Video of Kiev-like Strange Sound in Amarillo, Texas: What Happened?

Video of Kiev-like Strange Sound in Amarillo, Texas: What Happened?

© 2012 by Linda Moulton Howe

“The videotape and weird sound is real!
I taped it with my own cell phone!”

– Cadillac Cruz, BlakeFM, Amarillo, TX

“This was the creepiest thing I have ever heard!
A strange noise coming from the sky and since it was dark,
we couldn’t really figure out what it was.”

– Tommy, the Hacker, KISSFM 96.9, Amarillo, TX

“I‘m afraid these sounds are indistinguishable
from those in the Kiev video.”

– Daniel Drasin, Researcher


Kiev, Ukraine, August 3, 2011. Eerie horn sounds in the atmosphere
videotaped for 11 minutes and 24 seconds and uploaded
to YouTube by christref on August 11, 2011.

Play Video: “Strange Sound in Kiev, Ukraine,” uploaded Aug. 11, 2011.


February 4, 2012  Amarillo, Texas – Yesterday morning, February 3rd, the Amarillo, Texas, radio station KISSFM 96.9 had the following story and video posted at the top of the station’s website.

KISSFM 96.9 website, morning of February 3, 2012. Click here for video.

The “Cadillac Cruz” in first sentence is Brian “Cadillac” Cruz who does sports for another radio station in Amarillo called BlakeFM. The website story byline is Tommy, The Hacker, who was broadcasting live the night of February 2, 2012, when Brian Cruz “stormed into the studio yanking me off the air to hear what was going on outside.” The video starts in the KISSFM parking lot, goes inside the station into the broadcast booth and back out into the parking lot.

I wanted to interview Brian “Cadillac” Cruz about what happened to cause him to videotape in the first place and called KISSFM for contact information. I was told the video was real and learned that “Cadillac” could be reached at BlakeFM. But no one was answering phones there and the studio line was a busy signal. So, I posted the following headline at Earthfiles and later filled out a BlakeFM station email form inquiring if Cadillac Cruz could call me to talk about his videotape.

I was away from my office the rest of the day and returned to find an email from researcher Daniel Drasin that began:  “Well, I’m afraid these sounds are indistinguishable from those in the Kiev video. The frequency patterns are identical. Once I’d measured three of them I could accurately predict the entire following sequence.”

Since others in January had reported finding the same Kiev audio (link to original August 11, 2011 at top of this report) in at least one other video from Chicago in early January, I updated the Earthfiles Headline about audio analysis indicating the Amarillo video was another hoaxed use of the 2011 Kiev audio.

That was around 5:30 PM, but two hours later the phone rang and it was Brian “Cadillac”Cruz in Amarillo replying to my email. When I said there was information that the KISSFM video used a dub of the August 2011 Kiev audio and it was a hoax, Brian Cruz protested, “The videotape and weird sound is real! I taped it with my own cell phone!”

He said when he pulled into the KISSFM parking lot to visit his friend, Tommy, he could see half a dozen young people on the street with their arms up in the air pointing cell phones to the sky. So he got out of his car with his cell phone, heard the strange sound and started recording, too, and didn’t shut his cell phone off through his run into the station to get Tommy, The Hacker, who was live on air. After a lead in to a music cut, Tommy and Brian went back out to the parking lot while Brian’s cell phone was still on recording more of the weird sound. Tommy had to run back to keep his radio program going and Brian shut off his phone and went after him. I asked Brian if he could supply metadata-type information from his cell phone video to me and he said he would look into how to do that.

I asked Brian if I could call him right back from my radio studio to do a recorded interview on the record. He said he was at work and didn’t want to do an interview without the company’s permission. I asked him when he got off work could I interview him then. He said, “Yes, call me at 11:30 PM after work here (Amarillo time).” He gave me his cell phone number to call and I updated Earthfiles again at 8:30 PM Mtn.


Then a half-hour later, I received the following email:

From: Brian Cruz
Subject: Amarillo Interview
Date: February 3, 2012 8:59:44 PM MST
To: Linda Moulton Howe [email protected]
Reply-To: Brian Cruz


This is “Cadillac” from Amarillo, TX. I am emailing you that I am going to have to decline the interview we had scheduled for tonight at 11:30pm. As I told you we have gotten 3 other requests for interviews and have denied everyone’s request. I accepted your request for an interview without talking to anybody else first and I shouldn’t have. The video is what it is, and we can leave it at that. I do ask that you please not call my cell number I gave to you or call me on my work number from earlier. I would just like my privacy over this, these past few days we have been overwhelmed with phone calls and it is distracting me away from my regular job. We would just like to leave the video the way it stands.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I do not wish to speak about the video.


I emailed him again asking if he could help provide contact information for any of the people on the street who were videotaping with their cell phones or any one else who had called KISSFM about hearing the same Kiev-type “horn” sound in Brian’s videotape. But as of Saturday morning, February 4, 2012, I have no further information from Brian “Cadillac” Cruz.

But I did find this email from a Coast to Coast AM listener dated February 4th at 2:51 AM MST in Albuquerque from Central Time Zone:

“Subject:   Strange Sounds
Date: February 4, 2012 2:51:52 AM MST
To: Linda Moulton Howe [email protected]

Hi Linda,

I’m listening to Coast to Coast (It’s 3:20 am, CST Saturday) At the moment, a caller is telling us that his daughter was in Amarillo, TX and she heard the strange sounds too. The caller sounded genuine.

PS – 3:38 am CST: George just read a fast blast from a woman in Bligh (sp?), Oregon who heard a weird horn sound about a month ago – I think she said it lasted about four seconds.”

Dan Draisin and others are doing more audio analysis on the Amarillo, Texas, February 2, 2012, cell phone audio/video in comparison to the August 11, 2011, Kiev, Ukraine, audio/video. When there is more to report in an update at Earthfiles, I will follow up.

I also want to learn what data geophysicists and seismologists have about the current state of the internal dynamo of earth that produces this planet’s magnetic fields, which interact with the solar emissions of our sun. Some of the video/audio recorded since March 2011 as strange sound suddenly emerging without explanation is not “musical,” but like loud, white noise.

In the meantime, if there is anyone in the Amarillo, Texas, region who was on the street outside KISSFM on the night of Thursday, February 2, 2012, videotaping with a cell phone – or anyone who heard a strange sound that night – I would appreciate your emailing me: [email protected]. All requests for confidentiality are honored.

Further, if there are any Amarillo or panhandle of Texas residents who have heard any strange, unidentified sounds the past few weeks, I would appreciate hearing from you.


Also see previous reports:   January 31, 2012 Earthfiles 
and February 1-2, 2012 Earthfiles

More Information:

For further reports about strange hums and booms that have also been reported in 2011, please see reports below from Earthfiles Archive.

• 12/31/2011 — Updated – Part 1: Earthfiles Mail About High Strangeness
• 11/13/2011 — Updated: More Loud Booms in Virginia and Missouri; More Quakes in Oklahoma
• 10/27/2011 — More Mysterious Hum Reports from North America to China
• 10/04/2011 — Updated: What Are Strange “Hums” That Keep People Awake?
• 10/03/2011 — Part 1: Viewer Letters About Strange, Loud Booms


August 23, 2011, Strange Sound during Baseball Game:

2011 Weird Sounds Around the World:

Events of Revelation:

Angel Gabriel:’s_Horn

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