Violent leftists threaten to shoot up BBQ joint owned by black man because he supports Texas open-carry laws

(NaturalNews) When it comes to the use of force and violence to make a political statement, nobody holds a candle to Left-wing “progressives.” Though they love to portray conservatives as “right-wing, gun-toting, violent racist bigots,” political Lefties are the true purveyors of hate, mayhem and destruction. Oh, and they’re pretty hypocritical too.

As reported by the Houston Chronicle, Trent Brooks, the owner of Brook’s Place, a restaurant specializing in barbecued cuisine, is an outspoken supporter of Texas’ open-carry law. So much so, in fact, that he even gives customers who walk in either openly carrying a firearm or carrying a gun concealed a discount.

Since he made his announcement, the local media has reported on his business, so he’s gotten quite a bit of free publicity. And as you might imagine, his stance has also garnered quite a bit of attention and commentary on social media.

But in recent days, it all turned ugly, when a staunch opponent of the open-carry law threatened to attack his business with a gun, according to a post on Brooks’ Facebook page.

“I’ll shoot up the place on Saturday. Let’s see how your gun-toting patrons will stop me,” the threatening post said.

Like any responsible citizen Brooks, who is African American, contacted the authorities. On the day mentioned in the threat – Saturday, Jan. 9 – Brooks said police officers would be on the scene to help out if necessary.

“We’ll be open on Saturday,” Brooks said, “but we are not taking [the threat] lightly. Not with all the crazy stuff that is going on in the world today.”

The restaurant has been on Alison Cook’s Top 100 Houston Restaurants list for the past three years. That’s quite a feat, considering Houston is the fourth-largest city in the country, with a population just over 2 million, according to the 2010 census.

On Jan. 1, the first day the state’s new open-carry law took effect, about 45 gun owners earned themselves a nice discount when they visited the BBQ eatery.

“I support the Second Amendment,” Brooks told the Chronicle. “It creates a safer environment for someone dining here – if there was ever someone trying to rob us – or rob our patrons – they’d walk in here, see people with guns. That should be a deterrent.”

You know who doesn’t think so? President Obama, that’s who.

In attempting to justify his recent executive gun control actions during a “town hall” broadcast on the always-politically-friendly CNN Jan. 7, the POTUS actually told a rape survivor that guns in her home made her and her children less safe.

“As a survivor of rape and now a mother to two small children, you know it seems like being able to purchase a firearm of my choosing and being able to carry that where me and my family are — it seems like my basic responsibility as a parent at this point,” Kimberly Corban, who survived a 2006 rape while studying at a Colorado college, told Obama. “I have been unspeakably victimized once already and I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids.

“So why can’t your administration see that these restrictions that you’re putting to make it harder for me to own a gun or harder for me to take that where I need to be is actually just making my kids and I less safe?” she asked.

Initially, Obama issued the standard platitudes about how “horrific” her story and how “brave” she was to bring it up (both of which are true, by the way). He then denied that his gun control orders would restrict anyone’s ability to get a gun (not true, by the way). Then he said this:

There are always questions as to whether or not having a firearm in the home protects you from that kind of violence. And I’m not sure we can resolve that — people argue it both sides. What is true is that you have to be pretty well-trained in order to fire a weapon against someone who is assaulting you and catches you by surprise. What is also true is always that possibility that firearm in the home leads to a tragic accident.

Watch the exchange here.

The only way to fully test Obama’s theory is to remove all “gun-free zones” across the U.S. Also, what is there to “resolve” about Americans having a gun in their homes? Isn’t that a personal decision?


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