Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
July 14, 2012
The Pasteur Institute of Cambodia is claiming that they found enterovirus 71, or hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) in 15 of the 31 children sampled since June of this year.
Most of the infected children originated from the south of Cambodia. A “cluster” or specific area where the diseased are coming from has not been identified.
Nima Asgari, leader of the emerging diseases surveillance and response group at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Cambodia, said: “This information is valuable and will help the investigation tremendously.” Asgari has been overseeing the review process with the local Cambodian Ministry of Health (CMH).
The CMH admits that the assumed HFMD is actually a combination of pathogens and disease-causing micro-organisms. Among those is supposed to be HFMD. Enterovirus 71 is a neurological disease which can cause bacterial meningitis in people who have been exposed to dengue, which is transmitted by mosquitoes.
WHO has been investigating the cause of death in initial findings of 78 cases of supposed HFMD wherein children were hospitalized at Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospital. In an experimental advantage of a terrible situation, WHO reports that most of the dying children “had been treated with steroids at some point during their illness” and that “steroid use has been shown to worsen the condition.”
The results of the investigation are being held by WHO in secret because they claim they need to keep sources involved anonymous.
The hospitals, doctors and healthcare staff in the area have been directed to report any other cases of HFMD. WHO has begun a tight surveillance of the areas purported to be infected, so that they can contain the damage caused while they anticipate more children to come forth as infected in the coming months.
Dr. Amaud Tarantola, chief of epidemiology and public health at the Pasteur Institute of Cambodia, suspects that this “epidemic” may be something that has “mutated, or changed in a way that it causes more severe disease? Or is it something completely new?”
Other doctors within the Pasteur Institute are only concerned with discovering “how long the virus has been circulating?”
WHO has also begun a training course to make sure that doctors and healthcare providers respond as the UN organization wants them to.
Beat Richner, head of the hospital stated: “We have now to see what really is causing the deadly pulmonary complication and see if a toxic factor is playing a role, too.”
Sixty-four of the 66 children have died. They all displayed strikingly similar symptoms, including high fever, difficulty breathing, neurological problems and intense deterioration of the respiratory functions. Their cause of death was “a total destruction of the alveolus in the lungs.”
The journal Genetic Vaccines and Therapy contests that mild cases of HFMD can cause flu-like symptoms, diarrhea and sores on the hands, feet and mouth. The severe cases display fluid accumulation in the brain resulting in polio-like paralysis and death.
Surprisingly, in April of this year, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) were in New Dehli, India with WHO administering polio vaccines when an outbreak of non-polio acute-flaccid paralysis developed after India had declared itself polio-free.
Going farther back in time, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) were blamed for deaths in Pakistan when they came in and administered polio vaccines that resulted in casualties. It was found out through an investigation, that GAVI was using an untested vaccine; giving this dangerous vaccine to Pakistani children shows the lack of empathy associated with these organizations.
In 2011, the Cambodian government launched Measles Immunization Campaign wherein more than 1,500,000 children were expected to be vaccinated. Dr. Pieter van Maaren of WHO supported the campaign for giving so many children the MMR vaccine in one fail swoop.
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations tested a needle-free injection device in Cambodia to administer polio vaccines to Cambodians. The disposable syringe jet injector (DSJI) uses high pressure to push the vaccine through the skin. This new technology has made the dispensing of polio vaccines more prevalent in under-developed nations for organizations like BMGF, GAVI and WHO.
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