Lucy Lou, the dog mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky is set to retire Labor Day weekend – but not from politics. Her owner and chief of staff said the border collie is expected to announce a bid for the presidency.
Bobbi Kayser, Lucy’s owner, told The Kentucky Enquirer that after serving for seven years, the dog will retire as mayor on September 5 and announce her political ambitions for the White House
“Somebody up the road decided most politicians are dogs anyway,” Kayser told the Enquirer. “Why not put a real dog in office?”
With seven years as mayor of Rabbit Hash (population 135) under her leash, Lucy Lou is no newbie to politics. She has been grandmarshal of parades, made appearances on national TV and radio, and has starred in informational documentaries about the town.
Lou is a tough political canine opponent, and ran for mayor under the campaign slogan, “The Bitch You Can Count On.”
On election night, she trounced nine other dogs, one cat, one opossum, one jackass and one human, according to the Rabbit Hash Historical Society.
The Rabbit Hash Historical Society said: “An estimated 21.5 percent of local registered and unregistered voters swarmed the polls…for 2008 Mayoral election.” And Lou won.
“She works tirelessly to promote Rabbit Hash,” said Kayser, who is also chief executive officer.
Lucy Lou hasn’t filed her paperwork yet, but she will be joining a flurry of equally ambitious folks like Limberbutt McCubbins and Deez Nuts, both of which have announced their candidacy in the last few weeks.
Another hairy candidate is McCubbins is a five-year-old rescue tabby cat who announced he filed his paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in May.
McCubbins is running as a “Demo-cat,” according to his campaign literature. His slogan is: “Together, we cat.”
The filing began as a joke, but its consequences are anything but, according to one of McCubbins’ campaign managers, 17-year-old Isaac Weiss.
“Me and my friends have begun to realize how easy it is to run for office, and have learned about the way the FEC and campaign finance work,” Weiss told the Huffington Post.
“Not that we don’t want anyone to run, but I personally don’t think that if I’m applying to run for the most important position in the USA, that I should be able to do it in 20 minutes. Or less. And without immediately proving that I’m at least a US citizen.”
Independent party candidate Nuts, meanwhile, turned out to be a 15-year-old Iowa high school boy named Brady Olson, too young to legally be president. Yet he is outperforming several other presidential contenders in the polls.
A Public Policy Polling survey released on August 19 found that he was at 9 percent in North Carolina, tied with Republican hopeful Senator Marco Rubio (Florida), and outperforming GOP candidates Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who garnered 6 percent each.
Olson told Time that he decided to run because he was “frustrated with the two-party system,” and the viral momentum of Deez Nuts showed him that America agreed with him. According to Olson, he’s been contacted by people in 23 states who want to help with the campaign.
Perhaps Lucy Lou will make a great VP running mate?
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