Waiting for Santa! Britain’s first quads who are also two sets of identical twins born at odds of 10million to one

  • Twins were conceived during third IVF attempt, growing from two implanted embryos
  • Ten million-to-one quads were born on December 27 2009

Alison Smith-squire

Last updated at 11:07 PM on 23rd December 2011

With four excited little girls under two, Sean and Lisa Kelly are expecting Christmas Day to be rather hectic.

But the couple plan to make the most of every moment.

Their quads – the first ever born in Britain who are two sets of identical twins – are the children they thought they’d never have.

Lined up for the camera: Mother Lisa used all her tricks to get (l-r) Annabelle, Hannah, Jessica and Heidi

Lined up for the camera: Mother Lisa used all her tricks to get (l-r) Annabelle, Hannah, Jessica and Heidi

The two pairs, Hannah and Jessica, and Annabelle and Heidi, were conceived during a third attempt at IVF and, growing from two implanted embryos, were born at odds of ten million to one on December 27, 2009.

‘I feel lucky every time I look at them,’ said Mrs Kelly, 36. ‘But Christmas is particularly emotional – this time two years ago I was pregnant and had no idea if they’d survive.’

Mrs Kelly, of Billingham, Cleveland, who also has a ten-year-old son Cameron, admits she struggles to tell the girls apart, relying on their temperaments and, in one case, a freckle to identify them.

Here, using all her tricks, she got them in order for a Christmas photo, from left: Annabelle, Hannah, Jessica and Heidi.

Yet originally Mrs Kelly and her husband, 37, an electrical designer, from Billingham, Cleveland, had simply wanted a sibling for their son Cameron, now 10.

After failing to conceive naturally a second time, they spent £9,000 savings on fertility treatment and were shocked when doctors broke the news they were expecting quads.

Says Mrs Kelly: “Two embryos had been placed back into my uterus but everyone was stunned when both of them grew into two sets of identical twins. Even doctors couldn’t believe it.’

But their joy was tainted when doctors explained quadruplet pregnancies are very rare and potentially very dangerous.

Happy family: The four girls sit happily with their mother Lisa and father Sean, with brother Cameron, 10, making the family complete

Happy family: The four girls sit happily with their mother Lisa and father Sean, with brother Cameron, 10, making the family complete

Despite all the odds, however, after a problem-free pregnancy the girls, born at 31.5 weeks were healthy.  Identical twins Heidi and Annabelle each weighed 3Ib 3oz while twins Hannah and Jessica, who are also identical, weighed 2Ib 11oz and 2Ib 10oz respectively.

And now all of the girls are walking, talking and climbing – and they’re developing their own individual little personalities.

Explains their mum: ‘Heidi is the most dominant and probably the naughtiest as she is always up to something and her twin, Annabelle is very placid.

‘Sean and I can’t tell Jessica and Hannah apart just by looking at them – so Hannah, whose only difference is a freckle behind her left knee  – wears a bracelet. But Jessica is super lively and always on the go while Hannah is more timid and loves sitting on my knee.’

On a normal day their mother, who fits part time work around her husband, goes through 20 nappies, two packs of wet wipes, eight pints of milk, 2Ib of potatoes, puts on four loads of washing and does several hours of tumble drying.

She says: “We’re on our second washing machine and tumble drier in less than two years. And I shop every other day for food – my bill comes to around £200 a week.’

A usual day in the Kelly household begins around 5.30am when the girls – who each share a room with their twin at the family’s four-bed detached house – wake up.

Says Mrs Kelly: ‘Sean and I give them their bottles. Then an hour later we put up four high chairs and give each of them their bowls of cereal. After that it’s upstairs to get dressed – which can be quite difficult with four wriggling toddlers.’

Christmas miracles: The girls pictured at just five days old, shortly after they were born as the first set of quads in Britain including two sets of identical twins

Christmas miracles: The girls pictured at just five days old, shortly after they were born as the first set of quads in Britain including two sets of identical twins

The couple cook all the family meals from scratch. She says: ‘It would be easy to give them fish fingers and chicken nuggets but we manage by bulk cooking. So we might make several shepherd’s pies in one go and freeze them.’

And she manages their wardrobe by buying identical outfits – although buying the same for four children means a dress, cardigan, tights and shoes for all of them often tops £150 a shop.

She explains: ‘I do feel very proud seeing them all dressed in the same little outfits. But mostly going to the park is much easier if they are all dressed in the same clothes. For example, they all have a bright pink coat on with ducks and when I round them up I just have to search for the bright pink toddlers.  Needless to say though, I try to avoid buying any clothes that need ironing…’

Meanwhile, the family also possesses a quad buggy with two seats in two rows from America, which just about fits into their Espace car.

She says: ‘We do take the girls on holiday – earlier this year we went to Centre Parcs but we always travel at night as the girls can be quite noisy and it’s much more peaceful when they’re all asleep.’

In the evening, baths are taken in twos with the girls going to bed around 6.45. ‘Sean and I often don’t eat until 9.30pm ,’ she sighs, ‘it is tiring because obviously we are also busy with Cameron taking him to friends and after-school events.

‘But despite that, we adore having a big family.  And I only have to see the girls in their cots asleep looking like little angels to forget even the busiest and most fraught days.’

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They’re all on my naughty list,only joking.

What a lovely family, thanks for sharing your story. Happy Christmas to you all.

Such beautiful little ladies and such a handsome older brother. Merry Christmas to the entire family.

What beautiful girls. What lucky parents!

What a beautiful family, thanks for sharing your joys with us . Merry Christmas xxx

Awww bless them. These stories make my day (even though I am typing this at 01:47) Merry Christmas darlings.

Moms description of the girls personalities matches their faces exaclly! What a beautiful family. Merry Christmas to all.

Aw aren’t they just adorable ? Merry Christmas you adorable little miricles x

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