VFP Resolution to Impeach President Obama for War Crimes

To: VFP Members, VFP Chapter 136 – Central Florida
From: Phil Restino and Harold Saive, Chapter Co-Chairs, VFP Chapter 136 – Central Florida
RE: Full Disclosure & Transparency for VFP Members to consider before casting fully-informed vote on VFP Resolution 2014-05.Dear Brothers and Sisters:

vfp-phil-restino-mug-bWe are writing out of concern that the VFP voting process as it is in 2014 is not providing our membership information related to the Resolutions being voted on in a manner that represents full-disclosure and transparency so that the democratic process would allow for our members to make as fully-informed a decision as they could in casting their votes on this year’s VFP Resolutions.  That said we ask you to forward this email to each member of your chapter so that each can consider our “pro” statement/argument before casting his or her vote on VFP Resolution 2014-05, “2014 VFP Letter to Congress to initiate Impeachment Proceedings against President Obama for War Crimes as per passed VFP Res 2011-7″.

Listed below for VFP members’ consideration are (1) Complete text of VFP Resolution 2014-05, (2) Pro Statement for VFP Resolution 2014-05, (3) 8:43 minute audio detailing VFP’s vote to Impeach Obama for War Crimes and subsequent refusal by VFP’s National Leadership to issue VFP Letter to Congress as was done in 2005, (4) detailed article “Timeline to Veterans For Peace’s Vote to Impeach Obama (2009-2013)”, (5) Tom Santoni article “IMPEACH OBAMA!” from February 2, 2009, (6) 40-second video of VFP’s Mike Ferner announcing 2005 VFP Impeachment Letter to Congress, (7) 58-second video of VFP’s Mike Ferner’s “Responsibility, Duty to Impeach Criminal President” speech, (8) VFP’s “War Crimes are War Crimes: PROSECUTE BUSH IMPEACH OBAMA” 4.25″ x 11″ bumper stickers available upon request from VFP Chapter 136- Central Florida

Should you or any of your members have any further questions regarding Resolution 2014-05, please do not hesitate to contact Phil Restino at (386) 788-2918.  Thank you.

Peace everybody,

Phil Restino and Harold Saive, Chapter Co-Chairs, VFP Chapter 136 – Central Florida

(1) – 2014 VFP Letter to Congress to initiate Impeachment Proceedings against President Obama for War Crimes as per passed VFP Res 2011-7

Whereas, following the passage of resolution 2011-7 to impeach the current Democrat President Obama for War Crimes, the VFP National President wrote in an email to the resolution’s sponsors that he would issue a signed letter to members of the U.S. Congress regarding the passed  resolution 2011-7 as was done on 19 March 2005 following the passage of the 2004 resolution to impeach the former Republican President Bush, yet he later abdicated that duty to the unelected temporary VFP Executive Director who would do no more than send a fax of resolution 2011-7 itself with a one-sentence statement on a fax cover-page that the resolution was passed at the recent VFP national convention;

Therefore Be It Resolved, that no later than 3 weeks after passage of this resolution the current VFP National President (1) update the 19 March 2005 letter VFP sent to each member of the U.S. Congress calling on them to impeach the former Republican President Bush so as to reflect VFP’s passed resolution 2011-7 calling on the U.S. Congress to impeach the current Democrat President Obama and sign his name to it, (2) send a copy of the updated letter to each member of the U.S. Congress, and (3) make available for download as a document file on the VFP national website a copy of the updated letter to the U.S. Congress as was done in regards to the 2004 VFP passed resolution calling for the impeachment of the former Republican President Bush;

Be It Further Resolved, that to the extent that VFP’s national office is unable to carry out the work called for in fulfilling this resolution and/or fund its mailing to members of Congress, the sponsors of this resolution will perform the work and/or provide the funding required to fully implement the resolution.

(2) – Pro Statement – 2014 VFP Letter to Congress to initiate Impeachment Proceedings against President Obama for War Crimes as per passed VFP Res 2011-7

Prior to the vote at the 2011 convention, the chapter contacts listed for all of the VFP chapters were contacted by telephone, email and mail over a month’s period of time so that each chapter would be able to brief its respective membership and so that delegates attending the convention would be able to cast their vote on the impeachment resolution (Res 2011-7) based on the wishes of their respective chapters.  The resolution to impeach President Obama for war crimes passed by a vote of the delegates to the VFP national convention in August 2011 on its 3rd year in a row of being presented.

Upon passage of the resolution, VFP members expected to be provided the same tools to use for local individual and chapter action as was provided following the passage of prior resolution to impeach President Bush.  That tool consists of a simple update of the 19 March 2005 letter to each member of Congress signed by VFP’s national president already available to all members via the VFP website.  The update would be simply to change the name of the president from Bush to Obama and then name of the VFP president from Cline to the current VFP president, along with listing the additional war crimes cited in the 2011 impeachment resolution, and again be made available to all VFP members via the VFP website.

For three years since the passage of Res 2011-7, the national leadership of VFP has refused to provide its membership an updated version of the 19 March 2005 letter to Congress reflecting the 2011 impeachment resolution and thus has gone against the will of VFP’s membership to which it is supposed to serve.  As a result, Res 2014-5 is being presented to a vote of the general membership so as to upon passage require VFP’s national president to issue the updated letter to Congress and make the updated letter available as a download on the VFP website for any member or chapter of VFP who wishes to use it in their own local efforts, just as was done following the passage of the resolution to impeach President Bush.

Following another month-long campaign of calling and mailing the chapter contacts listed for all of the VFP chapters in the Fall of 2013, the following 13 VFP chapters voted on and passed as a chapter endorsement of the resolution now presented as 2014-5: VFP chapters 002, 003, 010, 014, 022, 026, 062, 109, 119, 136, 149, 151 and 154 with the rationale that those VFP members not wishing to pursue the impeachment resolution should not prevent VFP members who do wish to pursue the impeachment resolution from having the same standard of tools to do so as was provided by VFP’s national office following the passage of the prior resolution to impeach President Bush for the same war crimes.

We ask that you take the same democratic approach as the 13 chapters listed above have and vote yes on Res 2014-5.  For more on the history of the impeachment resolution, please review the article “Timeline to Veterans For Peace’s Vote to Impeach Obama (2009-2013)” posted on ActivistPost.com on line.

(3)VFP Calls to Impeach Obama for his War Crimes – (8:43 min)

(4)Timeline to Veterans For Peace’s Vote to Impeach Obama (2009-2013)

(5)IMPEACH OBAMA! by Tom Santoni

(6) – VFP’s Mike Ferner and 2005 Impeachment Flyer, Letter to Congress – (40 sec)

(7)VFP’s Mike Ferner – Responsibility, Duty to Impeach Criminal President – (58 sec)

Source Article from http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2014/11/10/vfp-resolution-to-impeach-president-obama-for-war-crimes/

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