the smell of the forest into the city, moved him with irresistible power out from the narrow, dull city into heathers and forests. (Hitler mein Jugendfreund – August Kubizek, Pages 33-34).

Adding to that, we all know that Hitler was the first politician who proposed new laws of environmental protection (‚Nazi‘ ecology), something which made the Allied countries appear in the shadows of backwardness, and indeed modern laws of environmental protection in Europe are based on Hitler’s  reforms.

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Modern photo of the forest in Linz, Austria, which Hitler used to visit in his youth.

Hitler’s revolution was so successful that Roosevelt saw himself forced to present something similar. For example, he signed the new deal, but it was nothing more than a superficial redistribution of wealth and it changed nothing in the usurious essence of his economy.

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NS poster: ‘The powers behind Roosevelt’.

Roosevelt signed also a few, not-really-meant, laws of environmental protection in reaction to Hitler’s laws, but it is important to realize that Hitler signed his laws of environmental protection with a sustainable economy in mind, whereas Roosevelt’s economic politics caused the levels of environmental destruction to raise exponentially on America right after World War II .

Our world was already overpopulated and beyond the edge of sustainability at the time when Hitler lived in Vienna. Any further economic growth was to take off from future generations and that’s why Hitler believed his generation was the one which would decide whether the nations of the world will survive or die at the hands of the Jews.

Nonetheless the Allies didn’t wait for the war to end in order to sign into existence the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, usurious institutions intended for forcing greater-scale exploitation of Nature and globalization everywhere.

Regarding this unnecessary environmental destruction I would like to end this section with a quote from Spinoza:

It is pretty clear that the idea of humans being different ‘in Nature’ from all other living creatures means the belief that we were created directly by Yahweh and this justifies the destruction of Nature.

Spinoza could as easily have replaced the word ‘reason’ with ‘god’ and have said: ‘god dictates that we consider only our own advantage’. Yahweh is the god of rationalism, which considers only the selfish gain at the expense of others (Homo-economicus), it raises reason to the altar of only god and destroys all other aspects of ourselves like emotions, intuitions and the magical in us, things which make life and spiritual progress possible.

And even when the Christian faith promotes compassion, it is only as a way of criticize our (supposed) sinfulness, but the status of the individual as separated from his race and alien to Nature is never challenged, thus, making that compassion only superficial.

A Community of Sacrifices

And now we tackle perhaps the most important aspect of Hitler’s personality regarding paganism. If the essence of Christianity is the making of the individual into an idol, Hitler’s word-view was based on the sacrifice of the individual for the community.

It was a holistic view of cooperation and belonging, of long-range gain, of kinship with life, which stood in total contrast with Yahweh’s Homo-economicus.

Yes, the individual genius was the driving force toward progress, but he still embodied (in concentrated form) no more than the aspirations and talents of the wide masses.

No matter how talented a genius was, he was expected to sacrifice himself for his people, and by no means were his special talents an excuse for unearned privilege. I believe we cannot get more pagan and heretical than this, because such a world-view coincides perfectly with eugenic practices, precisely what Jesus tried to abolish.

For Hitler the community takes precedence and we all make sacrifices for her:

[…]And whenever you go through the streets and doubting is in you, whether you should give even more, you can simply turn your eyes around you. Maybe you will encounter someone, who has sacrificed much more than you for Germany. And when the whole German people becomes a single community of sacrifices (Opfergemeischaft), only then we can expect, only then we can hope, that providence will stay on our side in the future too. (Speech of 3rd October 1941: Explaining the Preventive Intervention in the Soviet Union, around paragraph 35th of the original transcript.)

Hitler describes his plans for Eugenics in Mein Kampf and this book was a bestseller years before he became chancellor, thus it is pretty obvious Eugenics was desired by the majority of German people who voted for him and it was not a later, treacherous development, as modern historians want to pretend.

Eugenics was so important for his thinking that I could take a whole book to quote and explain it. Here suffice to show that his views about Eugenics were related to ancient pagan practices, as shown in his praising of the Spartans’ use of it:

Eugenic practices are attested among all Indo-European peoples and we could say it was a common characteristic of their world-view.

You cannot reach such levels of physical and mental achievement without selection and that’s why those practices were so deeply embedded in their rituals and religious practices.

A Mythical World

I don’t want to extend this writing too much; there is certainly a lot more to say about Hitler’s paganism but we can also add his love for pagan mythology and for Richard Wagner:

Already during his earliest youth Hitler was enthusiastic about the stories of the Germanic sagas. As a young man he could never get enough from hearing about them. He opened again and again the famous book from Gustav Schwab, which presents the magical world of German early history in a popular manner. This book was the favorite lecture of Adolf. In his cabinet of the Humboltstraße this book had a preferential place, so that he could always reach it easily.  Once, as he lay sick, he submerged himself with real fervor in the mysterious, magical world, which this book presented him.

I remember that Adolf had also in our student’s apartment in Vienna an specially beautiful issue of the German heroic sagas, which he often and eagerly read, although he was busy with very current problems.

His focus on the legendary world was thus, by no means simply a youth crush. Rather it was the material which engaged him the most and never abandoned him, influencing his political and historical views. It was the world in which he felt himself at home.

This was Hitlers’ favorite book (German folk & heroic sagas by Gustav Schwab).

He could not imagine a more beautiful life than the one he found in the radiating heroes of the Germanic early days. He identified himself time and again with the great men of that bygone world. Nothing seemed to him more worthy than going to Valhalla after a most heroic life, full of bold, far-reaching deeds, and for all eternity to become a mythic figure, similar to the ones he so deeply admired.

