Description: Germany’s Last Stand in 1945: the Final Days of Resistance on the Eastern Front; the Final Collapse; the Capture of German troops; the Surrender of our Military Forces; Scenes of Destruction, Refugees, a Rape Victim; the Rhine Meadows Camps (Rheinwiesenlager) aka Eisenhower’s Death Camps; Genocide of Germans; the Theft of our Nation, a Tribute to Our Fallen; and also some scenes from the Weimar Republic. In background you will hear the voice of Adolf Hitler from his speech “Appell an die Nation” (Appeal to the Nation), which was broadcast on national radio during the election campaign of July 1932. (I have translated it and included the text below).
Video: Germany: Zero Hour – Die Stunde Null
Note: I uploaded this video to my backup channel as YouTube is presently not allowing me to upload any new vids that are longer than 15 minutes on my J4G channel, ever since they removed ‘Hitler’s Shadow – In the Service of the Fuehrer‘. This video is about 18 minutes long.
Why this Hitler speech from 1932?
If you have ever wondered why the Germans fought to the bitter end in 1945, then you have to understand that Germany was for all intents and purposes, all but dead, 13 years after the end of World War I. What the allies and their puppet masters could not do to Germany militarily in the First World War, they had to finish by other means. Not a shot was fired on German soil during that war, yet she surrendered, why? Mainly due to propaganda and covert operations, which had subverted the nation and the will of the people, and brought about the end of the Reich.
Through the Treaty of Versailles, she was punished harshly by financial means, loss of territory and population. By this infiltration and subversion, the “democratic” Weimar Republic was born, and through it, the Germans were then run into the ground. This was exacerbated by the “Great Depression”. A third of the people were unemployed, the currency worthless, the middle-class gone, people were starving to death in the streets and others committing suicide in large numbers. 1932 was the “Zero Hour” for Weimar. Something had to change or Germany would cease to exist.
Through this period the slow and painful disintegration of the nation, the ‘grass roots’ National Socialist party (NSDAP) was formed, took root and began to grow under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. Finally, he and his party were elected by a majority vote in November 1932 (as yet another election had to be called) and he was duly appointed Chancellor in January 1933. Within a short time, Hitler and his party succeeded in delivering the German people and their nation from tyranny, slavery and sheer misery. Hitler said “Enough is enough!” and the people agreed. What did he promise them? “Arbeit und Brot” (Work and Bread) and Freedom from International Tyranny. Within only a few short years, and even as other nations were still suffering through the depression, Germany was back on her feet and prospering, and she was the envy of all, except of course, for those who had been hell bent on her destruction and had intended that she should never rise again.
When one understands just how bad things were, and how good it became under Hitler, combined with the knowledge of what the allies had planned for her and the German people in the end, then it is no longer any wonder why Germans would fight to the end.
Adolf Hitler (NSDAP: National Socialist German Workers Party)
Appeal to the Nation – Speech, July 15th, 1932, during the elections (The vote was held on 31 July 1932.)
“For over 13 years fate has given today’s rulers a measure of probation to put their attributes to the test and it now offers the harshest of judgements and by the very nature of their own propaganda, the complete failure of their efforts attests to itself. They once wanted to rule Germany much better in future, than they had in the past, and can see as the result of their art of governance only in the reality that Germany and the German people are still living.
With great fanfare, they promised our people on November 18th, and especially the German workers, to create a better economic future. After they had almost 14 years in which to fulfil their promise, they cannot cite a single German profession as an example of the quality of their work.
The German farmer is impoverished, the middle class ruined, the social hopes of millions of people destroyed, a third of the labor force, German men and women out of work, and thus without income. The Reich, the states and the counties are carrying huge debt loads, their finances in disarray, and all coffers are empty. What is left to destroy, that they have not destroyed already? Worst of all, however, has been the destruction of the trust of our people, effectively eliminating all hope and confidence.
In 13 years they have not succeeded in somehow mobilizing the dormant power that exists in our people. On the contrary, in their fear of awakening the nation, they have played people against each other, the city against the state, the professionals against the state officials, the tradesmen against the academics, the Bavarians against the Prussians, the Catholics against the Protestants, and so on, and so forth. The activism of our race was used only at home, while externally filled only with fantasies; fantastic hopes in cultural consciousness, in international justice, the conscience of the world, International Conferences, the League of Nations, the Second and the Third Communist International, the solidarity of the proletariat, and so on, and the world treated us accordingly. In this manner, Germany fell, and only a madman can hope that those forces that brought about the our nation’s demise could now bring about it’s resurrection.
If the parties really intended to save Germany previous seriously, why then have they not done it already? If they wanted to rescue Germany, why is Germany still laying on the ground? If the leaders of these parties had honest intentions, then it must mean that their programs were bad. But if their programs were correct, then it can only be that they did not honestly want it, or that they were too ignorant, or too weak. Now, after 13 years, after they destroyed everything in Germany, finally the time has come for their elimination. Whether today’s parliamentary parties live on is not important. What is important and necessary, is to prevent the German nation from completely perishing!
13 years ago, we National Socialists were ridiculed and mocked. Today, our opponents are no longer laughing. A faith-filled community of people has arisen, which is slowly overcoming the prejudices, the class-warfare madness, and of professional class arrogance. A believing community of people who are determined to fight for their position and their race, not because it is Bavaria or Prussia; Saxony or Wurttemberg; Catholics or Protestants; workers or officials; tradesmen or professionals, and so on, are, but because they are all German! With this sense of the inseparable bond of mutual respect has grown. With this feeling of indivisible inter-dependency, mutual respect has grown. And out of this respect came an understanding, and after the understanding, the powerful force that moves us all.
We National Socialists, therefore, march into every election campaign, with only one commitment; to go back to work again the next day, for the reorganization of the body of our people. Not for the sake of a mandate or ministerial chairs we do we fight, but for the German people, whom we want reunite once again, and that we shall, into an inseparable community of destiny.
The Almighty, has allowed, thus far, for us in 13 years, to grow from of 7 men to 13 million, and we are confident, will further allow that one day, out of these 13 million, one German folk shall arise. For in this people we believe; for this people we are fighting; and for this nation, we stand at the ready when required, and like those thousands of comrades in front of us now, to sacrifice, with body and soul. If the nation is also ready to fulfil its duty, then a day shall surely come, on which will stand once more, a Reich, of honour and freedom, and of jobs and food!”
Source: German broadcast archives, Frankfurt
Translation: Justice for Germans
In closing I will add that, if anyone thinks that Germany today is a free country, that the occupation ended, that the FRG is legitimate and that the FRG / BRD government represents the will of the German people, you are sadly mistaken. It is all a façade and Germany today faces the “Zero Hour” within the EU. More to come on that!
Official German NSDAP Govt Booklet (1933) “The New Germany desires Work and Peace”
A Crime Against Humanity – The Allied Starvation of Millions of Germans
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