Amazing. Who is the poor employee recruited to engage the Occupy protestors in a friendly dialogue? Surely he didn’t volunteer to share his personal feelings — especially not by reading a carefully worded script vetted by Monsanto’s senior communications officer and/or CEO. Most likely, he was hand-selected for the job based on ethnicity, income level and other external factors Monsanto’s PR folks believed would make him a more credible, sympathetic figure to the general public instead of a straight, white male corporate officer (direct from central casting) with a multimillion $$ annual base salary … before bonuses, perks and deferred compensation.
My heart goes out to the sacrificial spokesmodel. I’d wager he had a choice of acquiescing or losing his job. But this is the name of the game now: pit random members of the 99-percent against each other while the puppeteers remain hidden in the shadows, snickering all the way to the bank.
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