We should not oversee this peculiar, romantic aspect of Adolf Hitler, even when the strong realism of his politics seems to leave those dreams of youth in the realm of fantasy.

Despite of everything, the fact is that Adolf Hitler found during his life-time no other fundament in which he could ground his almost pious beliefs, than the one which the Germanic heroic sagas presented him.

Fighting against a bourgeois world, which in its hypocrisy and fake morality had nothing to offer him, he sought instinctively his own world and found it in the origins and early times of his race.

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August Kubizek, Hitlers’ best and only friend during his youth.

This long gone-by epoch, which history cannot elucidate completely anymore, became in his impetuous person a living present. Dreams became reality. That imagination characteristic of him transformed everything and made him live in the early times of the German people, which he considered as the most beautiful epoch of his people.

He experienced with such intensity this time, which lies more than 1,500 years in the past, that I, who came from the sober daily-life, could sometimes barely believe it. Did he really live among the heroes of ancient times, about whom he so graphically spoke, as if they were still in the forests in which we wandered in the night?

For Hitler the Bronze Age was the most beautiful epoch of his people.

Was for him the 20th century, in which we lived, no more than a less beautiful, foreign dream?

[…]His continual and intensive occupation with the German heroic sagas made him specially receptive towards the work of Richard Wagner. Already with 12 years of age, as he heard the Lohengrin, this work became to him like a realization of his adolescent longing towards that sublime world of the German past.

Who was that man who created such greatness and transformed his dream of youth into music and poetry? From that moment on when Richard Wagner appeared in his life, the geniality if this man stayed with him and never abandoned him. In the work and life of Richard Wagner he saw not only a confirmation of the path he himself had drawn through his mental sojourn in the German past, moreover, the influence of Wagner strengthened his view that this long-gone epoch can be useful for the present.

Furthermore, he realized  that the same way this epoch became the source of Wagner’s art, it could become the source of his intentions. (Hiltler mein Jugendfreund – August Kubizek, Pages 92-94)

Nothing could be clearer than that. Hitler saw Germanic mythology as the source of his world-view and he tried as much as possible to translate that world view into modern institutions.

That would explain among many things why he writes in Mein Kampf about a ‘GermanIC Democracy’. Here is important to clarify that in many English translations of Mein Kampf it is falsely translated as ‘a German Democracy.

This is false because the English adjective ‘German’ is alwaysDeutsch’ in the German language  Had Hitler meant a ‘German democracy’ he had written ‘eine deutsche Demokratie’ and not ‘eine germanische Demokratie‘ as it was the case. This error in the English versions came presumably because most translators don’t know what a GermanIC democracy is.

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Painting of the Germanic Allthing in Iceland by William Gershom Collingwood.

The French philosopher Alain de Benoist demonstrates in his work about democracy that the first democracies among the Indo-Europeans had nothing to do with modern ones and that modern politics use the term democracy only to give a holy banner to their swindle.

Democracy meant the rule of the race and it requires a people who considered itself as a race and acted accordingly. The leaders had to fulfill the actual desires of the people and if a leader didn’t fulfill his promises he was to pay with his life.

In fewer words, he bore the whole responsibility of his actions and the power of the people didn’t limited itself to electing him, as is the case in modern representative patronizing. Thus, we could assert that Hitler had read about ancient Germanic practices and that inspired his politics.

Whenever I read about the Indo-Germanics I become amazed about the parallels with Hitler’s politics. In Celtic mythology for example, we read about Lugaid Riab nDerg ‘Lugaid red stripes’ which is a metaphor of the good leader, who unifies the three social classes, as opposed to a bad leader who only has in him the upper classes or only the lower ones.

Another important aspect is his recognition of Jewish dualism. For example, when he realizes that Socialism and Nationalism are only meant to trick people against each other, as long they exist separated. And what is the essence of all Jewish religions if not that dualistic thinking?

The holistic thinking of Hitler was thus a characteristic of pagan religions before the arrival of the Jew and even the name of his political party (National+Socialism) was a lout cry against dualisms.


Kubizek tells us also in his book that Hitler wanted once to takes his own life over a bridge because the girl he was in love with ignored him. The way he wanted to die was very similar to a Viking burial in which his beloved one had to join him in his suicide.

It was an innocent youth fantasy, but it is interesting that in the end, he had his pagan death, joined also by his beloved one. That was so characteristic of him: He fulfilled all his plans the same way he had designed them 30 years before, during his youth.

Even the bridge he constructed in his home-city during his rule looked just the same as he had designed it during his youth.

Image result for Hitler bridge in linz
The magnificent ‘Nibelungen bridge’ in Linz designed by Hitler.

He never doubted that he would somehow make all his plans reality despite being a poor, lonely, unknown person. He believed in ‘providence’, but not in a Christian sense, rather as something like the destiny of the pagan hero, which is revealed to him through difficult tests.


All humans have different aspects of ourselves and it is only Jewish rationalism that expects us to be like robots: Perfectly rational and congruent in every form; a monolithic being without contradictions nor feelings which deviate from our conscious mind.

Many people may claim Hitler was a Christian because superficially he said this or that regarding Christianity, but they are unable to see beyond the surface, they cannot distinguish what is important and what’s not.

Thus, it suffices to finish by saying that Hitler was creating a pagan world, despite of his external confession.

Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/was-hitler-a-pagan/

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