Venus due to pass between Earth and Sun in rare astronomical event

The internet will be a hub of activity, with live video and pictures from an
armada of space- and ground-based observatories.

Even astronauts aboard the International Space Station are joining in the

“I’ve been planning this for a while,” space station flight
engineer Don Pettit said in a NASA interview. “I knew the transit of
Venus would occur during my rotation, so I brought a solar filter with me.”

It’s not all about pretty pictures. Several science experiments are planned,
including studies that should help in the search for habitable planets
beyond Earth.

Telescopes, such as NASA’s Kepler space telescope, are being used to find
so-called extra solar planets that pass in front of their parent stars, much
like Venus will pass by the sun. During the transit, astronomers will be
able to measure Venus’ thick atmosphere and use the data to develop
techniques for measuring atmospheres around other planets.

Studies of Venus’ atmosphere also could shed light on why Earth and Venus,
which are almost exactly the same size and orbit approximately the same
distance from the sun, ended up so different.

Venus has a chokingly dense atmosphere 100 times thicker than Earth’s that is
mostly carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas that heats up Venus’ surface to a
lead-melting 900 degrees Fahrenheit (482 degrees Celsius).

The weather is brutal, with towering clouds of sulphuric acid that jet around
the planet at 220mph, regularly dousing the planet with acid rain.

“A human being transported to this hellish environment would be crushed,
suffocate, desiccate, and possibly ignite,” wrote Tony Phillips, with

Scientists are interested in learning more about Venus’ climate in hopes of
understanding changes in Earth’s atmosphere.

During previous transits of Venus, scientists were able to figure out the size
of the solar system and the distance between the sun and the planets.

Tuesday’s transit is only the eighth since the invention of the telescope, and
it will be the last one until December 10-11, 2117. It also is the first to
take place with a spacecraft at Venus.

Observations from Europe’s Venus Express probe will be compared with those
made by several ground and space-based telescopes including Nasa’s Solar
Dynamics Observatory, the joint U.S.-European Solar and Heliospheric
Observatory and Japan’s Hinode spacecraft.

Armchair astronomers have rich choice of websites to monitor. Nasa’s
compilation will be at

Slooh Space Camera will broadcast 10 real-time feeds of the transit from solar
telescopes located in Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Hawaii, Norway,
Arizona, and New Mexico. The webcast at
begins at 6pm. EDT (2200 GMT).

Source: agencies

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