(NaturalNews) Sadly, it appears that Americans have even been stripped of the freedom to coordinate genuine grassroots movements, as they are now routinely infiltrated by the enemy who operates above the law and free from accountability.
Distrust for an oversized government has now leached over into distrust for corporate America, which one can argue are one in the same.
It’s no longer a secret that corrupt corporations are not only running America but controlling many parts of the world, as they have funded politicians to write laws favorable to their business models, allowing them to operate freely at the expense of human life and the once-resourceful environment that we all desperately rely on for our existence.
Even more disheartening, is that most Americans are fully aware of their enslavement via corporations. A poll from 2012 found that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe corruption inside big business is widespread.
What most Americans don’t understand is the great lengths that these corporations will go to in order to protect their empires, including committing criminal acts of fraud, forgery, harassment and even murder.
For more than a decade, Natural News has fearlessly documented and exposed the criminal history of corporations, with one of the latest examples involving the intimidation of Brandy Vaughan, an ex-Merck (Big Pharma) employee turned anti-vaccine activist who was terrorized and violated when an intruder entered her home on several occasions, expertly disabling her home security system and creating an access point for future entry.
Unfortunately, intimidating activists is not uncommon.
Sinister in their efforts to keep their business profitable, big industries have become particularly well versed in infiltration, planting their corporate seeds in the media, academia, influential public figures and grassroots movements, the latter of which they fear the most.
Public opinion is a powerful thing, and big business knows it. With the media under control, their most feared opposition are activists and the grassroots movements they organize.
The playbook for evil and corrupt industries like Big Pharma and Big Agra, namely Monsanto, is to hijack grassroots movements by infiltrating its top leaders with controlled opposition, particularly those in positions with admin controls.
Natural News has now witnessed the infiltration of grassroots movements in two major cities with two different initiatives, both of which severely threatened the reputation and profits of prominent corporations.
In both instances, grassroots efforts appeared to be infiltrated at the top of the leadership, targeting those with control of the movement’s social media outlets – the single greatest tool in organizing citizens to act.
Inserting controlled opposition in leadership roles that are responsible for dispensing information to the public is a strategic move for corrupt corporate America, as it not only dismantles grassroots efforts but has the potential to disintegrate their credibility.
As we’ve observed in two separate instances, controlled opposition, which we suspect to be trained, special operatives hired by large industries, self-destruct the movements from within, eliminating any chance of success.
Natural News has also observed a tactic that involves moles accusing its volunteers of the exact same thing they themselves are doing, sabotaging the movement from within. This creates distrust, panic and mayhem, slowing or eventually dismantling the grassroots’ effectiveness.
Generating drama from within paints a picture of passionate, crazed activists whose beliefs appear illogical and conspiracy-driven – the exact depiction that corporations promote to discredit the efforts of citizen activists.
Let this serve as a warning to all grassroots organizers – be very careful about whom you let into your movement, particularly in leadership roles. Though their concerns may seem real and their agenda similar to yours, this is all part of the grooming process for special operatives enlisted by the industry you’re working hard trying to fight.
It’s not unusual for the seeds of infiltration to be planted very early on, with the controlled opposition even jump-starting grassroots campaigns in many cases, meaning volunteers need to also be wary of whom they are serving.
Conducting background checks, and at the very least internet searches on grassroots leaders, can save volunteers a lot of time, energy and heartache in the end. It’s also very important not to allow one person to have admin controls over the movement’s media platform, if sabotage is suspected; you need to be able to access social media controls so that you can disable users until an investigation is complete.
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Source Article from http://www.naturalnews.com/051496_grassroots_movements_industry_operatives_corporate_sabotage.html
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