Warning! Secret Chemtrail Operation “Indigo Skyfold” To Go Invisible… and More Deadly!

chemtrail forecast-indigo skyfold

It appears that too many people have
become wise to chemtrails. Too many people are pointing up at the white
lines in the sky and questioning just what in hell are they, and our
slave masters has thus decided to make them invisible,
and sadly, more
deadly. ~ Videos

Please take the time to listen to this
vary ominous, anonymous message about how things are about to get far
worse than they already are. Source





TEXT OF PILOT MESSAGE: December 8, 2014

This pilot is saying
that he flies CHEMTRAIL flights! This pilot told my cousin that this
global engineering effort, goes by the name of “Indigo Skyfold”. At
least within the circle of pilots and aviation crews, that he works

They are told to fly specific routes, and satellite com links
control the aerosol dispersal patterns. He says that they only make
course corrections, from time to time, and perform landings and

Their superiors will only tell them.

“It’s a matter of
National Security”and “Without these flights, our enemy’s newest
technological weapons of war, could easily penetrate America’s air
space, at will.

We are dedicated and committed to keeping our allies
safe, from the same skyward threats. So we extend the arm of protection,
to those countries who support our efforts.

Hostile nations are also
building Atmospheric Shields, while in the same discourse. Trying to
explore weaknesses in our ever developing, air and space-based

.I received a rather (lengthy) reply, from the
chemtrail pilot. Here is that text, from his (or her) email. First of
all, I would like to say,
I do not agree with my mission assignments.
But, what soldier ever truly does?

Several of us have considered
bucking the ranks, and going AWOL from time to time. We are kept in the
dark, when it comes to getting honest answers about what we are really
spraying. Should they discover that we, or our families, are actively
inquiring about your so called “chemtrails” term.

Then, automatic and
swift disciplinary actions will be taken. HAARP and Radar, are two other
non-allowed research subjects.Unless our children are learning about
these in (base) schools. We cannot educate ourselves, or our children,
through any public tutoring system.

I would not intentionally spray my
children or family with toxic aerosols. But, you must know. 80% or
better, do not have any family, or children. Indigo pilots are chosen
from the top ranks, within the Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard.

Most of
the pilots are “Hardened to Humanity”, and could care less about killing
off, unwanted or “Leaching” aspects of America, and the world. I swear
to you. The majority of the pilots are like Machines. I call them
(Tanker Terminators).

I should not be telling you this. But nearly
one-third of all flights, are being orchestrated from small unnamed
islands. Where newly constructed bases, are being built, at a rate of
eight per year. On these extremely remote islands, there are HAARP
arrays of every possible design.

I would love to go home tomorrow,
and not rack up one more single minute of flight time.I miss those
beautiful Blue skies, from my youth, and I am ashamed for hazing over
that dream. Maybe, more of my fellow pilots will read or hear about this,
and decide to come forward as well.

I only know a small fraction of the
larger picture, and they compartmentalize everything.Should I become
aware of any (new) significant developments. I will email your cousin.

senses a wavering within the ranks, and feels that a kind of (Mutiny)
is being boiled to the surface, of this whole GeoEngineering..Global
White Washing. “if you catch my drift?”

My cousin still has friends in
high places too. So, he is helping to protect him.Last word from
“pilot”, was:

“All pilots on leave, are required to report to their
CO by Dec. 15th for special training operations, to qualify for Indigo
Phase II flights. Expected to be initiated by Jan. 21st.”

Those were his
words. Not the actual Air Force message. He wanted me to stress that. He
believes that the focus of their flights will be moved to areas east of
California and Texas.

In order to progress the drought, further into the
heartland. Plus, he feels that a very new “extremely toxic” chemtrail
mix is going to be sprayed. Using new technology, that makes these
special chemtrails, completely invisible… Atmospheric Shield of
Protection. He doesn’t believe that either. End.




Reposted June 19, 2015 – KnowTheLies.com


Source Article from http://www.knowthelies.com/node/10501

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