Virginia TV Crew Fake Shooting – Zionist Gun Control Plot Confirmed
Zionist agents Chris Hurst and, particularly, Andy Parker, have proven themselves as agents of the cabal. What are they doing? They are doing nothing other than spewing lies, which is absolutely proven by their mannerisms and actions.
Right away, Parker went for the guns, saying he would be the poster-person for new laws against guns’ rights.
The man is a hoaxer and a scam artist, make no mistake about it. Moreover, he is a clear and undeniable Zionist agent, himself a Jew, just like his hoaxing daughter.
“My grief is unbearable,” said her father, a banking industry recruiter from Martinsville, Va. “Is this real? Am I going to wake up? I am crying my eyes out. I don’t know if there’s anybody in this world or another father who could be more proud of their daughter.”
These people are fakes, clearly demonstrated by their interviews.
“We had a love that burned white hot,” Hurst said.
No one can believe any of it. How can it be true when viewing the nature of these scammers and hoaxers?
Zionist Jew Parker says he will undermine gun rights and that he will seek to cause changes in the laws. How is he any different than the poster-people of Sandy Hoax?
This is a hoax. Allison Parker is alive and well. She ran for the money, just like the rest of the scammers, such like the rest of these agents of fraud.
The Fake Dead of the Virginia TV Crew Shooting Hoax
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