The Bull S#it coming out of the Pie Holes of several USA High Court minions is either the fault of the Zionist Zombie Virus having eaten their souls and brains, or they are purposely trying to force on Americans killer jabs which are not vaccines, not approved even by the whored out FDA, a violation of the Nuremberg Code against experimenting on humans without their complete knowledge of all aspects of the experiment and being COMPLETELY VOLUNTARILY participated in.
These Non “vaccines” for a not Scientifically proved to exist virus admitted to by their own Big Pharma Criminal Manufactures to not stop the spread of the not proved to exist “virus”, to not keep one from dying of the not proved to exist “virus” to not keep the recipient of the killer jabs from contacting the not proved to exist “virus”, but make vague claims of making the symptoms of the not proved to exist “virus” “milder” when Killer Jabbed sheep contact the not proved to exist “virus”.
One of the Axioms of Law is Ignorance of the violation of the Law, Code or Rule does not excuse the one violating said Law, Code or Rule from Full prosecution for said violation and provides no defense against prosecution for the violation of said Law, Code or Rule.
These “justices” are assisting in Mass murder Via violation of the Nuremberg Code whether they know they are or not.
As such they should stand before a Common Law Nuremberg Tribunal.
They will Damn Well Stand Tall before God’s Supreme Court for the evil acts and making water on Humanity!
The Ole Dog!
“The SCOTUS decision at the end of the month will be huge.
According to Katie Pavlich at, the first day of oral arguments on Biden’s vaccine mandates was “a total disaster,” with several of the justices exhibiting a level of cluelessness that was astonishing.
Many Supreme Court Justices have falsely stated today that the Wuhan coronavirus vaccine “prevents disease” and transmission in the work place. This is absolutely false and highly alarming they’re using that point as fact to make their decision.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) January 7, 2022
I strongly suspect two of the three justices put on the Court by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell were placed there for exactly this purpose – to force experimental gene-therapy shots on the American people.”
Over the last several months, many Christians who deal in the prophetic have been hearing a particular sequence of words in their quiet time – often in dreams – which they believe is from God: “Brace yourself for impact.”
I’ve heard it from more than one person and if you search online you will see others who claim to have heard this same message from God.
I don’t pretend to be a prophet and don’t know for certain what this means. I can only take it at face value: Brace yourself. Something impactful is about to happen.
It could be something literally impactful, like a bomb, an asteroid, a tsunami or some other natural force suddenly crashing into the earth. Or, it could be something impactful in the political realm that forces dramatic changes in our way of life.
What, for instance, would happen if the U.S. Supreme Court gives its stamp of approval to Biden’s illegal, unconstitutional mandates?
The Supreme Court is a wild card that must be considered.
According to Katie Pavlich at, the first day of oral arguments on Biden’s vaccine mandates was “a total disaster,” with several of the justices exhibiting a level of cluelessness that was astonishing.
I strongly suspect two of the three justices put on the Court by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell are imposters who were placed there for exactly this purpose – to force experimental gene-therapy shots on the American people.
I’m talking about Amy Coney Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh. I hope I am wrong but I believe at least one of them, possibly both, will vote along with the other liberals to grant the Court’s approval of the illegal, unconstitutional, anti-American, anti-God, anti-human Biden shot mandates.
Only justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch can be counted on to stand against this evil. I expect a 5-4 or 6-3 decision to empower the federal government to force all employers – they won’t just stop at companies with 100 or more employees – to fire unjabbed workers or be bankrupted by massive fines.
This will absolutely crush what’s left of an already fragile supply chain.
If Pandora’s box is opened by a reckless Supreme Court decision, all of the major trucking companies will fire drivers who refuse the jab. This will encompass at least 30 percent of the nation’s overall trucking cohort.
Chris Spear, president of American Trucking Associations, told members of Congress in November that he warned the Biden administration: If they follow through on his vax mandate it will bring down the supply chain.
America already has a shortage of more than 80,000 truckers compared to pre-pandemic levels. Spear said that if Biden’s vaccine mandate is enforced, the industry will lose 37 percent of its truckers, or 2.5 million drivers, according to an ATA survey.
The survey “came back as 37 percent of drivers not only said ‘no,’ but ‘hell no,’” Spear testified.
Spear said the current struggling supply chain could not survive if even 10 percent of the current trucking force walks off the job.
So imagine if anywhere near 37 percent calls it quits. Watch Spear’s warning below.
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